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Paul Langford has written 14 work(s)
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9780199665198 | Oxford Univ Pr, December 8, 2015, cover price $200.00
9781476806068 | Pap/com edition (Shawnee Pr, June 1, 2013), cover price $26.99 | About this edition: (Choral).
9781600308291 | Spl anl edition (Proquest Info & Learning, September 1, 2009), cover price $185.00
9780192853998 | Oxford Univ Pr, August 11, 2005, cover price $11.95 | About this edition: Part of 'The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain', this book spans from the aftermath of the Revolution of 1688 to Pitt the Younger's defeat at attempted parliamentary reform.
Product Description: Hunting is a religion to the inhabitants of the Rush valley, the fox their god. Everything revolves around the sacred, timeless calendar of the hunt season, the outside world rarely intruding. Now all this is about to change.Sonia, beautiful and lonely wife of wealthy landowner Tony Griffiths, chooses this summer to take control of her life and stand up to her bullying husband, embracing all that the countryside has to offer, including Tom Latchford, huntsman of the local more
9781844262533 | Upfront, September 1, 2003, cover price $17.00 | About this edition: Hunting is a religion to the inhabitants of the Rush valley, the fox their god.
9780198731320 | Oxford Univ Pr, May 23, 2002, cover price $70.00
9780198731313 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, May 23, 2002, cover price $50.00
Between 1650 and 1850 perceptions of the English were transformed, as a nation of supposed barbarians, fanatics, and king-killers evolved into a world power of political maturity, imperial grandeur, and industrial might. Englishness Identified traces the evolution of the so-called English national character through the impressions and analyses of foreign observers, and relates it to English ambitions and anxieties during a period of rapid change.
9780198206811, titled "Englishness Identified: Manners and Character, 1650-1850" | Oxford Univ Pr, May 1, 2000, cover price $99.00 | About this edition: Between 1650 and 1850 perceptions of the English were transformed, as a nation of supposed barbarians, fanatics, and king-killers evolved into a world power of political maturity, imperial grandeur, and industrial might.
9780199246403 | Oxford Univ Pr, November 1, 2001, cover price $45.00
9780198224143 | Clarendon Pr, October 31, 1996, cover price $275.00
Product Description: This book offers a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class in eighteenth-century England. The common view of politics in this period is one of aristocratic dominance coexisting with plebeian vitality. Langford explores the terrain which lay between the high ground of elite rule and the low ground of popular politics, and shows that the Georgians were more active in this arena than is generally more
9780198205340 | Reprint edition (Clarendon Pr, September 15, 1994), cover price $93.00 | About this edition: This book offers a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class in eighteenth-century England.
9780198228288 | Oxford Univ Pr, December 7, 1989, cover price $65.00 | About this edition: Provides a general history of England from the accession of George II to the loss of America
9780192852533, titled "A Polite and Commercial People: England 1727-1783" | Reprint edition (Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, January 6, 1994), cover price $62.00
Product Description: In five paperback volumes, "The Oxford History of Britain" tells the story of Britain and her peoples over 2000 years, from the coming of the Roman legions in 55 BC to the present day. This volume concentrates on the 18th century and the "age of industry" more
9780192852663 | Oxford Univ Pr, December 10, 1992, cover price $11.95 | About this edition: In five paperback volumes, "The Oxford History of Britain" tells the story of Britain and her peoples over 2000 years, from the coming of the Roman legions in 55 BC to the present day.
Product Description: This book offers a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class in eighteenth-century England. The common view of politics in this period is one of aristocratic dominance coexisting with plebeian vitality. Langford explores the terrain which lay between the high ground of elite rule and the low ground of popular politics, and shows that the Georgians were more active in this arena than is generally more
9780198201496 | Oxford Univ Pr, July 18, 1991, cover price $218.50 | About this edition: This book offers a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class in eighteenth-century England.
9780198224228 | Clarendon Pr, April 26, 1990, cover price $335.00
9780859641753 | Chadwyck-Healy, May 1, 1985, cover price $44.00
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