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Gene R. Quinn, M. D. has written 2 work(s)
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Product Description: CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guide, 2nd EditionThe ultimate case-based study guide based on the most popular annual resource in internal medicine―now updated CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guide facilitates your analysis of test cases and enhances your recall of internal medicine topics, making it invaluable preparation for any internal medicine more
9781259640889, titled "Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment: Includes Flashcards" | 2 pck flc edition (McGraw-Hill, January 11, 2016), cover price $80.00 | About this edition: CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guide, 2nd EditionThe ultimate case-based study guide based on the most popular annual resource in internal medicine―now updated CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guide facilitates your analysis of test cases and enhances your recall of internal medicine topics, making it invaluable preparation for any internal medicine examination.
9780071848053 | 2 stg edition (McGraw-Hill, December 11, 2015), cover price $55.00
9780071848022 | 2 box flc edition (McGraw-Hill, December 3, 2015), cover price $45.00
9780071800389 | 1 flc crds edition (McGraw-Hill Professional Pub, September 27, 2013), cover price $50.00
9780071799775 | 1 stg edition (McGraw-Hill, September 10, 2013), cover price $57.00
9780071826037, titled "Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, 2014" | 53 pck stg edition (McGraw-Hill, November 19, 2013), cover price $100.00
9780071824392 | 53 pck flc edition (McGraw-Hill, November 19, 2013), cover price $135.00
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