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Joseph-Antenor Firmin has written 2 work(s)
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Cover for 9780815331919 Cover for 9780070468191 Cover for 9780252071027
cover image for 9780815331919
Product Description: Antenor Firmin's "Equality of Human Races" is a pioneering work of early anthropology written in French by a Haitian who is probably anthropology's first scholar of African descent. Firmin published "De l'Egalite des Races Humaines" in paris in 1885, 20 years after the "Father of Racism", Count Arthur de Gobineau, published "Essai sur l'inegalitie des Races Humaines" more


9780815331919 | Routledge, October 1, 1999, cover price $142.00 | About this edition: Antenor Firmin's "Equality of Human Races" is a pioneering work of early anthropology written in French by a Haitian who is probably anthropology's first scholar of African descent.

cover image for 9780252071027


9780252071027 | Univ of Illinois Pr, October 1, 2002, cover price $39.00
9780070468191, titled "Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies" | 13th edition (McGraw-Hill College, January 1, 1996), cover price $79.90 | also contains Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies

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