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Laura Joffe Numeroff has written 16 work(s)
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School and Library:
9780060275716 | Harpercollins Childrens Books, October 18, 2016, cover price $17.99
9780060275723 | Harpercollins, October 18, 2016, cover price $18.89
9781419711626 | Board book edition (Harry N Abrams Inc, March 11, 2014), cover price $7.95
School and Library:
9780547402055 | Houghton Mifflin, September 10, 2013, cover price $16.99
9781419706226 | Board book edition (Harry N Abrams Inc, March 12, 2013), cover price $7.95
9780547402062 | Ltf mus edition (Houghton Mifflin, November 6, 2012), cover price $9.99
9781452110738 | Board book edition (Chronicle Books Llc, July 25, 2012), cover price $6.99
9781452110745 | Board book edition (Chronicle Books Llc, July 25, 2012), cover price $6.99
School and Library:
9780060266837 | Balzer & Bray, October 4, 2011, cover price $16.99
9780060266844 | Balzer & Bray, October 4, 2011, cover price $17.89
School and Library:
9780811866019 | Chronicle Books Llc, September 7, 2011, cover price $14.99
9780062080899 | Harpercollins, April 26, 2011, cover price $24.99
School and Library:
9780061804311, titled "Si le das un pastelito a un gato / If You Give a Cat a Cupcake: Si Le Das Un Pastilito a Un Gato" | Rayo, March 9, 2010, cover price $16.99
School and Library:
9780810984127 | Harry N Abrams Inc, March 1, 2010, cover price $17.95
School and Library:
9780810906372 | Harry N Abrams Inc, October 1, 2009, cover price $16.95
School and Library:
9780811865456 | Chronicle Books Llc, September 16, 2009, cover price $15.99
School and Library:
9780810993525 | Harry N Abrams Inc, March 1, 2008, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: When four young girls meet in dance class, it takes time for them to find a way--and a reason--to pull together as one, but Emily helps them realize that, just like a bag of jellybeans, they can be different and still go well together.
9780613225410 | Turtleback Books, September 1, 1999, cover price $14.45 | About this edition: Because the restaurant has no more stew, and the grandmother who makes it is out for the evening, two friends find a different way to enjoy themselves.
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