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Bonnie Costello has written 6 work(s)
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9780801446139 | Cornell Univ Pr, February 1, 2008, cover price $39.50
9780674008946 | Harvard Univ Pr, March 30, 2003, cover price $58.00
Product Description: Marianne Moore's correspondence makes up the largest and most broadly significant collection of any modern poet. It documents the first two-thirds of this century, reflecting shifts from Victorian to modernist culture, the experience of the two world wars, the Depression and postwar prosperity, and the changing face of the arts in America and more
9780141181202 | Penguin Classics, December 1, 1998, cover price $20.00 | About this edition: Marianne Moore's correspondence makes up the largest and most broadly significant collection of any modern poet.
9780679439097 | Alfred a Knopf Inc, October 1, 1997, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Letters to Moore's family, friends, and fellow writers depict her views on life and poetry
9780674246898 | Harvard Univ Pr, October 21, 1991, cover price $29.95
9780674246904 | Reprint edition (Harvard Univ Pr, March 15, 1993), cover price $30.00 | About this edition: In this finely written companion to Elizabeth Bishop's poetry, Bonnie Costello gives a compelling use of Bishop and her ways of seeing and writing.
9780674548480 | Harvard Univ Pr, September 1, 1981, cover price $28.00
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