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Robert Higgs has written 16 work(s)
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Cover for 9781598130522 Cover for 9781598130454 Cover for 9781478385479 Cover for 9781598130294 Cover for 9780521211208 Cover for 9780226333946 Cover for 9780521088404 Cover for 9781598130133 Cover for 9780226251271 Cover for 9780226251288 Cover for 9781598130126 Cover for 9780195182927 Cover for 9781598130027 Cover for 9780945999560 Cover for 9780945999973 Cover for 9780945999959 Cover for 9780945999966 Cover for 9780841912311 Cover for 9780945999669 Cover for 9780945999652 Cover for 9780945999416 Cover for 9780195049671 Cover for 9780195059007 Cover for 9780936488141 Cover for 9781598131116
cover image for 9781598130454
Taking a close look at the dense fabric that our government weaves between war, state power, and economics, this collection of essays reveals the growing authority—and corruption—of the American state. Covering topics from the Lyndon Johnson presidency to the provocatively titled article “Military-Economic Fascism” on the military-industrial-congressional complex, it argues that the U.S. government consistently exploits national crises and then invents timely rhetoric that limits the rights and liberties of all citizens for the benefit of the few, be they political leaders or various industrialists in the areas of defense and security. As its title suggests, this book presents a clear narrative of trends and events—from the United States’ entry into World War II to the origins of income tax—causing individuals to question whether those in power are truly blind to the effects and causes of their policies.


9781598130522 | Independent Inst, May 1, 2012, cover price $34.95 | About this edition: Taking a close look at the dense fabric that our government weaves between war, state power, and economics, this collection of essays reveals the growing authority—and corruption—of the American state.


9781598130454 | Independent Inst, May 1, 2012, cover price $21.95

cover image for 9781478385479
Product Description: LARGE PRINT EDITION! More at The great historian of classical liberalism strips away the veneer of exalted leaders and beloved wars. Professor Ralph Raico shows them to be wolves in sheep's clothing and their wars as attacks on human liberty and human more


9781478385479 | Large print edition (Createspace Independent Pub, January 1, 2010), cover price $14.00 | About this edition: LARGE PRINT EDITION!

cover image for 9780521088404
Product Description: Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914 is a reinterpretation of black economic history in the half-century after Emancipation. Its central theme is that economic competition and racial coercion jointly determined the material condition of the more


9780521211208 | Cambridge Univ Pr, October 1, 1976, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914 is a reinterpretation of black economic history in the half-century after Emancipation.


9780521088404, titled "Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American Economy 1865-1914" | Reprint edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, October 30, 2008), cover price $39.99 | About this edition: Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914 is a reinterpretation of black economic history in the half-century after Emancipation.
9780226333946 | Reprint edition (Univ of Chicago Pr, December 1, 1980), cover price $6.95 | About this edition: Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914 is a reinterpretation of black economic history in the half-century after Emancipation.

cover image for 9781598130133
Product Description: Broken into four sections, this book illustrates the history of American foreign policy and demonstrates the current applicability of a non-interventionist model. For the past century, U.S. foreign policy has rested on the assumption that Americans’ interests are best served by active intervention abroad to secure markets for more
By Carl P. Close (editor) and Robert Higgs (editor)


9781598130133 | Independent Inst, September 1, 2007, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: Broken into four sections, this book illustrates the history of American foreign policy and demonstrates the current applicability of a non-interventionist model.

cover image for 9780226251288


9780226251271 | Univ of Chicago Pr, May 1, 2007, cover price $99.00


9780226251288 | Univ of Chicago Pr, May 15, 2007, cover price $40.00

cover image for 9781598130027
By Carl P. Close (editor) and Robert Higgs (editor)


9781598130027 | Independent Inst, February 28, 2006, cover price $19.95

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9780945999959 | Independent Inst, June 1, 2004, cover price $29.95


9780945999966 | Independent Inst, August 30, 2004, cover price $18.95

cover image for 9780945999652
Product Description: A hard-hitting analysis that explores whether military spending is too high or too low and how special interests exploit the system.


9780945999669, titled "Arms, Politics and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" | Independent Inst, January 1, 1999, cover price $44.95 | About this edition: A hard-hitting analysis that explores whether military spending is too high or too low and how special interests exploit the system.
9780841912311 | Independent Inst, October 1, 1990, cover price $45.00 | About this edition: A hard-hitting analysis that explores whether military spending is too high or too low and how special interests exploit the system.


9780945999652, titled "Arms, Politics and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" | Independent Inst, January 1, 1999, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: A hard-hitting analysis that explores whether military spending is too high or too low and how special interests exploit the system.
9780841912830 | Holmes & Meier Pub, October 1, 1990, cover price $19.95

Discussing how government has continually grown in size and scope during the past century, this account demonstrates that the main reason lies in government’s responses to national “crises” (real or imagined), including economic upheavals and, especially, war. The result, this book argues, is the ever-increasing government power, which endures long after each crisis has passed, impinging on both civil and economic liberties and fostering extensive corporate welfare. Offering ideological explanations for the ascension of the role of government out of a capitalist, free-market economy, it will appeal to those with interests in political economy, American history, and libertarian politics.


9781598131215 | Reprint edition (Independent Inst, January 1, 2013), cover price $25.00
9780195049671 | Oxford Univ Pr, July 23, 1987, cover price $32.00


9781598131116 | 25 anv edition (Independent Inst, January 1, 2013), cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Discussing how government has continually grown in size and scope during the past century, this account demonstrates that the main reason lies in government’s responses to national “crises” (real or imagined), including economic upheavals and, especially, war.
9780195059007 | Reprint edition (Oxford Univ Pr, March 2, 1989), cover price $50.00
9780936488141 | Pacific Research Inst for Public, September 1, 1987, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: Few topics are as timely as the growth of government.

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