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Rosalinda Kightley has written 22 work(s)
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9780316499309 | Little Brown & Co, October 1, 1986, cover price $6.95 | About this edition: Brief text and illustrations introduce the letters of the alphabet.
9780671501679 | Board book edition (Simon & Schuster, April 1, 1984), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: Portrays the sounds and colors encountered in a day in the life of a freight truck
9780545530910 | Board book edition (Cartwheel Books, January 7, 2014), cover price $7.99
9780671501662 | Board book edition (Simon & Schuster, April 1, 1984), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: There are many chores to be done on the farm and an industrious orange tractor pitches in to do its part
9781407104959 | Gardners Books, June 1, 2009, cover price $15.45 | About this edition: The enchanting tale of Cinderella is retold for the very young in this gorgeous playbook.
9780590128216 | Board book edition (Cartwheel Books, July 1, 1998), cover price $11.95 | About this edition: How many chicks live on the farm?
9780553054798 | Board book edition (Bantam Dell Pub Group, October 1, 1988), cover price $3.95 | About this edition: Compares day and night as they appear to us and presents the scientific reasons for their occurrence
9780553058130 | Bantam Dell Pub Group, May 1, 1989, cover price $3.95 | About this edition: Bear characters present simple facts about the origins, characteristics, dangers, and uses of fire
9780061900655 | Revised edition (Harperfestival, January 5, 2010), cover price $6.99
9780061900624 | Revised edition (Harperfestival, January 5, 2010), cover price $6.99
9780671501648 | Board book edition (Little Simon, April 1, 1984), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: A tow truck comes to the aid of a little red car that gets a flat tire
9780448108308 | Price Stern Sloan, October 1, 1986, cover price $3.95 | About this edition: Illustrated objects such as balls, teddy bears, sheep, and carrots provide many opportunities for counting from one to ten and introduce the concept of matching objects to corresponding numerals.
9781564023704 | Reprint edition (Candlewick Pr, June 1, 1994), cover price $9.99
9781564020345 | Candlewick Pr, March 1, 1992, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Labeled illustrations introduce numbers, animals, colors, sounds, and other familiar things encountered in everyday life, and are accompanied by games, picture puzzles, and poems
A noisy green steam engine finally reaches its destination and pulls into the station with a clackety-clack
9780671501655 | Board book edition (Little Simon, April 1, 1984), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: A noisy green steam engine finally reaches its destination and pulls into the station with a clackety-clack
9780316499316 | Little Brown & Co, October 1, 1986, cover price $6.95 | About this edition: Basic opposites are revealed in a series of images drawn for young children
9780689712234 | Aladdin Paperbacks, March 1, 1989, cover price $3.95 | About this edition: As the postman moves on his rounds through the busy town, he sees many aspects of its life, from teachers at the local school to children in the swimming pool.
Explains, in simple text and illustrations, how rain is formed and why it falls
9780553054743 | Board book edition (Bantam Dell Pub Group, September 1, 1988), cover price $3.95 | About this edition: Explains, in simple text and illustrations, how rain is formed and why it falls
9780553054804 | Board book edition (Bantam Dell Pub Group, October 1, 1988), cover price $3.95 | About this edition: A simple explanation of why there are seasons and a description of some of nature's events during them
9780316540056 | Little Brown & Co, October 1, 1986, cover price $6.95 | About this edition: Children learn simple shapes through a combination of contrasting colors and large, bright images
9780553058116 | Bantam Dell Pub Group, May 1, 1989, cover price $3.95 | About this edition: A simple explanation of the characteristics of water and its uses
9780590128209 | Board book edition (Cartwheel Books, July 1, 1998), cover price $11.95 | About this edition: More than 50 colorful, soft animal shapes cling to the glossy board pages of this book.
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