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Rosemarie Klemm has written 5 work(s)
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9783642225079 | Springer Verlag, January 2, 2013, cover price $159.00
9780205196456, titled "Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice" | Allyn & Bacon, July 1, 1996, cover price $65.70 | also contains Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice | About this edition: An introduction to educational psychology, which translates concepts and principles into actions teachers can take in their own classrooms.
Product Description: Ausgehend von der geologischen Struktur Oberägyptens und der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung der Gesteine gehen die Autoren mit reichhaltigem Bildmaterial auf Spurensuche in alten ägyptischen Steinbrüchen. Detaillierte Beschreibungen der Steinbrüche, zahlreiche Beispiele für Steinbruch- und Steinmetztechniken, Dünnschliff- und Rasterelektronenaufnahmen sowie Farbtafeln von allen beschriebenen Gesteinen machen das Buch zu einem unentbehrlichen Hilfsmittel bei der Herkunftsbestimmung von in Museen ausgestellten more
9783540546856 | Gardners Books, December 16, 1992, cover price $72.55 | About this edition: Ausgehend von der geologischen Struktur Oberägyptens und der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung der Gesteine gehen die Autoren mit reichhaltigem Bildmaterial auf Spurensuche in alten ägyptischen Steinbrüchen.
9780387546858 | Springer Verlag, December 1, 1992, cover price $158.95
9783642770289 | Springer Verlag, December 8, 2011, cover price $69.95
9780714123264 | British Museum Pubns Ltd, December 31, 2008, cover price $170.00
Product Description: During the Egyptian Old Kingdom (2650-2135 BC), the most impressive of all monuments were built in the form of the pyramids and their associated temples. The provision of enormous quantities of stone from suitable quarries was the most important requirement for their more
9783110221237, titled "The Stones of the Pyramids: Provenance of the Building Stones of the Old Kingdom Pyramids of Egypt" | Walter De Gruyter Inc, August 16, 2010, cover price $105.00 | About this edition: During the Egyptian Old Kingdom (2650-2135 BC), the most impressive of all monuments were built in the form of the pyramids and their associated temples.
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