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Alejandro Jodorowsky has written 60 work(s)
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Cover for 9781620555354 Cover for 9786073133906 Cover for 9786073134828 Cover for 9781620551073 Cover for 9781620553459 Cover for 9781517002794 Cover for 9781620551035 Cover for 9781620552810 Cover for 9786073108058 Cover for 9788483465912 Cover for 9781478234630 Cover for 9788467906028 Cover for 9780256194456 Cover for 9781848566989 Cover for 9780202250571 Cover for 9788467904383 Cover for 9788499088280 Cover for 9788467902006 Cover for 9780195478099 Cover for 9781594773365 Cover for 9788498472110 Cover for 9788499081663 Cover for 9788498474671 Cover for 9780156071918 Cover for 9788498476262 Cover for 9788498144376 Cover for 9781594772634
cover image for 9786073133906
Product Description: Aquí ofrezco las nubes de mi imaginación deshaciéndose en una lluvia de historias.».«Decidí liberar mi imaginación, sacarme la camisade fuerza de un estilo único, dejarla vagar hacia todas las direcciones, saltar del minicuento al cuento largo, de la ciencia ficción al koan zen, del terror al humor, de lo grotesco a lo poético, de lo metafísico a la confesión autobiográfica, todo en aparente desorden, como mi bonsái liberado, como mi tutti-frutti more


9786073133906 | Grijalbo Mondadori, July 12, 2016, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Aquí ofrezco las nubes de mi imaginación deshaciéndose en una lluvia de historias.

cover image for 9786073134828
Product Description: Un libro que enseña cómo estudiar y analizar nuestro árbol genealógico, para así poder entender nuestro pasado familiar y sanar nuestro presente. «Todo el mundo debería conocer su árbol genealógico. La familia es nuestro cofre del tesoro o nuestra trampa more


9786073134828 | Debolsillo Mexico, November 24, 2015, cover price $12.95 | About this edition: Un libro que enseña cómo estudiar y analizar nuestro árbol genealógico, para así poder entender nuestro pasado familiar y sanar nuestro presente.

cover image for 9781620553459
Product Description: A “what to expect” guide for first-time ayahuasca users paired with accounts from the author’s extensive shamanic experiences in the Amazon • Describes how to prepare for the first ceremony, what to do in the days afterward, and how to maintain a shamanic healing diet • Details some of the author’s own ayahuasca experiences, including an intensive trip in 2009 when he underwent 17 ceremonies • Explores the many other plants that are part of the ayahuasca healer’s medicine cabinet as well as the icaros, healing songs, of the ayahuasca shaman Since 1999 Jan Kounen has regularly traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in ayahuasca more
By Jack Cain (trans) and Jan Kounen


9781620553459 | 1 edition (Park Street Pr, December 27, 2014), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: A “what to expect” guide for first-time ayahuasca users paired with accounts from the author’s extensive shamanic experiences in the Amazon • Describes how to prepare for the first ceremony, what to do in the days afterward, and how to maintain a shamanic healing diet • Details some of the author’s own ayahuasca experiences, including an intensive trip in 2009 when he underwent 17 ceremonies • Explores the many other plants that are part of the ayahuasca healer’s medicine cabinet as well as the icaros, healing songs, of the ayahuasca shaman Since 1999 Jan Kounen has regularly traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in ayahuasca ceremonies.

cover image for 9781517002794


9781517002794 | 2 edition (Createspace Independent Pub, September 23, 2014), cover price $39.90


9788416208388, titled "365 tuits de sabiduría / 365 tweets of wisdom" | Siruela, June 30, 2014, cover price $14.95

cover image for 9781620552810
Product Description: A glimpse into the mind and life of one of the most creative and enigmatic visionaries of our time, filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky • Retraces the spiritual and mystical path Jodorowsky has followed since childhood, vividly repainting events from the perspective of an unleashed imagination • Explores the development of the author’s psychomagic and metagenealogy practices via his realization that all problems are rooted in the family tree • Includes photos from Jodorowsky’s appearance at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival and from the film based on this book, which debuted at Cannes Retracing the spiritual and mystical path he has followed since childhood, Alejandro Jodorowsky re-creates the incredible adventure of his life as an artist, filmmaker, writer, and therapist--all stages on his quest to push back the boundaries of both imagination and more


