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Robin Johnson has written 81 work(s)
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Cover for 9780778724254 Cover for 9780778723950 Cover for 9780778724384 Cover for 9780778724230 Cover for 9780778724360 Cover for 9780778723981 Cover for 9780778724353 Cover for 9780778723974 Cover for 9780778724278 Cover for 9780778723967 Cover for 9780778724377 Cover for 9780778724001 Cover for 9780778722298 Cover for 9780778722908 Cover for 9780778722359 Cover for 9780778722960 Cover for 9780778718758 Cover for 9780778718765 Cover for 9780778717768 Cover for 9780778718789 Cover for 9780778717782 Cover for 9780778718772 Cover for 9780778717775 Cover for 9780778715450 Cover for 9780778715412 Cover for 9780778719274 Cover for 9780778719236 Cover for 9780778719250 Cover for 9780778719212 Cover for 9780415088886 Cover for 9780778719267 Cover for 9780778719229 Cover for 9780415087780 Cover for 9780778719243 Cover for 9780778719205 Cover for 9781502467607 Cover for 9780778714033 Cover for 9780778713678 Cover for 9780778714071 Cover for 9780778713951 Cover for 9780778713142 Cover for 9780778713067 Cover for 9780778713104 Cover for 9780778712923 Cover for 9780778713081 Cover for 9780778712909 Cover for 9780778713128 Cover for 9780778713043 Cover for 9780778714583 Cover for 9780778706373
cover image for 9780778724254


9780778724254 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778723950 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

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9780778724384 | Crabtree Pub Co, May 25, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778724230 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

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9780778724360 | Crabtree Pub Co, May 25, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778723981 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

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9780778724353 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778723974 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

cover image for 9780778724278


9780778724278 | Crabtree Pub Co, May 25, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778723967 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

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9780778724377 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $7.95


9780778724001 | Crabtree Pub Co, March 15, 2016, cover price $22.60

cover image for 9780778722298


9780778722298 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 15, 2016, cover price $9.95


9780778722908 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 15, 2016, cover price $30.60

cover image for 9780778722359


9780778722359 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 15, 2016, cover price $9.95


9780778722960 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 15, 2016, cover price $30.60

Product Description: Designed to bolster reading comprehension and enhance writing skills, this imaginative title helps children identify and decipher the meaning of similes. Accessible text and engaging examples support a solid understanding of this figurative language form.


9780778718758 | Crabtree Pub Co, December 15, 2015, cover price $8.95


9780778717751 | Crabtree Pub Co, January 15, 2016, cover price $27.60 | About this edition: Designed to bolster reading comprehension and enhance writing skills, this imaginative title helps children identify and decipher the meaning of similes.

cover image for 9780778717768


9780778718765 | Crabtree Pub Co, December 15, 2015, cover price $8.95


9780778717768 | Crabtree Pub Co, January 15, 2016, cover price $27.60

cover image for 9780778717782


9780778718789 | Crabtree Pub Co, December 15, 2015, cover price $8.95


9780778717782 | Crabtree Pub Co, January 15, 2016, cover price $27.60

cover image for 9780778717775
Attributing human qualities or characteristics to an object or idea is a form of figurative language called personification. This creative resource provides readers with strategies to recognize and decode this literary device. Imaginative examples and vibrant images make the words in this book leap off the page!


9780778718772 | Crabtree Pub Co, December 15, 2015, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: Attributing human qualities or characteristics to an object or idea is a form of figurative language called personification.


9780778717775 | Crabtree Pub Co, January 15, 2016, cover price $27.60

cover image for 9780778715412


9780778715450 | Crabtree Pub Co, June 30, 2015, cover price $7.95


9780778715412 | Crabtree Pub Co, June 30, 2015, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778719236


9780778719274 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $7.95
9780415089487, titled "Colloquial Slovene: A Complete Language Course" | Pap/cas edition (Routledge, November 1, 1995), cover price $44.95 | also contains Colloquial Slovene: A Complete Language Course


9780778719236 | Nov edition (Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015), cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778719212
In this enchanting book, readers discover how prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words before their eyes! Guided by the Word Wizard, readers learn to create new words by combining root words with prefixes and suffixes.


