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Richard Overy has written 58 work(s)
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Cover for 9780316393966 Cover for 9781138124110 Cover for 9781138137936 Cover for 9781138963252 Cover for 9781138124134 Cover for 9781138835214 Cover for 9781138963269 Cover for 9781405824699 Cover for 9781848318380 Cover for 9780233004501 Cover for 9780199390717 Cover for 9780007452514 Cover for 9780233004525 Cover for 9780199605828 Cover for 9781623654566 Cover for 9780387537870 Cover for 9780670025152 Cover for 9780143126249 Cover for 9780373334551 Cover for 9780143126249 Cover for 9780373334551 Cover for 9781579129446 Cover for 9780713995619 Cover for 9781848326484 Cover for 9781848859326 Cover for 9780143120063 Cover for 9781400118670 Cover for 9781400168675 Cover for 9781847328533 Cover for 9781441192547 Cover for 9781441185686 Cover for 9788483832837 Cover for 9788483832561 Cover for 9780670021130 Cover for 9780007315697 Cover for 9781400148677 Cover for 9781847326287
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By Tom Brokaw (foreword by), New York Times Company (corporate author) and Richard Overy (editor)


9780316393966 | Black Dog & Leventhal Pub, September 20, 2016, cover price $24.99

cover image for 9781138124110
Product Description: The Inter-War Crisis is a concise yet analytical overview of the rapidly-changing world between 1918 and 1939, covering the political, economic and social instability that resulted from the First World War and the eventual descent towards the fresh upheaval of the Second World more


9781138124110 | 3 revised edition (Routledge, August 2, 2016), cover price $145.00 | About this edition: The Inter-War Crisis is a concise yet analytical overview of the rapidly-changing world between 1918 and 1939, covering the political, economic and social instability that resulted from the First World War and the eventual descent towards the fresh upheaval of the Second World War.
9781138137936 | 2 revised edition (Routledge, January 29, 2016), cover price $165.00


9781138963252 | 3 revised edition (Routledge, August 2, 2016), cover price $39.95

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The book explores the reasons why the Second World War broke out in September 1939 and not sooner, and why a European war expanded into world war by 1941. The war has usually been seen simply as Hitler’s war and yet the wider conflict that broke out when Germany invaded Poland was not the war that Hitler wanted. He had hoped for a short war against Poland; instead, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Richard Overy argues that any explanation of the outbreak of hostilities must therefore be multi-national and he shows how the war’s origins are to be found in the basic instability of the international system that was brought about by the decline of the old empires of Britain and France and the rise of ambitious new powers, Italy, Germany and Japan, keen to build new empires of their own.


9781138124134 | 4 revised edition (Routledge, June 24, 2016), cover price $145.00
9781138835214 | 3 reprint edition (Routledge, December 22, 2014), cover price $140.00 | About this edition: The book explores the reasons why the Second World War broke out in September 1939 and not sooner, and why a European war expanded into world war by 1941.


9781138963269 | 4 revised edition (Routledge, June 24, 2016), cover price $39.95
9781405824699 | 3 edition (Taylor & Francis, July 11, 2008), cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781848318380
Product Description: And Some Fell on Stony Ground is a short story by Leslie Mann, published in association with the Imperial War Museums. A rear gunner in the RAF, he was shot down in Whitley Bomber in a raid over Düsseldorf on June 20, 1941.After the war, in addition to working for Pathé News and as an international war correspondent, he chronicled his experiences as an RAF "Bomber Boy" in a fictional more
By Leslie Mann and Richard Overy (introduced by)


9781848318380 | Icon Books, October 20, 2015, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: And Some Fell on Stony Ground is a short story by Leslie Mann, published in association with the Imperial War Museums.

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9780199390717 | Oxford Univ Pr, November 3, 2014, cover price $34.95


9780007452514 | Harpercollins Pub Ltd, August 27, 2015, cover price $16.10

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Product Description: On June 18, 1940, Churchill declared in the House of Commons: "The Battle of France is over. . . the Battle for Britain is about to begin." With the fall of France, Great Britain was Hitler's last remaining stepping-stone to European more


9780233004525 | Andre Deutsch Ltd, August 1, 2015, cover price $49.95 | About this edition: On June 18, 1940, Churchill declared in the House of Commons: "The Battle of France is over.

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9780387537870, titled "Differential Games: Developments in Modelling and Computation : Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications" | Springer Verlag, July 1, 1991, cover price $48.00 | also contains Differential Games: Developments in Modelling and Computation : Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications

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9780670025152 | Viking Pr, February 20, 2014, cover price $36.00


9780143126249, titled "The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe, 1940-1945" | Reprint edition (Penguin USA, April 28, 2015), cover price $18.00 | also contains The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe 1940-1945
9780373334551, titled "La Otra / The Other: Null" | Harlequin Books, May 1, 1998, cover price $3.50 | also contains LA Otra, The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe 1940-1945

