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Jason Keith has written 5 work(s)
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9780785185390 | Marvel Enterprises, December 3, 2013, cover price $34.99
9781937053901 | Spencer Hill Pr, September 17, 2013, cover price $9.95
9780785160809 | Reprint edition (Marvel Enterprises, July 9, 2013), cover price $19.99
9780785129561, titled "X-Men 1, Original Sin: Original Sin" | Marvel Enterprises, August 19, 2009, cover price $14.99
9781423109273 | Hyperion, October 23, 2007, cover price $12.99 | About this edition: After pirate captain Blackjack Tom sieges a Spanish galleon, only one aboard is spared, the beautiful Donessa, who vows revenge and sets sail to rescue her kidnapped mother and brother.
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