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Merrymakers Distribution has written 3 work(s)
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cover image for 9781579822699
By James Dean (illustrator) and Merrymakers Distribution (corporate author)


9781579822699 | Plsh toy edition (Merrymakers Distribution, September 15, 2010), cover price $18.00

cover image for 9781579823504
Product Description: Pete the Cat, the coolest, most popular cat in town! Now you can lie back with the world's most laid-back kitty. Decorate your room or snuggle up to sleep with this super soft pillow from Merry Makers that evokes Pete's mellow attitude and groovy more
By Merrymakers Distribution (corporate author)


9781579823504 | Merrymakers Distribution, August 1, 2014, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: Pete the Cat, the coolest, most popular cat in town!

By James Dean (illustrator) and Merrymakers Distribution (corporate author)


9781223063591 | Plsh toy edition (Merrymakers Distribution, September 15, 2010), cover price $25.99

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