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Beatrice A. Ojakangas has written 30 work(s)
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Cover for 9780307483270 Cover for 9780816648108 Cover for 9780767915311 Cover for 9780028618470 Cover for 9780764538254 Cover for 9780525485049 Cover for 9780816644377 Cover for 9780816638673 Cover for 9780895862303 Cover for 9780816642274 Cover for 9780816642281 Cover for 9780525242475 Cover for 9780671770457 Cover for 9780816641505 Cover for 9780816638680 Cover for 9780816637454 Cover for 9780517209622 Cover for 9780316633727 Cover for 9780816634965 Cover for 9780941016223 Cover for 9780517701348 Cover for 9780517700662 Cover for 9780517593301 Cover for 9781557880734 Cover for 9780517585733 Cover for 9781556701795 Cover for 9780517580134 Cover for 9780848707590 Cover for 9780934860567
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A leading authority on the art of convection cookery introduces more than 150 easy-to-make recipes that make the most of one's convection oven, with sections on pizza and focaccia, roasted vegetable soups, meat and poultry, and savory pies and tarts, among others, along with tips on how to adapt personal favorites for convection appliances. Original. 20,000 first printing.


9780767915311 | Clarkson Potter, March 1, 2005, cover price $18.99 | About this edition: A leading authority on the art of convection cookery introduces more than 150 easy-to-make recipes that make the most of one's convection oven, with sections on pizza and focaccia, roasted vegetable soups, meat and poultry, and savory pies and tarts, among others, along with tips on how to adapt personal favorites for convection appliances.

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Offers recipes for buttermilk wheat bread, Tuscan bread, seven-grain bread, sourdough currant rye bread, blueberry bread and butter pudding, herbed wild mushroom pate, and light wheat brioche


9780028618470 | Macmillan General Reference, November 1, 1998, cover price $27.50 | About this edition: Offers recipes for buttermilk wheat bread, Tuscan bread, seven-grain bread, sourdough currant rye bread, blueberry bread and butter pudding, herbed wild mushroom pate, and light wheat brioche


9780764538254 | Houghton Mifflin, January 2, 2004, cover price $19.95

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Collects recipes for a variety of desserts including applesauce crisp, doughnuts, lemon icebox cake, honey custard, rhubarb-strawberry pie, and molasses gingerbread


9780816644377, titled "Great Old Fashioned American Desserts" | Univ of Minnesota Pr, January 1, 2004, cover price $18.95
9780525485049 | Reprint edition (E P Dutton, September 1, 1989), cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Collects recipes for a variety of desserts including applesauce crisp, doughnuts, lemon icebox cake, honey custard, rhubarb-strawberry pie, and molasses gingerbread

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Gives recipes for meat and vegetable dishes, breads and desserts to be served at Scandinavian-style breakfasts, brunches, holiday meals, dinners, buffets and smorgasbords


9780816638673 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, October 1, 2003, cover price $18.95
9780895862303 | Hp Books, June 1, 1983, cover price $12.95 | About this edition: Gives recipes for meat and vegetable dishes, breads and desserts to be served at Scandinavian-style breakfasts, brunches, holiday meals, dinners, buffets and smorgasbords

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9780816642274 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, July 1, 2003, cover price $14.95

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9780816642281 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, April 1, 2003, cover price $14.95

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Recipes for more than two hundred breads from around the world and new breads created by the author call for the use of nutritious whole grains and range from Old World ryes to whole wheat rolls


9780525242475 | Pfeifer-Hamilton Pub, November 1, 1984, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Recipes for more than two hundred breads from around the world and new breads created by the author call for the use of nutritious whole grains and range from Old World ryes to whole wheat rolls


9780816641505 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, September 1, 2002, cover price $18.95
9780671770457 | Reprint edition (Fireside, February 1, 1993), cover price $14.00

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9780517209622 | Random House Value Pub, October 1, 2000, cover price $9.99

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Offers tips on baking and provides recipes for breads, coffee cakes, cookies, tortes, pastries, pies, savory pies, and filled breads


9780316633727 | Little Brown & Co, October 1, 1988, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Offers tips on baking and provides recipes for breads, coffee cakes, cookies, tortes, pastries, pies, savory pies, and filled breads


9780816634965 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, August 1, 1999, cover price $18.95

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Presents recipes for both simple dishes and gourmet specialties that reflect traditional as well as modern Finnish cooking.


9780941016223 | Penfield Books, October 1, 1998, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Presents recipes for both simple dishes and gourmet specialties that reflect traditional as well as modern Finnish cooking.


9780934860680 | Spiral edition (Adventure Pubns, September 1, 1998), cover price $5.95

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More than two hundred taste-tempting recipes presents a wide range of low-fat, healthful cookies, cakes, pies, desserts, and breads, from Swedish Onion Rye Bread and Cranberry Banana Chunk Muffins to Cranberry Streusel Cheesecake and Frosted Rich Brownies. 15,000 first printing.


9780517701348 | 1 edition (Clarkson Potter, October 1, 1996), cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Shares recipes for breads and desserts with less than thirty percent fat content, including new versions of traditional foods updated through changes in preparation technique

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Gathers low fat recipes for breakfast, snack, savory, and dessert muffins, as well as spreads


9780517700662 | Clarkson Potter, July 1, 1995, cover price $12.00 | About this edition: Gathers low fat recipes for breakfast, snack, savory, and dessert muffins, as well as spreads

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Gathers holiday recipes for breads, brownies, cookies, pastries, cakes, tarts, pies, and scones


9780517593301 | 1 edition (Crown Pub, November 1, 1994), cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Gathers holiday recipes for breads, brownies, cookies, pastries, cakes, tarts, pies, and scones

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The author of Light Desserts offers dozens of recipes that demonstrate how versatile main-dish pies can be, presenting recipes for such pies as Chilean Chicken Corn Pie, Flemish Beef Pie, Herb Leek Pie, and others. 20,000 first printing.


9780517585733 | 1 edition (Clarkson Potter, January 1, 1993), cover price $14.00 | About this edition: Offers dozens of recipes that demonstrate how versatile main-dish pies can be, including recipes for such pies as Chilean chicken corn pie, Flemish beef pie, herb leek pie, and pizza pot pie

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Presents both contemporary and traditional recipes from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, including appetizers, drinks, smorgasbord, meats, fish, soups, vegetables, and desserts


9781556701795 | Stewart Tabori & Chang, April 1, 1992, cover price $37.50 | About this edition: Presents both contemporary and traditional recipes from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, including appetizers, drinks, smorgasbord, meats, fish, soups, vegetables, and desserts

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A collection of recipes with clear directions and helpful hints, includes cinnamon pear tea bread, date nut cranberry bread, and a quick version of Germany's traditional stollen


9780517580134 | 1 edition (Clarkson Potter, March 1, 1991), cover price $12.00 | About this edition: A collection of recipes with clear directions and helpful hints, includes cinnamon pear tea bread, date nut cranberry bread, and a quick version of Germany's traditional stollen

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Product Description: A spectacular finale to a memorable meal need no longer be forbidden or passe. Now it is possible to enjoy delectable pies, pastries, cakes, and souffles without guilt with Light Desserts more than 350 mouth-watering, kitchen-tested desserts containing no more than 200 calories per more


9780848707590 | Oxmoor House, September 1, 1989, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: A spectacular finale to a memorable meal need no longer be forbidden or passe.

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9780934860567, titled "Best of Wild Rice Recipes" | Adventure Pubns, June 1, 1989, cover price $6.95

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