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9780143126249, titled "The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe, 1940-1945" | Reprint edition (Penguin USA, April 28, 2015), cover price $18.00 | also contains The Bombers and The Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe 1940-1945
9780373334551, titled "La Otra / The Other: Null" | Harlequin Books, May 1, 1998, cover price $3.50 | also contains LA Otra, The Bombers and The Bombed: Allied Air War over Europe 1940-1945

cover image for 9780713995619
Product Description: The ultimate history of the Blitz and bombing in the Second World War, from Wolfson Prize-winning historian and author Richard Overy The use of massive fleets of bombers to kill and terrorize civilians was an aspect of the Second World War which continues to challenge the idea that Allies specifically fought a 'moral' more


9780713995619 | Gardners Books, September 26, 2013, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: The ultimate history of the Blitz and bombing in the Second World War, from Wolfson Prize-winning historian and author Richard Overy The use of massive fleets of bombers to kill and terrorize civilians was an aspect of the Second World War which continues to challenge the idea that Allies specifically fought a 'moral' war.

cover image for 9781848326484
Product Description: Heinz Knoke was one of the outstanding German fighter pilots of World War II and this vivid first-hand record of his experiences has become a classic among aviation memoirs, a best-selling counter-balance to the numerous accounts written by Allied more
By Heinz Knoke and Richard Overy (introduced by)


9781848326484 | Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc, March 19, 2012, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Heinz Knoke was one of the outstanding German fighter pilots of World War II and this vivid first-hand record of his experiences has become a classic among aviation memoirs, a best-selling counter-balance to the numerous accounts written by Allied pilots.

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9781848859326 | New edition (Tauris Parke Paperbacks, January 31, 2012), cover price $18.00

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9780143120063 | Reprint edition (Penguin USA, September 27, 2011), cover price $15.00

CD/Spoken Word:

9781400118670 | Unabridged edition (Tantor Media Inc, September 23, 2010), cover price $24.99
9781400168675 | Mp3 una edition (Tantor Media Inc, September 23, 2010), cover price $19.99

cover image for 9781847328533
Product Description: Endorsed by, and including rare facsimile memorabilia from, the Imperial War Museum, one of the world's biggest museums specializing in 20th-century military conflictWritten by leading historian Richard Overy, Britain at War transports the reader right back into the heart of the more


9781847328533 | Carlton Books Ltd, September 1, 2011, cover price $49.95 | About this edition: Endorsed by, and including rare facsimile memorabilia from, the Imperial War Museum, one of the world's biggest museums specializing in 20th-century military conflictWritten by leading historian Richard Overy, Britain at War transports the reader right back into the heart of the action.

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By Claudia Baldoli (editor), Andrew Knapp (editor) and Richard Overy (editor)


9781441192547 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, September 1, 2011, cover price $130.00


9781441185686 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, September 1, 2011, cover price $39.95

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Product Description: Las dictaduras de Hitler y Stalin, los dos regimentes mas letales de la historia, protagonizaron la guerra mas devastadora que jamas haya conocido la humanidad. Multiples paralelismos y semejanzas se han establecido entre nazismo y comunismo: el culto enfermizo al lider, las promesas de un futuro utopico, el terror como arma politica y la absoluta negacion de las libertades y derechos more


9788483832837 | Tusquets Editor, January 15, 2011, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Las dictaduras de Hitler y Stalin, los dos regimentes mas letales de la historia, protagonizaron la guerra mas devastadora que jamas haya conocido la humanidad.

cover image for 9788483832561
Product Description: En esta obra, el historiador Richard Overy reconstruye la terrible guerra de nervios entablada en los dias que precedieron al estallido de la I Guerra Mundial, caracterizados por las amenazas entre gobiernos, el juego estrategico de adivinar hasta donde seria capaz de llegar el contrario y la creciente sospecha de que el mundo, al borde del abismo, afrontaba uno de sus peores more


9788483832561 | Italian edition edition (Tusquets Editor, December 15, 2010), cover price $17.95 | About this edition: En esta obra, el historiador Richard Overy reconstruye la terrible guerra de nervios entablada en los dias que precedieron al estallido de la I Guerra Mundial, caracterizados por las amenazas entre gobiernos, el juego estrategico de adivinar hasta donde seria capaz de llegar el contrario y la creciente sospecha de que el mundo, al borde del abismo, afrontaba uno de sus peores momentos.

cover image for 9780007315697
Product Description: The ultimate work of historical reference From cavemen to the Cold War, from Alexander the Great to global warming, from warfare through the ages to the great voyages of exploration, The Times Complete History of the World is the book that has all the more
By Richard Overy (editor)


9780007315697 | 8 slp edition (Harpercollins Pub Ltd, September 30, 2010), cover price $121.90 | About this edition: The ultimate work of historical reference From cavemen to the Cold War, from Alexander the Great to global warming, from warfare through the ages to the great voyages of exploration, The Times Complete History of the World is the book that has all the answers.

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By Richard Overy and Simon Prebble (narrator)

CD/Spoken Word:

9781400148677 | Unabridged edition (Tantor Media Inc, September 23, 2010), cover price $59.99

cover image for 9781847326287
Product Description: "The Second World War Experience" covers the whole six-year global conflagration that shattered and then re-shaped the world. From the German blitzkrieg against Poland in September 1939, to the surrender of Japan following the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki almost exactly six years more


9781847326287 | Limited edition (Gardners Books, September 2, 2010), cover price $166.60 | About this edition: "The Second World War Experience" covers the whole six-year global conflagration that shattered and then re-shaped the world.

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