9781620552810 | Park Street Pr, June 6, 2014, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: A glimpse into the mind and life of one of the most creative and enigmatic visionaries of our time, filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky • Retraces the spiritual and mystical path Jodorowsky has followed since childhood, vividly repainting events from the perspective of an unleashed imagination • Explores the development of the author’s psychomagic and metagenealogy practices via his realization that all problems are rooted in the family tree • Includes photos from Jodorowsky’s appearance at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival and from the film based on this book, which debuted at Cannes Retracing the spiritual and mystical path he has followed since childhood, Alejandro Jodorowsky re-creates the incredible adventure of his life as an artist, filmmaker, writer, and therapist--all stages on his quest to push back the boundaries of both imagination and reason.

cover image for 9786073108058


9786073108058 | Poc edition (Debolsillo Mexico, March 30, 2013), cover price $27.95
9788483465912 | Debolsillo, March 30, 2008, cover price $13.95

cover image for 9781478234630
Product Description: ¿Sabes que ocurre cuando imágenes y palabras se encuentran y funden en una expresión común? deseo, amor, pasión... lo prohibido y la belleza surgen Versos Negros [UNCENSORED] Los autores consiguen de forma eficaz provocar emocional e intelectualmente al more


9781478234630 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 7, 2012, cover price $39.90 | About this edition: ¿Sabes que ocurre cuando imágenes y palabras se encuentran y funden en una expresión común?

cover image for 9788467906028
By Arno (illustrator) and Alejandro Jodorowsky


9788467906028 | Norma Editorial Sa, November 18, 2011, cover price $29.95


9780256194456, titled "Autocad 13" | Tch edition (Richard d Irwin, December 1, 1995), cover price $69.95 | also contains Autocad 13

cover image for 9788467904383
By Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marco Nizzoli (illustrator)


9788467904383, titled "El mundo de Alef-Thau 1 Resurrección / The world of Alef-Thau 1 Resurrection" | Norma Editorial Sa, April 14, 2011, cover price $21.95
9780202250571, titled "Man, Woman and Marriage: Studies of Small Group Process in the Family" | Lieber-Atherton, June 1, 1970, cover price $12.95 | also contains Man, Woman and Marriage: Studies of Small Group Process in the Family

cover image for 9788467902006


9788467902006 | Norma Editorial Sa, August 23, 2010, cover price $18.95


9780195478099, titled "Money and Banking in Pakistan" | 6 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, May 10, 2010), cover price $24.95 | also contains 18th Century Drawings from California Collections

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9788498472110, titled "El incal / The Incal: Integral" | New edition (Norma Editorial Sa, February 22, 2010), cover price $33.95

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9788499081663, titled "Manual de psicomagia / Psychomagic Handbook: Consejos Para Sanar Tu Vida / Tips to Heal Your Life" | Debolsillo, February 15, 2010, cover price $12.95

cover image for 9788498474671


9788498474671 | Norma Editorial Sa, November 17, 2009, cover price $21.95


9780156071918, titled "Financing Start-Ups: How to Raise Money for Emerging Companies 2002" | Pap/cdr edition (Harcourt Brace Professional Pub, May 1, 2000), cover price $139.00 | also contains Financing Start-Ups: How to Raise Money for Emerging Companies 2002

cover image for 9788498476262
Product Description: Book by Manara, Milo, Jodorowsky, Alejandro


9788498476262, titled "Los Borgia 3 El veneno y la hoguera / The Poison and Fire" | Norma Editorial Sa, September 17, 2009, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Book by Manara, Milo, Jodorowsky, Alejandro

cover image for 9788498144376
Product Description: Book by Manara, Milo, Jodorowsky, Alejandro


9788498144376, titled "Los Borgia 1 Sangre para el papa / Blood for the Pope" | Italian edition edition (Norma Editorial Sa, March 30, 2007), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Book by Manara, Milo, Jodorowsky, Alejandro


9788498147162, titled "Los Borgia 2 El poder y el incesto / Power and Incest" | Norma Editorial Sa, November 17, 2008, cover price $18.95

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