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Peter Reynolds has written 97 work(s)
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Cover for 9780399172588 Cover for 9780763648558 Cover for 9781522655893 Cover for 9781522655909 Cover for 9780763628338 Cover for 9780763648565 Cover for 9780606013130 Cover for 9780606123525 Cover for 9780415091022 Cover for 9780415826358 Cover for 9780415091039 Cover for 9781138977310 Cover for 9780763676780 Cover for 9780763664749 Cover for 9780606368599 Cover for 9781494883898 Cover for 9781492327462 Cover for 9780763634513 Cover for 9780606320993 Cover for 9780763656928 Cover for 9780606315869 Cover for 9780606315890 Cover for 9781417808786 Cover for 9780763636692 Cover for 9780763628345 Cover for 9780606315890 Cover for 9780763628352 Cover for 9780606315906 Cover for 9781599616841 Cover for 9780606315883 Cover for 9780763642341 Cover for 9781599616834 Cover for 9780606028844 Cover for 9780606315906 Cover for 9780763660635 Cover for 9780763659417 Cover for 9781614350774 Cover for 9780763657109 Cover for 9780763657116 Cover for 9781616058555 Cover for 9780606238359 Cover for 9780763639631 Cover for 9781599611952 Cover for 9780606067522 Cover for 9780205270873 Cover for 9780763654115 Cover for 9780763654092 Cover for 9780763657406 Cover for 9780763643492 Cover for 9780763634506 Cover for 9780606216920 Cover for 9780763657079 Cover for 9781616051372
cover image for 9780399172588

School and Library:

9780399172588 | Putnam Pub Group, September 13, 2016, cover price $17.99

cover image for 9781522655909


9780763648558 | Reissue edition (Candlewick Pr, January 26, 2010), cover price $5.99

CD/Spoken Word:

9781522655893 | Unabridged edition (Candlewick Pr, August 2, 2016), cover price $19.99 | also contains Judy Moody Goes to College
9781522655909 | Mp3 una edition (Candlewick Pr, August 2, 2016), cover price $14.99 | also contains Judy Moody Goes to College

School and Library:

9780763648565 | 1 reissue edition (Candlewick Pr, February 9, 2010), cover price $15.99
9780763628338 | Candlewick Pr, July 29, 2008, cover price $15.99


9780606123525 | Reissue edition (Turtleback Books, February 9, 2010), cover price $16.00
9780606013130 | Turtleback Books, April 14, 2009, cover price $16.00

cover image for 9781138977310
Animated images of literature are seldom ideologically neutral; inevitably they present a specific political or cultural agenda and are designed to encourage a particular set of responses. Yet rarely are we aware of these hidden systems of meaning. Written specifically with the student in mind and focusing on a number of well-known texts, including "Les Liaisons Dangereuses", "Nicholas Nickleby", "Nice Work", and "The Color Purple", the contributors to this book demonstrate how we can look critically at literary adaptations and learn to distinguish between mythical images and the reality of the processes that constructed them. Adaptations must not be marginalized; they argue that through them we can enter into an exciting debate with the literary text itself. "Novel Images" is aimed at all teachers and students of literature, film, theatre, and television as well as cultural studies specialists.
By Peter Reynolds (editor)


9780415826358 | Taylor & Francis, April 17, 2013, cover price $140.00
9780415091022 | Routledge, August 1, 1993, cover price $70.00 | About this edition: Animated images of literature are seldom ideologically neutral; inevitably they present a specific political or cultural agenda and are designed to encourage a particular set of responses.


9781138977310 | Routledge, February 29, 2016, cover price $47.95
9780415091039 | Routledge, August 1, 1993, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Animated images of literature are seldom ideologically neutral; inevitably they present a specific political or cultural agenda and are designed to encourage a particular set of responses.

cover image for 9780763676780
By Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763676780 | Reprint edition (Candlewick Pr, February 10, 2015), cover price $4.99

School and Library:

9780763664749 | Candlewick Pr, February 11, 2014, cover price $12.99


9780606368599 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, February 10, 2015), cover price $14.75

cover image for 9781494883898


9781494883898 | Createspace Independent Pub, January 4, 2014, cover price $9.99

cover image for 9780606320993

School and Library:

9780763634513 | Candlewick Pr, August 14, 2012, cover price $15.99


9780606320993 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, August 6, 2013), cover price $16.00 | also contains Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm, Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm

cover image for 9780606315869

School and Library:

9780763656928 | Candlewick Pr, March 13, 2012, cover price $12.99


9780606315869 | Turtleback Books, February 12, 2013, cover price $14.75 | also contains Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk, Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk

cover image for 9780606315890
Product Description: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.


9780606315890 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, February 12, 2013), cover price $14.75 | also contains Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers, Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers, Stink and the World's Worst Super-stinky Sneakers | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.
9781417808786 | Turtleback Books, February 12, 2008, cover price $14.75

cover image for 9780606315890
Product Description: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.


