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Jose Ortega y Gasset has written 57 work(s)
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Jose Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 18831955), doctor en Filosofia y Letras, amplio estudios las Universidades de Leipzig, Berlin y Marburgo, consiguiendo a los veintisiete anos la catedra de Metafisica de la Universidad Central. En 1923 funda la Revista de Occidente, una de las publicaciones culturales de mayor prestigio internacional. La rebelion de las masas, publicado por primera vez en 1930, es la obra mas difundida y famosa de Ortega. Como nos explica Julian Marias en su introduccion, el libro va pareciendo mas verdadero, mas fiel a la realidad a medida que pasa el tiempo. La razon de su renovada actualidad confirma el caracter filosofico de esta obra frente al significado politico que con frecuencia se le ha atribuido erroneamente. Pienso que toda vida dice Ortega... se compone de puros instantes, cada uno de los cuales esta relativamente indeterminado respecto al anterior, de suerte que en el la realidad vacila..., y no sabe bien si decidirse por una u otra entre varias posibilidades.
9781530899821, titled "Rebelion de las masas" | Createspace Independent Pub, April 5, 2016, cover price $7.50 | also contains La Rebelion de las Masas
9788423973361 | Espasa-Calpe, January 1, 1997, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Jose Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 18831955), doctor en Filosofia y Letras, amplio estudios las Universidades de Leipzig, Berlin y Marburgo, consiguiendo a los veintisiete anos la catedra de Metafisica de la Universidad Central.
9780415177665 | 1 edition (Routledge, January 29, 1998), cover price $270.00 | About this edition: First Published in 1998.
9780415605847 | Reprint edition (Routledge, November 4, 2010), cover price $54.95 | also contains Mission of the University
In 1930, the great Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset set forth a program for reforming the modern Spanish university. Aware that the missions of the university are many and often competing, Ortega built his program around a conception of a “general culture†that knows no national boundaries or time limits and could fit into any national system of higher education. His ideas are especially pertinent to contemporary debate in America over curriculum development and the purpose of education. In this volume Ortega sought to answer two essential questions: what is the knowledge most worth knowing by all students and what is the function of the university in a modern democracy? Basing his answers on his own deep personal culture and an extensive knowledge of the various European university systems, Ortega defined four primary missions: the teaching of the learned professions, the fostering of scientific research, training for political leadership, and finally the creation of cultured persons with the ability to make intellectual interpretations of the world. Ortega’s understanding of “general culture†is set out in great detail here. He meant an active engagement in ideas and issues that were both historical and contemporary. His concern is with the classical problems of justice, the good society, who should rule, and the responsibilities of citizenship. In his informative and brilliant introduction to this new edition, Clark Kerr, a lifetime student of Ortega’s work, analyzes Ortega’s ideas in their historical context and speculates on how the great issues he dealt with here can be made contemporary for modern students facing the challenges and uncertainties of the twenty-first century. Mission of the University and its new opening essay will be of interest to educationists, social scientists, and above all the students of this era.
9780415605847 | Reprint edition (Routledge, November 4, 2010), cover price $54.95 | also contains Mission of the University
9781560005605 | Revised edition (Transaction Pub, January 1, 1992), cover price $31.95 | About this edition: In 1930, the great Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset set forth a program for reforming the modern Spanish university.
9788420641287 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: ESPIRITU DE LA LETRA
9788420643106 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95 | About this edition: ESCRITOS POLITICOS I: (1908-1921) (OBRAS COMPLETAS, T.
9788420643076, titled "Prologos 1950-1956 / Prologue 1950-1956: El Hombre Y La Gente., Que Es Filosofia? Idea Del Teatro. Goya" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
9788420643090, titled "Una interpretacion de la historia universal / One Interpretation of World History: Meditacion De Europa. Origen Y Epilogo De La Filosofia. La Caza Y Los Toros. Vives-goethe. Pasado Y Porvenir Para El Hombre Actual" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95 | About this edition: Rare book: Price in USD
9788420643014, titled "Articulos / Articles: 1902-1913" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
9788420643038, titled "Articulos / Articles: 1917-1920" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95 | About this edition: ARTICULOS (1917-1920) (OBRAS COMPLETAS, T.
9788420641300 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Rare book: Price in USD
9788420641232 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $14.95
9788420641249 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: GOETHE, DILTHEY
9788420641027 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $17.95
9788420641096, titled "Ensayos sobre la generacion del 98 y otros escritores espanoles contemporaneos / Essays on Generation of 98 and other Contemporary Spanish Writers" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $19.95
9788420641119 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: MEDITACION DEL PUEBLO JOVEN Y OTROS ENSAYOS SOBRE AMERICA
9788420643052, titled "En torno a galileo / Around Galileo: Articulos 1934-1935 Mision Del Bibliotecario. Articulos (1935-1937). Ensimismamiento Y Alteracion. Ideas Y Creencias. Articulos (1940-1941). Apuntes S" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
9788420643045, titled "Articulos / Articles: 1929" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
9788420617589, titled "El espectador / The Spectator: Antologia" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007), cover price $12.95
Product Description: Estos Papeles de trabajo son un complemento de la obra principal sobre cuya génesis y contenido nos ilustran, es el cuaderno de bitácora del exilio. En él va Ortega dibujando proyectos, anotando lecturas y reflexionando, en los dÃÂas alciónicos de la segunda navegación, sobre el surco de su obra en el pensamiento more
9788420694092 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $42.95 | About this edition: Estos Papeles de trabajo son un complemento de la obra principal sobre cuya génesis y contenido nos ilustran, es el cuaderno de bitácora del exilio.
9788420643083, titled "Prologo para alemanes / Preface for Germans: La Idea Del Principio En Leibniz Y La Evolucion De La Teoria Deductiva. Meditacion Del Pueblo Joven. Velazquez" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
9788420641324 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: NOTAS DE ANDAR Y VER: VIAJES, GENTES Y PAISES
9788420641034, titled "La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolucion de la teoria deductiva / the Idea of Principle In Leibniz and the Evolution of Deductive theory" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: IDEA DE PRINCIPIO EN LEIBNIZ Y LA EVOLUCION DE LA TEORIA DEDUCTIV A (2ª ED.
9788420615004, titled "Discursos politicos / Political Discussions" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007), cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Rare book: Price in USD
Historia como sistema: Del Imperio Romano. Teoria De Andalucia Y Otros Ensayos. Prologos (1914-1943)
9788420643069, titled "Historia como sistema / History as System: Del Imperio Romano. Teoria De Andalucia Y Otros Ensayos. Prologos (1914-1943)" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $71.95
Product Description: José Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 9 de mayo de 1883, 18 de octubre de 1955) fue un filósofo y ensayista español, exponente principal de la teorÃÂa del perspectivismo y de la razón vital —raciovitalismo— e histórica, situado en el movimiento del more
9788420641188 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: José Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 9 de mayo de 1883, 18 de octubre de 1955) fue un filósofo y ensayista español, exponente principal de la teorÃÂa del perspectivismo y de la razón vital —raciovitalismo— e histórica, situado en el movimiento del novecentismo.
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