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Randolph W. Evans has written 12 work(s)
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Product Description: This issue of the Neurologic Clinics is being edited by the series Consulting Editor, Dr. Randolph Evans, and will be a special issue focusing on patient case studies of a board range of neurological diseases and disorders. Topics and cases covered include, but are not limited to: cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, syncope, epilepsy, tremor, dementia, neurologic issues in pregnancy, and medicolegal more
9780323459792, titled "Case Studies in Neurology: An Issue of Neurologic Clinics" | Elsevier Science Health Science div, August 28, 2016, cover price $98.99 | About this edition: This issue of the Neurologic Clinics is being edited by the series Consulting Editor, Dr.
Product Description: Secondary headaches account for about 10% of headaches and require meticulous diagnosis because of their life-threatening potential. The secondary headaches include a diverse and fascinating array of etiologies which can mimic primary headache disorders ranging from the rare to the mundane and from the well established to the highly more
9780323297196 | Elsevier Science Health Science div, April 10, 2014, cover price $99.00 | About this edition: Secondary headaches account for about 10% of headaches and require meticulous diagnosis because of their life-threatening potential.
9781437724684 | 1 edition (W B Saunders Co, October 6, 2010), cover price $99.00
9781437705058, titled "Migraine and Other Primary Headaches: An Issue of Neurologic Clinics" | 1 edition (W B Saunders Co, April 16, 2009), cover price $99.00
9781437705003 | 1 edition (W B Saunders Co, April 2, 2009), cover price $73.00
Product Description: Continuous advances in neurologic treatment strategies make apprehension of current neuroimaging techniques central to sound neurologic practice. This issue of Neurologic Clinics contains the following articles: Neuroimaging with Ultrasonography; PET for Neurologists; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Neuroimaging in Neuro-oncology; Neuroimaging in Multiple Sclerosis; Neuroimaging in Stroke; Neuroimaging in Dementia; Neuroimaging in Psychiatry; Imaging of the Orbit; Pediatric Neuroimaging; Advances in Neuroimaging; and Interventional more
9781437705041 | W B Saunders Co, December 24, 2008, cover price $99.00 | About this edition: Continuous advances in neurologic treatment strategies make apprehension of current neuroimaging techniques central to sound neurologic practice.
Product Description: The use of case studies is vital as an educational technique in medicine, particularly to clinicians, because it illustrates current medical methodology and values. This issue includes case studies in all the major subspecialties within neurology such as headache, multiple sclerosis, sleep, dementia, movement disorders, neck and low back pain, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, neuro-ophthalmology, syncope, and critical more
9781416035763 | 1 edition (W B Saunders Co, June 6, 2006), cover price $85.00 | About this edition: The use of case studies is vital as an educational technique in medicine, particularly to clinicians, because it illustrates current medical methodology and values.
9780195170320 | 2 edition (Oxford Univ Pr, March 16, 2006), cover price $115.00
Product Description: Now thoroughly updated and revised, the Second Edition of the Handbook of Headache gives comprehensive, yet concise insight into one of the most common—and confounding—of patient maladies. This is a practical, easily readable guide to the diagnosis and management of headache patients, written with both primary care physicians and neurologists in more
9780781752237 | 2 edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, January 12, 2004), cover price $58.99 | About this edition: Now thoroughly updated and revised, the Second Edition of the Handbook of Headache gives comprehensive, yet concise insight into one of the most common—and confounding—of patient maladies.
9780781718776 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, April 1, 2000, cover price $42.95
9780721697611 | W B Saunders Co, January 16, 2003, cover price $109.00 | About this edition: ABC
9780195119367 | 2 sub edition (Oxford Univ Pr, February 1, 2000), cover price $99.50
9780195056990 | Oxford Univ Pr, June 1, 1992, cover price $98.00 | also contains Diesel Technology: Drive Trains
Product Description: Presenting a practical text for the clinician on diagnosing various neurologic disorders and clinical presentations with an emphasis on the use of diagnostic testing. Detailed disorder-oriented chapters provide a brief summary of the clinical aspects, the differential diagnosis and comprehensive literature reviews of diagnostic testing for the more
9780721676036 | W B Saunders Co, September 1, 1999, cover price $106.00 | About this edition: Presenting a practical text for the clinician on diagnosing various neurologic disorders and clinical presentations with an emphasis on the use of diagnostic testing.
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