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Linda Leavell has written 4 work(s)
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9780374226862 | Farrar Straus & Giroux, April 5, 2016, cover price $16.00
9780374107291 | Farrar Straus & Giroux, October 22, 2013, cover price $30.00
9780374534943 | Reprint edition (Farrar Straus & Giroux, September 30, 2014), cover price $18.00
Product Description: The first collection of essays about Marianne Moore to appear in fifteen years, this book brings together the work of well established Moore scholars such as Patricia C. Willis, Elizabeth Gregory, Cristanne Miller, Linda Leavell, and Robin more
9780838756164 | Bucknell Univ Pr, November 30, 2005, cover price $49.50 | About this edition: The first collection of essays about Marianne Moore to appear in fifteen years, this book brings together the work of well established Moore scholars such as Patricia C.
9780807119860 | Louisiana State Univ Pr, May 1, 1995, cover price $32.50 | About this edition: Book by Leavell, Linda
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