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Scott Davidson has written 13 work(s)
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Cover for 9780335157693 Cover for 9780335157686 Cover for 9789041115874 Cover for 9781847064462 Cover for 9780138085025 Cover for 9781847064479 Cover for 9780826438461 Cover for 9781441164223 Cover for 9780226752686 Cover for 9781441124647 Cover for 9780226758084 Cover for 9781441132659 Cover for 9781409433927 Cover for 9781514189207 Cover for 9781472524317 Cover for 9781350009035
cover image for 9780335157693


9780335157693 | Open Univ Pr, May 1, 1993, cover price $95.00


9780335157686 | Open Univ Pr, May 1, 1993, cover price $41.95

cover image for 9780754623854
By Scott Davidson (editor)


9780754623854 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, September 1, 2004, cover price $400.00

cover image for 9780754649274
This book provides a comprehensive analysis and commentary on the decisions - technically known as views - of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, which is an independent and quasi-judicial international body established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Each of the substantive rights and freedoms set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is considered in detail, by analysis of final reviews and comments of the Human Rights Committee. Practitioners will benefit from this review and consideration of determinations of ICCPR rights - those rights being reflected throughout various international and domestic human rights instruments. This will hold particular appeal for practitioners in States party to the International Covenant, but the relevance of the text is not limited to specific consideration of the ICCPR procedure. The willingness of other judicial bodies to make reference to the International Covenant is evident throughout systems such as the European Convention on Human Rights, the Inter-American Human Rights System and Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


9780754649274 | 2 edition (Ashgate Pub Co, March 1, 2009), cover price $170.00
9780754622796 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, September 1, 2004, cover price $130.00 | About this edition: This book provides a comprehensive analysis and commentary on the decisions - technically known as views - of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, which is an independent and quasi-judicial international body established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).


9780754676560 | Ashgate Pub Co, March 1, 2009, cover price $74.95

cover image for 9781847064479
By Scott Davidson (trans)


9781847064462 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, June 15, 2009, cover price $110.00
9780138070335, titled "Sgml: The User's Guide to Iso 8879" | Ellis Horwood Ltd, September 1, 1988, cover price $42.50 | also contains Sgml: The User''s Guide to Iso 8879


9781847064479 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, June 15, 2009, cover price $25.95
9780138085025, titled "Shell Alps" | Map edition (Prentice Hall Direct, March 1, 1985), cover price $6.95 | also contains Shell Alps

cover image for 9781441164223
By Scott Davidson (editor)


9780826438461 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, January 21, 2010, cover price $130.00


9781441164223 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, January 5, 2012, cover price $39.95

cover image for 9781441132659
Barbarism represents acritique, from the perspective of Michel Henry's unique philosophy of life, ofthe increasing potential of science and technology to destroy the roots ofculture and the value of the individual human being. For Henry, barbarismis the result of a devaluation of human life and culture that can betraced back to the spread of quantification, the scientific method andtechnology over all aspects of modern life. The book develops a compellingcritique of capitalism, technology and education and provides a powerfulinsight into the political implications of Henry's work. It also opens up a newdialogue with other influential cultural critics, such as Marx, Husserl, and Heidegger.First published in French in 1987, Barbarismaroused great interest as well as virulent criticism. Today the bookreveals what for Henry is a cruel reality: the tragic feeling of powerlessnessexperienced by the cultured person. Above all he argues for the importanceof returning to philosophy in order to analyse the root causes ofbarbarism in our world.
By Scott Davidson (trans)


9781441124647 | Reprint edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, August 30, 2012), cover price $90.00 | About this edition: Barbarism represents acritique, from the perspective of Michel Henry's unique philosophy of life, ofthe increasing potential of science and technology to destroy the roots ofculture and the value of the individual human being.
9780226752686, titled "The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle: Democratic Committee Assignments in the Modern House" | Univ of Chicago Pr, June 1, 1978, cover price $36.00 | also contains The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle: Democratic Committee Assignments in the Modern House


9781441132659 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, August 30, 2012, cover price $25.95
9780226758084, titled "Introduction to Tolstoy's Writings" | Univ of Chicago Pr, June 1, 1968, cover price $1.95 | also contains Introduction to Tolstoy''s Writings

cover image for 9781783480944
By Scott Davidson (trans)


9781783480944 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, November 16, 2014, cover price $100.00


9781783480951 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, October 31, 2014, cover price $32.95
9780373970926, titled "Paxos Tiger" | Harlequin Books, March 1, 1989, cover price $3.95 | also contains Paxos Tiger

cover image for 9781514189207
Product Description: New Release of Amazon Echo User Guide 2nd Edition on May 2015 with FREE BONUS WORTH $9.99! Amazon #1 Best Seller - Download it NOW! Do you want to know how to use your Amazon Echo to it's maximum potential? How you can use Alexa's help in your day to day life? Within Amazon Echo User Guide, you will more


9781514189207 | 2 edition (Createspace Independent Pub, June 2, 2015), cover price $17.15 | About this edition: New Release of Amazon Echo User Guide 2nd Edition on May 2015 with FREE BONUS WORTH $9.

cover image for 9781350009035


9781472524317 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, August 14, 2014, cover price $29.95


9781350009035 | Reprint edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, March 30, 2017), cover price $19.95

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