9780763636692 | Reprint edition (Candlewick Pr, February 28, 2008), cover price $4.99 | About this edition: A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.

School and Library:

9780763628345 | Candlewick Pr, February 16, 2007, cover price $12.99 | About this edition: A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.


9780606315890 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, February 12, 2013), cover price $14.75 | also contains Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers, Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers, Stink and the World's Worst Super-stinky Sneakers | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.

cover image for 9780606315906
Product Description: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs. Birdwistle visit tourist attractions in Virginia as they try to give away 101 guinea pigs rescued from a laboratory, although Stink is very reluctant to give away his favorite, Astro.

School and Library:

9780763628352 | Candlewick Pr, March 11, 2008, cover price $12.99 | About this edition: Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs.


9780606315906 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, February 12, 2013), cover price $14.75 | also contains Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express, Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.

cover image for 9780606315906
Product Description: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs. Birdwistle visit tourist attractions in Virginia as they try to give away 101 guinea pigs rescued from a laboratory, although Stink is very reluctant to give away his favorite, Astro.


9780763642341 | Reprint edition (Candlewick Pr, February 10, 2009), cover price $4.99


9781599616834 | Reprint edition (Abdo Pub Co, January 1, 2010), cover price $24.21


9780606315906 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, February 12, 2013), cover price $14.75 | also contains Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express, Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.
9780606028844 | 1 edition (Turtleback Books, February 10, 2009), cover price $14.75

cover image for 9780763660635
By Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763660635 | Slp rep edition (Candlewick Pr, September 25, 2012), cover price $14.97

cover image for 9780763659417
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763659417, titled "Judy Moody's Mini Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super-Sleuths" | Original edition (Candlewick Pr, August 14, 2012), cover price $4.99

cover image for 9781614350774
Product Description: Basado en la película Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, producida por Smokewood Entertainment, dirigida por John Schultz, con secuencias animadas de ReelFX y guion de Kathy Waugh y Megan McDonald.No es lo suficiente malo que, en plenas vacaciones, mama y papa decidan irse de viaje a California y dejar, en casa a Judy y a Stink al cuidado de la tia more
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9781614350774 | Italian edition edition (Alfaguara Infantil, June 30, 2012), cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Basado en la película Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, producida por Smokewood Entertainment, dirigida por John Schultz, con secuencias animadas de ReelFX y guion de Kathy Waugh y Megan McDonald.

cover image for 9780763657109
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763657109 | Candlewick Pr, April 10, 2012, cover price $5.99

School and Library:

9780763657116 | Ill edition (Candlewick Pr, April 10, 2012), cover price $15.99

cover image for 9781616058555
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9781616058555 | Italian edition edition (Alfaguara Infantil, February 15, 2012), cover price $7.95


9780606238359 | Italian edition edition (Turtleback Books, November 30, 2011), cover price $18.40

cover image for 9781599611952
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763639631, titled "Stink-o-pedia: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Zzzzz: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Zzzzz" | Candlewick Pr, January 23, 2009, cover price $5.99


9781599611952, titled "Stink-o-pedia: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Zzzzz: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Zzzzz" | Abdo Pub Co, January 1, 2012, cover price $24.21


9780606067522, titled "Stink-o-pedia: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Zzzzz: Super Stink-y Stuff from a to Z" | 1 edition (Turtleback Books, February 10, 2009), cover price $16.00

cover image for 9780763654115
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763654115, titled "The Judy Moody Uber-awesome Collection: Books 1-9" | Box edition (Candlewick Pr, September 27, 2011), cover price $48.00
9780205270873, titled "Helping Children Learn Mathematics" | 5th edition (Allyn & Bacon, September 1, 1997), cover price $55.40 | also contains Helping Children Learn Mathematics

cover image for 9780763654092
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763654092, titled "The Judy Moody Double-rare Collection: Books 4 - 6" | Box edition (Candlewick Pr, September 27, 2011), cover price $17.97

cover image for 9780763657406
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763657406 | Candlewick Pr, August 9, 2011, cover price $8.99

cover image for 9780763643492
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763643492 | Candlewick Pr, August 9, 2011, cover price $5.99

School and Library:

9780763634506 | Candlewick Pr, August 10, 2010, cover price $15.99


9780606216920 | Turtleback Books, August 9, 2011, cover price $16.00

cover image for 9780763657079
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9780763657079 | Act clr cs edition (Candlewick Pr, April 12, 2011), cover price $3.99

cover image for 9781616051372
By Megan McDonald and Peter Reynolds (illustrator)


9781616051372, titled "La loca, loca busqueda del tesoro / The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt: La Loca, Loca Busqueda Del Tesoro / the Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt" | Italian edition edition (Alfaguara Infantil, February 25, 2011), cover price $14.95

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