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Jack W. Plunkett has written 422 work(s)
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Cover for 9780809254071 Cover for 9780963826817 Cover for 9780963826824 Cover for 9780963826848 Cover for 9780963826855 Cover for 9780963826879 Cover for 9780963826862 Cover for 9781891775000 Cover for 9780963826886 Cover for 9781891775024 Cover for 9781891775017 Cover for 9781891775048 Cover for 9781891775055 Cover for 9781891775031 Cover for 9781891775086 Cover for 9781891775116 Cover for 9781891775062 Cover for 9781891775123 Cover for 9781891775147 Cover for 9781891775130 Cover for 9781891775109
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Ranks salaries, benefits--stock plans, savings plans, profit sharing, and medical/dental plans--financial stability, and chances for upward mobility within the organizational structure


9780809254071 | Contemporary Books, July 1, 1985, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: Ranks salaries, benefits--stock plans, savings plans, profit sharing, and medical/dental plans--financial stability, and chances for upward mobility within the organizational structure


9780963826800 | Revised edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, February 1, 1994), cover price $110.00

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9780963826817, titled "Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac" | Plunkett Research Ltd, May 1, 1995, cover price $125.00

cover image for 9780963826824
Product Description: Book by Plunkett, Jack W.


9780963826824 | Plunkett Research Ltd, January 1, 1996, cover price $125.00 | About this edition: Book by Plunkett, Jack W.

By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781571140081 | Corp Technology Info Services, February 1, 1996, cover price $125.00

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By Nancy Brown (editor), Jack W. Plunkett (editor) and Ltd Plunkett Research (corporate author)


9780963826862 | Plunkett Research Ltd, February 1, 1998, cover price $149.99

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Product Description: Fully updated for the job seeker and researcher. Includes salaries, benefits, corporate culture, special hiring/training programs, women and minorities in top posts, contact names. Profiles of The American Employers 500 Firms.


9780963826893 | Plunkett Research Ltd, July 1, 1998, cover price $149.99 | About this edition: Fully updated for the job seeker and researcher.

cover image for 9781891775000
Product Description: In-depth analysis of the InfoTech Revolution. Profiles of The InfoTech 500 Firms in computers, software, telecom, on-line services, information management, systems integration, networking and more. Contains chapters on trends, technology and finances.


9781891775000 | Plunkett Research Ltd, September 1, 1998, cover price $149.99 | About this edition: In-depth analysis of the InfoTech Revolution.

cover image for 9780963826886
Product Description: This exciting new book covers everything from major oil companies to electric and gas utilities, plus gas pipelines, refiners/retailers, oil field services, co-generation, engineering and alternative energy. Extensive use of tables and charts to draw detailed pictures of the state of the national and global oil and gas more


9780963826886 | Plunkett Research Ltd, December 1, 1998, cover price $149.99 | About this edition: This exciting new book covers everything from major oil companies to electric and gas utilities, plus gas pipelines, refiners/retailers, oil field services, co-generation, engineering and alternative energy.

cover image for 9781891775024
Product Description: Profiles of 500 rapidly growing mid-size firms, from 300 to 2,500 employees in size. Designed to be used in conjunction with the main volume of The Almanac of American Employers.
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781891775024 | Plunkett Research Ltd, December 1, 1998, cover price $149.99 | About this edition: Profiles of 500 rapidly growing mid-size firms, from 300 to 2,500 employees in size.

cover image for 9781891775017
Product Description: Profiles hundreds of Internet sites operated directly by major employers. Job seekers can locate Web sites with job openings, salaries/benefits information, and the ability to apply on-line. Saves countless hours of research. Special features include indexes of sites with international posts, internships, jobs for physically challenged, and indexes by type of more


9781891775017 | Pap/dskt edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, January 1, 1999), cover price $149.99 | About this edition: Profiles hundreds of Internet sites operated directly by major employers.

cover image for 9781891775048
Product Description: Gives complete access to data on national health care statistics, Medicare and Medicaid, research and technology, HMOs and hospital utilization, careers and job opportunities, and forecasts and trends. Also contains one page profiles on each of the leading "Health Care 500" companies (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, hospitals, insurance/HMOs, care providers, diagnostics, and instruments) that provide ranks and ratings, types of business, contact names, E-mail, phone, fax and website, salaries/benefits, competitive advantage, and growth plans/special more


9781891775048 | Plunkett Research Ltd, May 1, 1999, cover price $179.99 | About this edition: Gives complete access to data on national health care statistics, Medicare and Medicaid, research and technology, HMOs and hospital utilization, careers and job opportunities, and forecasts and trends.

cover image for 9781891775055
Product Description: Thorough analysis of trends, careers, suppliers, finances. Details on the booming Internet-based retailing business. Profiles of the leading, fastest-growing retailers of all types.


9781891775055 | Plunkett Research Ltd, June 1, 1999, cover price $179.99 | About this edition: Thorough analysis of trends, careers, suppliers, finances.

cover image for 9781891775031
Product Description: Profiles of 500 leading corporations in banking, insurance, mortgages, online finance, credit cads, investments, stocks.


