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G. K. Hunter has written 6 work(s)
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9780521616942 | Cambridge Univ Pr, December 31, 2004, cover price $44.99
Product Description: Galatea and Midas are two of John Lyly's most engaging plays. Lyly took up the story of two young women, Galatea (or Gallathea) and Phillida who are dressed up in male clothes by their fathers so that they can avoid the requirement of the god Neptune that every year “the fairest and chastest virgin in all the country be sacrificed to a more
9780719030956 | Manchester Univ Pr, February 1, 2000, cover price $69.95 | About this edition: Galatea and Midas are two of John Lyly's most engaging plays.
9780719031007 | Manchester Univ Pr, July 2, 1999, cover price $29.95
9780198122135 | Clarendon Pr, July 31, 1997, cover price $220.00
Product Description: One of a series of play texts by Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists other than Shakespeare, this volume discusses the plays "Campaspe" and "Sappho and Phao" by John Lyly. The series aims to throw light on the plays and to offer views of the plays that have been neglected in the more
9780719015502 | Manchester Univ Pr, October 1, 1991, cover price $79.95 | About this edition: One of a series of play texts by Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists other than Shakespeare, this volume discusses the plays "Campaspe" and "Sappho and Phao" by John Lyly.
9780048000040 | Unwin Hyman, September 1, 1980, cover price $29.95
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