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Patrick Griffiths has written 5 work(s)
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9780415442046 | 1 edition (Routledge, July 14, 2009), cover price $145.00
9780321311399 | New Riders Pub, November 17, 2006, cover price $49.99
9780748616312 | Edinburgh Univ Pr, September 1, 2006, cover price $75.00 | About this edition: This is a compact introduction to the study of meaning in the English language and how language is used, providing a solid foundation for further semantic studies.
9780748616329 | Edinburgh Univ Pr, September 11, 2006, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: This is a compact introduction to the study of meaning in the English language and how language is used, providing a solid foundation for further semantic studies.
Product Description: Introducing Language in Use, second edition, provides a lively and accessible introduction to the study of language and linguistics. Drawing on a vast range of data and examples of language in its many forms, this book provides students with the tools they need to analyse real language in diverse more
9780415291781 | Routledge, December 5, 2005, cover price $180.00 | About this edition: Drawing on a vast range of data and examples of language in its many forms, this book provides students with the tools they need to analyze real language in diverse contexts.
9780415583381 | 2 edition (Routledge, January 24, 2014), cover price $57.95 | About this edition: Introducing Language in Use, second edition, provides a lively and accessible introduction to the study of language and linguistics.
9780415291798 | Routledge, December 5, 2005, cover price $46.95 | About this edition: Drawing on a vast range of data and examples of language in its many forms, this book provides students with the tools they need to analyze real language in diverse contexts.
9780415281003 | Routledge, March 1, 2004, cover price $145.00
9780415281010 | Routledge, February 1, 2004, cover price $52.95
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