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Chris Hastings has written 7 work(s)
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9781616550691 | Dark Horse Comics, December 25, 2012, cover price $19.99
9781595827098 | Dark Horse Comics, May 31, 2011, cover price $19.99
9781563526237 | Taylor Pub, November 1, 2000, cover price $24.95
9781563525513, titled "Don Hastings' Month-By-Month Gardening in the South: What to Do and When to Do It" | 2 edition (Taylor Pub, October 1, 1998), cover price $24.95
9781563523298 | Longstreet Pr, October 1, 1996, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: A guide to growing shade and flowering trees, fruits, flowers, houseplants, shrubs and vines, roses, vegetables, and lawns in the South
9781563524820 | Egmt edition (Andrews McMeel Pub, July 1, 1998), cover price $14.95
9781563524035 | Egmt edition (Longstreet Pr, July 1, 1997), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Book by Hastings, Don
9781563523939 | Longstreet Pr, May 1, 1997, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Book by Hastings, Chris
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