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Elizabeth Helman Minchilli has written 5 work(s)
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9780811817943 | Chronicle Books Llc, November 1, 1998, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: A celebration of majolica, the beautiful ceramics of Deruta in Italy, offers more than 150 color photographs of these works of art, including tableware and tileware, and provides a look as well at the decorations and architecture of the region
9781250047687 | Griffin, April 7, 2015, cover price $24.99
9781579653644 | Artisan, November 11, 2009, cover price $35.00
9780847821303 | Rizzoli Intl Pubns, October 1, 1998, cover price $45.00 | About this edition: Offers a view of Rome's interior style, including studios of artists and designers, apartments, villas, palazzos, and private gardens
9781902686271 | Scriptum Editions, February 1, 2004, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: Filled with photos from villas in Italy's most famous regions, this eye-popping guide to the splendors of old Europe takes readers on a tour of Italy's lake region, and the architecture and design of its most palatial dwelling places.
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