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James F. Nolan has written 7 work(s)
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Cover for 9780132868624 Cover for 9780205166152 Cover for 9780205288625 Cover for 9780205381234 Cover for 9780205482955 Cover for 9780205625024 Cover for 9780136100881 Cover for 9780205425648 Cover for 9780205380640 Cover for 9780136911715
cover image for 9780132868624


9780205625024 | 6 edition (Prentice Hall, July 13, 2009), cover price $84.00
9780205482955 | 5th edition (Allyn & Bacon, April 15, 2006), cover price $66.80
9780205381234 | 4th edition (Allyn & Bacon, August 1, 2003), cover price $57.20
9780205288625 | 3 sub edition (Allyn & Bacon, July 1, 1999), cover price $48.00
9780205166152 | 2nd edition (Allyn & Bacon, January 1, 1996), cover price $35.00 | also contains More Powerful Than Dynamite: Radicals, Plutocrats, Progressives, and New York's Year of Anarchy
1 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780791446997 | State Univ of New York Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $60.50


9780791447000 | State Univ of New York Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $31.95

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