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Thomas J. R. Hughes has written 6 work(s)
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Cover for 9780470748732 Cover for 9780470846995 Cover for 9780133170252 Cover for 9780486411811 Cover for 9780387975207 Cover for 9780135610763 Cover for 9780486678658 Cover for 9780444864796
cover image for 9780470846995
By Rene De Borst (editor), Thomas J. R. Hughes (editor) and Erwin Stein (editor)


9780470846995 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, December 17, 2004, cover price $2555.00

cover image for 9780486411811


9780133170252 | Prentice Hall, February 1, 1987, cover price $78.00


9780486411811 | Dover Pubns, August 16, 2000, cover price $32.95

cover image for 9780486678658


9780135610763 | Prentice Hall, November 1, 1982, cover price $88.20


9780486678658 | Reprint edition (Dover Pubns, February 18, 1994), cover price $26.95

cover image for 9780444864796
Product Description: In this volume, the theoretical basis and implementation of computer methods for the transient analysis of solids and structures are described. While emphasis is placed on finite element methods, finite difference and boundary-element methods are also more
By Klaus-Jurgen Bathe (editor), Ted Belytschko (editor) and Thomas J. R. Hughes (editor)


9780444864796 | North-Holland, May 1, 1983, cover price $194.00 | also contains Matthew | About this edition: In this volume, the theoretical basis and implementation of computer methods for the transient analysis of solids and structures are described.

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