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Deborah Haas-Wilson has written 2 work(s)
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Product Description: As millions of Americans are aware, health care costs continue to increase rapidly. Much of this increase is due to the development of new life-sustaining drugs and procedures, but part of it is due to the increased monopoly power of physicians, insurance companies, and hospitals, as the health care sector undergoes reorganization and more
9780674010529 | Harvard Univ Pr, July 31, 2003, cover price $71.50 | About this edition: As millions of Americans are aware, health care costs continue to increase rapidly.
Product Description: This special issue of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law centers on Nobel laureate Kenneth J. Arrow’s seminal article "Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care." When the essay first appeared in 1963, health economics did not exist as an established field, and there was a professional and social bias against thinking about health care in economic more
9780822365181 | Duke Univ Pr, October 15, 2001, cover price $16.00 | About this edition: This special issue of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law centers on Nobel laureate Kenneth J.
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