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Carlos Monsivais has written 21 work(s)
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Cover for 9786074009965 Cover for 9786074452006 Cover for 9786073106115 Cover for 9786073102766 Cover for 9786077626459 Cover for 9780292721845 Cover for 9786073101493 Cover for 9786071601551 Cover for 9786071601414 Cover for 9788497854375 Cover for 9786074297171 Cover for 9789705803710 Cover for 9786071600141 Cover for 9788437506180 Cover for 9789681685676 Cover for 9789708104968 Cover for 9788496933118 Cover for 9789681685904 Cover for 9789685011358 Cover for 9789707808072 Cover for 9789685208222
cover image for 9786074452006


9786074452006, titled "Maravillas Que Son, Sombras Que Fueron / Wonders That Are Shadows That Were: La Fotografía En México / Photography in Mexico" | Ill edition (Ediciones Era S.A. De C.V., October 25, 2012), cover price $32.95

cover image for 9786073106115
Product Description: Una antologia global.Seleccion y prologo de Jordi Soler.Carlos Monsivais era a partes iguales figura mediatica, escritor popular e intelectual imprescindible. Autor de una obra tan amplia como fascinante, invento una forma de contar la realidad y doto a la cronica y al ensayo periodistico de verdadero calado literario, como prueban las paginas que conforman esta antologia, seleccionada por Jordi Soler en conversacion con el propio more


9786073106115 | Random House Mondadori, August 1, 2011, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: Una antologia global.

cover image for 9786073102766
Product Description: Se informa a los habitantes del planeta Tierra: a consecuencia del cambio climatico muy pronto se iniciara el conteo regresivo y la humanidad entrara en su fase terminal. Sin embargo, y por fortuna, en visperas de la catastrofe les ofrecemos la gran oportunidad: el lipstick que hara que se enamoren del color como casi nunca lo hubiera visto, un color incendario por sus pigmentos puros y con la sensacion cremosa que deja su nectar de miel more


9786073102766 | Debolsillo Mexico, January 1, 2011, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Se informa a los habitantes del planeta Tierra: a consecuencia del cambio climatico muy pronto se iniciara el conteo regresivo y la humanidad entrara en su fase terminal.

cover image for 9786077626459
Product Description: New product. Never used!


9786077626459, titled "Que se abra esa puerta / To Open That Door: Crónicas y ensayos sobre la diversidad sexual / Chronicles and Essays on Sexual Diversity" | Paidos Mexicana Editorial, November 5, 2010, cover price $32.95 | About this edition: New product.

cover image for 9780292721845
Product Description: The Mexican Revolution—that violent, inchoate, never-quite-complete break with the past—opened a new era in Mexican art and letters now known as the "Mexican Renaissance." In Mexico City, a coterie of artists including Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros explored how art could forward revolutionary ideals—and, in the process, spent countless hours talking, gossiping, arguing, and more
By Susannah Joel Glusker (editor) and Carlos Monsivais (foreword by)


9780292721845 | Slp edition (Univ of Texas Pr, October 15, 2010), cover price $125.00 | About this edition: The Mexican Revolution—that violent, inchoate, never-quite-complete break with the past—opened a new era in Mexican art and letters now known as the "Mexican Renaissance.

cover image for 9786071601414
Product Description: Este libro constituye un reto a la historia oficial de la Revolución, pues coloca a las mujeres en el centro del escenario. Mediante una relectura de la historia de México, a la luz de décadas de estudios feministas y culturales, los ensayos de este libro muestran cómo las mujeres aprovecharon las oportunidades creadas por los esfuerzos de modernización y la conmoción revolucionaria para cuestionar las convenciones sobre sexualidad, trabajo, familia, prácticas religiosas y derechos more


9786071601414 | Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, December 8, 2009, cover price $26.95 | About this edition: Este libro constituye un reto a la historia oficial de la Revolución, pues coloca a las mujeres en el centro del escenario.

cover image for 9786074297171
Product Description: Se informa a los habitantes del planeta Tierra: a consecuencia del cambio climatico muy pronto se iniciara el conteo regresivo y la humanidad entrara en su fase terminal. Sin embargo, y por fortuna, en visperas de la catastrofe les ofrecemos la gran oportunidad: el lipstick que hara que se enamoren del color como casi nunca lo hubiera visto, un color incendario por sus pigmentos puros y con la sensacion cremosa que deja su nectar de miel more


9786074297171 | Debate Editorial, June 30, 2010, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: Se informa a los habitantes del planeta Tierra: a consecuencia del cambio climatico muy pronto se iniciara el conteo regresivo y la humanidad entrara en su fase terminal.

cover image for 9789705803710
Product Description: In this nostalgic journey to the Mexico of the mid-nineteen hundreds, we are called together to pay a new type of homage to an idol of the people. A man who captivated many a generation and is sure to continue captivating generations to come, a man whose tragic death is engraved on the heart and mind of many more


9789705803710 | Penguin Random House Grupo USA, January 1, 2009, cover price $19.99 | About this edition: In this nostalgic journey to the Mexico of the mid-nineteen hundreds, we are called together to pay a new type of homage to an idol of the people.

cover image for 9788437506180
By Juan Gelman, Eduardo Hurtado (contributor) and Carlos Monsivais (introduced by)


9788437506180 | Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, October 30, 2008, cover price $34.99

cover image for 9789708104968


9789708104968 | Poc edition (Debolsillo Mexico, July 30, 2008), cover price $7.95

cover image for 9788496933118
Product Description: The contemporary city (in Spain and Latin-America) and the ensemble of social, cultural, and personal relationships are the reference points for this project. The new city that converts itself into a metropolis unites millions of people through economic, social, and cultural more


9788496933118 | Pap/cdr edition (Seacex, July 30, 2008), cover price $62.95 | About this edition: The contemporary city (in Spain and Latin-America) and the ensemble of social, cultural, and personal relationships are the reference points for this project.

cover image for 9789681685904
By Carlos Monsivais (foreword by) and Salvador Novo


9789681685904 | Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, April 30, 2008, cover price $9.99

cover image for 9789707808072
Product Description: New product. Never used!


9789707808072 | Debolsillo Mexico, April 30, 2004, cover price $10.95 | About this edition: New product.

cover image for 9789685208222
Product Description: The workd of Leopoldo Mendez from 1902 - 2002


9789685208222 | Editorial Rm Rio Panuko, January 12, 2002, cover price $30.95 | About this edition: The workd of Leopoldo Mendez from 1902 - 2002

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