9780415088879, titled "Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments ""Must Be Ordered As A 3 Volume Set-See Isbn 0415088909""" | Set only edition (Routledge, December 1, 1994), cover price $125.00 | also contains Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments ""Must Be Ordered As A 3 Volume Set-See Isbn 0415088909""


9780778719250 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: In this enchanting book, readers discover how prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words before their eyes!


9780778719212 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778719229
What do you and I have in common? They are both pronouns of course! In this engaging book, the Word Wizard introduces readers to the different types and functions of pronouns, from personal and possessive to indefinite and reflexive.


9780415088886, titled "Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments ""Must Be Ordered As A 3 Volume Set-See Isbn 0415088909""" | Set only edition (Routledge, December 1, 1994), cover price $125.00 | also contains Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments ""Must Be Ordered As A 3 Volume Set-See Isbn 0415088909""


9780778719267 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: What do you and I have in common?


9780778719229 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778719205
Current financial reporting practice has been under major review in Europe with the approach of the Single Market and moves towards harmonization. This updated edition of Christopher Nobes' introductory text provides first-year students of financial accounting with a comprehensive and relevant approach to the subject that takes on board the increasing impact of international influences (particularly from the EC) and the recent reforms in accounting standards. Part One covers the nature of value and profit, the purposes of financial statements and specific problems of measurement. These are examined theoretically from first principles and then used to discuss accounting techniques, such as double entry, in detail. Part Two looks at other areas affecting financial accounting such as law and taxes. This book should be of interest to students and teachers of business studies and financial accounting.


9780778719243 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $7.95
9780415087780, titled "Introduction to Financial Accounting" | 3rd edition (Routledge, November 1, 1992), cover price $24.95 | also contains Introduction to Financial Accounting | About this edition: Current financial reporting practice has been under major review in Europe with the approach of the Single Market and moves towards harmonization.


9780778719205 | Crabtree Pub Co, February 25, 2015, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778713678


9780778714033 | Crabtree Pub Co, October 31, 2014, cover price $9.95


9780778713678 | Crabtree Pub Co, October 31, 2014, cover price $30.60

cover image for 9780778713951
In 1692, two young girls in Salem, Massachusetts, were diagnosed by the local doctor as being bewitched. Hysteria over witchcraft reached a fever pitch leading the Puritan townsfolk to accuse friends and neighbors of being under Satan's influence. This book tells the unbelievable, yet true, story of how innocent people were jailed on the evidence of dreams and visions, and how the legal system allowed nineteen people to be hanged before the governor of the state brought the people of Salem to their senses.


9780778714071 | Crabtree Pub Co, October 31, 2014, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: In 1692, two young girls in Salem, Massachusetts, were diagnosed by the local doctor as being bewitched.


9780778713951 | Crabtree Pub Co, October 31, 2014, cover price $30.60

cover image for 9780778713067


9780778713142 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $7.95


9780778713067 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778712923
Product Description: In this bewitching title, the Word Wizard gives readers a potion that helps them understand concepts such as verb tense, shades of meaning, and how using strong action verbs can make your words hop, jump, or leap off the page!


9780778713104 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: In this bewitching title, the Word Wizard gives readers a potion that helps them understand concepts such as verb tense, shades of meaning, and how using strong action verbs can make your words hop, jump, or leap off the page!


9780778712923 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $23.60 | About this edition: In this bewitching title, the Word Wizard gives readers a potion that helps them understand concepts such as verb tense, shades of meaning, and how using strong action verbs can make your words hop, jump, or leap off the page!

cover image for 9780778712909
A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Vivid photographs and creative text help the Word Wizard introduce readers to different forms and functions of nouns, including plural, proper, and possessive.


9780778713081 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.


9780778712909 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778713043
We use adjectives to describe and compare the things in our world. In this spellbinding book, the Word Wizard reveals the secrets of the magical world of adjectives, including synonyms, antonyms, and comparisons. Readers will discover the nuances of language as they look closely at adjectives that vary in intensity and those with closely related meanings. Writing prompts guide readers as they use adjectives to add detail and clarity.


9780778713128 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $7.95 | About this edition: We use adjectives to describe and compare the things in our world.


9780778713043 | Crabtree Pub Co, September 26, 2014, cover price $23.60

cover image for 9780778706373


9780778714583 | Nov edition (Crabtree Pub Co, September 19, 2014), cover price $9.95


9780778706373 | Nov edition (Crabtree Pub Co, September 19, 2014), cover price $27.60

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