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Erik Mona has written 14 work(s)
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Cover for 9781606905074 Cover for 9781601254726 Cover for 9781601254689 Cover for 9781601254429 Cover for 9781601252685 Cover for 9781601251787 Cover for 9781601251121 Cover for 9781601251176 Cover for 9780786943586 Cover for 9780977677863 Cover for 9780971438002 Cover for 9780786927593
cover image for 9781601254726
Product Description: The heroes and villains of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex charge forth in this complete collection of more than 250 pawns for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful, full-color image of a character from the core Pathinder RPG NPC more


9781601254726 | Brdgm edition (Paizo Pub Llc, July 9, 2013), cover price $44.99 | About this edition: The heroes and villains of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex charge forth in this complete collection of more than 250 pawns for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game!

cover image for 9781601254689


9781601254689 | Paizo Pub Llc, December 25, 2012, cover price $19.99

cover image for 9781601254429


9781601254429 | Gmc crds edition (Paizo Pub Llc, July 31, 2012), cover price $10.99

cover image for 9781601253903
By Judy Bauer (editor), Christopher Carey (editor), Erik Mona (editor) and James L. Sutter (editor)


9781601253903 | Paizo Pub Llc, July 10, 2012, cover price $39.99

cover image for 9781601252685
By Judy Bauer (editor), Christopher Carey (editor), Rob McCreary (editor), Erik Mona (editor) and Mark Moreland (editor)


9781601252685, titled "Pathfinder Bestiary 2: Bestiary 2" | Paizo Pub Llc, January 18, 2011, cover price $39.99

cover image for 9781601251787
Product Description: The greatest explorers in the world come from the Pathfinder Society, a motley assembly of adventurers, archaeologists, and mystics who brave the lost cities and forgotten dungeons of the world in search of treasure, knowledge, and the thrill of more


9781601251787 | Paizo Pub Llc, October 28, 2009, cover price $19.99 | About this edition: The greatest explorers in the world come from the Pathfinder Society, a motley assembly of adventurers, archaeologists, and mystics who brave the lost cities and forgotten dungeons of the world in search of treasure, knowledge, and the thrill of discovery.

cover image for 9781601251121
By Christopher Carey (editor), Erik Mona (editor), F. Wesley Schneider (editor) and James L. Sutter (editor)


9781601251121 | Brdgm edition (Paizo Pub Llc, August 20, 2008), cover price $49.99

cover image for 9781601251176
By Gary Gygax and Erik Mona (introduced by)


9781601251176 | Paizo Pub Llc, September 1, 2008, cover price $12.99

cover image for 9780786939190
This supplement to the D&D game presents the definitive treatise on demons and their unspeakable home plane. Along with information about the physiology, psychology, society and schemes of demonkind, you'll find feats, spells, items and tactics commonly employed by demons and those who oppose them.


9780786939190 | Wizards of the Coast, June 13, 2006, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: This supplement to the D&D game presents the definitive treatise on demons and their unspeakable home plane.

cover image for 9780971438002
Product Description: Green Ronin took you to the Pit in Legions of Hell, giving devils their due. Now its time to take a tour of the Abyss and get an up close and personal look at the masters of chaos, the demons. An endless variety of demons populate the infinity of the Abyss, and volume 2 of the Book of Fiends gives you the lowdown on more than 50 of the vilest outsiders the multiverse has to more


9780971438002 | Green Ronin Pub, December 1, 2002, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Green Ronin took you to the Pit in Legions of Hell, giving devils their due.

cover image for 9780786927593


9780786927593 | Wizards of the Coast, May 1, 2002, cover price $32.95

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