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Pervez N. Ghauri has written 17 work(s)
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9780762303182 | Jai, October 1, 1999, cover price $156.99
9780080560342 | Emerald Group Pub Ltd, October 30, 2008, cover price $113.99
9780080444673 | Emerald Group Pub Ltd, August 11, 2006, cover price $132.99
9781849201537 | 2 edition (Sage Pubns Ltd, November 29, 2012), cover price $165.00
Product Description: Doing Business in Emerging Markets: Entry and Negotiation Strategies is an authoritative and timely guide for executives who are contemplating business in these markets. Including numerous exhibits and real-world examples, the authors explore analysis and evaluation of market potential, management of the negotiation process, and the recognition of important regional business styles and cultural more
9780761913740 | Sage Pubns, July 23, 2002, cover price $109.00
9780471958253 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, September 1, 1998, cover price $55.00 | also contains Who Do You Love
9780761913757 | Sage Pubns, July 23, 2002, cover price $65.00 | About this edition: Doing Business in Emerging Markets: Entry and Negotiation Strategies is an authoritative and timely guide for executives who are contemplating business in these markets.
9780121391652 | Academic Pr, March 1, 1994, cover price $72.95
Discusses the current status of European marketing, offers strategies for the European Community and post-communist Eastern Europe, and examines the future of European marketing
9781560244271 | Routledge, May 1, 1994, cover price $100.00 | About this edition: Discusses the current status of European marketing, offers strategies for the European Community and post-communist Eastern Europe, and examines the future of European marketing
9781560244288 | Haworth Pr Inc, August 1, 1994, cover price $10.01 | About this edition: Discusses the current status of European marketing, offers strategies for the European Community and post-communist Eastern Europe, and examines the future of European marketing
9780080435848 | Emerald Group Pub Ltd, November 1, 1999, cover price $150.99
9781567204216 | Praeger Pub Text, April 30, 2004, cover price $84.00
9780415624701 | Routledge, March 25, 2015, cover price $89.95
9780080442921 | 2 edition (Emerald Group Pub Ltd, October 1, 2003), cover price $181.99
9780080442938 | 2 edition (Emerald Group Pub Ltd, October 1, 2003), cover price $93.99
9780080427751 | Pergamon Pr, December 1, 1996, cover price $69.95
9780415624695 | Routledge, April 17, 2015, cover price $180.00
Product Description: This reader covers the important topics in the growing area of International Management. The four sections represent a comprehensive survey of the subject from the existing literature. Unlike the competition its coverage is more rounded and covers all of the important aspects of international management, including human resource management, cross cultural relations, in particular relations with Asia, and management more
9781861524393 | Thomson Learning, May 1, 1998, cover price $38.99 | About this edition: This reader covers the important topics in the growing area of International Management.
9781861524010 | 2 sub edition (Cengage Learning College, September 1, 1998), cover price $54.95
9780121391614 | Academic Pr, November 1, 1992, cover price $39.00 | About this edition: This collection of readings is concerned with international business, with specific reference to the multinational firm, foreign direct investment, globalization and international strategic thought.
Product Description: Volume 20 of "Advances in International Marketing", guest-edited by Professors Sinkovics and Ghauri, addresses the impact on international marketing of major trends in the external and internal environment of the firm: technology-enabled international marketing research, environmental degradation, global warming; scarcity of resources, global account management, procurement and international supplier networks, internationalization of small and entrepreneurial firms, outsourcing and off shoring, and reliability and validity issues for construct more
9781848554689 | Emerald Group Pub Ltd, February 2, 2009, cover price $166.99 | About this edition: Volume 20 of "Advances in International Marketing", guest-edited by Professors Sinkovics and Ghauri, addresses the impact on international marketing of major trends in the external and internal environment of the firm: technology-enabled international marketing research, environmental degradation, global warming; scarcity of resources, global account management, procurement and international supplier networks, internationalization of small and entrepreneurial firms, outsourcing and off shoring, and reliability and validity issues for construct measurement.
9780471486640 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 13, 2002, cover price $82.40
This guide demonstrates to students the importance of a scientific approach to business research and problem-solving projects. It shows how to formulate a problem and choose a research method, and how to argue and motivate. The book discusses the practicalities of research such as problem formulation, relating the research to previous studies, choosing the right methodology, presentation of results, report writing and drawing conclusions. This work is intended for MBA/MSc and undergraduate students doing business studies, business administration, economics, finance and marketing courses. Consultants and organizations undertaking research in business studies should also find this a useful text.
9780273681564 | 3 edition (Financial Times Management, October 11, 2005), cover price $66.67
9780273651109 | 2 edition (Prentice Hall, February 1, 2002), cover price $70.00
9780130157102 | Prentice Hall, February 1, 1995, cover price $46.00 | About this edition: This guide demonstrates to students the importance of a scientific approach to business research and problem-solving projects.
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