9781891775031 | Plunkett Research Ltd, December 1, 1999, cover price $179.99 | About this edition: Profiles of 500 leading corporations in banking, insurance, mortgages, online finance, credit cads, investments, stocks.

A book/disk directory profiling Web sites for investors and financial professionals looking for data on finance, investments, economic and industry research, and trading. Entries on Web sites contain contact information. ratings on general usefulness and for different types of investors and professionals, and summaries of data contained in the Web site. Comments give special recommendations, advice for use in personal finance, information on access and fees, and recommendations for use by specialty occupations including real estate, banking, and economics professionals. The accompanying disk contains a special version of the database that was used to create the printed book. Plunkett is affiliated with Plunkett Research, Ltd.


9781891775086 | Pap/dskt edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, January 1, 2000), cover price $149.99 | About this edition: A book/disk directory profiling Web sites for investors and financial professionals looking for data on finance, investments, economic and industry research, and trading.


9781891775482 | Plunkett Research Ltd, January 30, 2000, cover price $149.99

cover image for 9781891775116
Product Description: Offers tens of thousands of pieces of valuable information on e-commerce. Contact names, phone numbers, web addresses, physical addresses, financials & much much more have been gathered from a wide variety of sources, this information has been researched & presented in a unique form that can be easily understood by readers who have little or no business more
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781891775116 | Bk&cd-rom edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, March 1, 2000), cover price $199.99 | About this edition: Offers tens of thousands of pieces of valuable information on e-commerce.

Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac is the only complete reference guide to the telecommunications technologies and companies that are changing the way the world communicates today. This massive reference book’s market research section provides complete access to the U.S. telecommunications and communications industry. This section includes 19 major statistical tables covering everything from the world’s top fixed line and wireless service providers, to the number of telephone subscribers worldwide, to Telecommunications Equipment Estimates and Forecasts. Finally, in this massive, carefully-researched 652 page volume, you will receive an abundance of data on: national and global telecommunications statistics, new telecommunications technology, telecommunications market forecasts, telecommunications trends and leading telecommunications companies. In the corporate profiles section, you’ll receive vital details on the "Telecommunications 400 Firms," the largest, most successful corporations in all facets of the telecommunications business. These in-depth profiles include corporate name, address, phone, fax, web site, growth plans, competitive advantage, financial histories and up to 24 executive contacts by title. You will also find information regarding local exchange and long distance telephone service markets and trends, wireless, cellular and PCS telephone markets and trends, satellite telecommunications markets and trends, telephone industry equipment, software and support. Telecommunications is one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic industries in the world today. Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac will be your guide to this incredible, rapidly-changing business. Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version may receive a free CD-ROM database of the corporate profiles, enabling export of vital corporate data for mail merge and other uses.


9781891775062 | Pap/cdr edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, May 1, 2000), cover price $179.99 | About this edition: Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac is the only complete reference guide to the telecommunications technologies and companies that are changing the way the world communicates today.


9781891775680 | Plunkett Research Ltd, June 1, 2000, cover price $179.99

cover image for 9781891775123
Product Description: Looking for jobs & careers with top American employers? Companies that are recruiting & hiring today? Do you want employment with top salaries, benefits, stock options & advancement opportunities? The Almanac of American Employers, leads job seekers doing employment research to the 500 best, largest, most successful companies that are hiring in more
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781891775123 | Pap/cdr edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, July 1, 2000), cover price $179.99 | About this edition: Looking for jobs & careers with top American employers?

cover image for 9781891775147
Product Description: The electronic age is bringing sweeping changes to entertainment and media of all kinds, including publishing, broadcasting and film. Multimedia, the Internet and other new media outlets for entertainment and information are being refined at a rapid more
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781891775147 | Bk&cd-rom edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, August 1, 2000), cover price $179.99 | About this edition: The electronic age is bringing sweeping changes to entertainment and media of all kinds, including publishing, broadcasting and film.

cover image for 9781891775130
Product Description: As an easy reference guide for job seekers & researchers, this fully revised & updated volume offers profiles of rapidly-growing mid-size employers of 300 to 2,499 employees. These are highly-successful mid-size companies that are of vital importance for job seekers of all more
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor)


9781891775130 | Pap/cdr edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, August 1, 2000), cover price $149.99 | About this edition: As an easy reference guide for job seekers & researchers, this fully revised & updated volume offers profiles of rapidly-growing mid-size employers of 300 to 2,499 employees.

cover image for 9781891775109
Product Description: This reference book is a complete guide to the trends and leading companies in the Engineering and Research business fields: those firms that are dominant in engineering-based design and development, as well leaders in technology-based research and more
By Jack W. Plunkett (editor) and Ltd Plunkett Research (corporate author)


9781891775109 | Pap/cdr edition (Plunkett Research Ltd, November 1, 2000), cover price $179.99 | About this edition: This reference book is a complete guide to the trends and leading companies in the Engineering and Research business fields: those firms that are dominant in engineering-based design and development, as well leaders in technology-based research and development.

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