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College Board has written 118 work(s)
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9780874471229 | College Board, January 1, 1980, cover price $10.95
9780874471526 | Subsequent edition (College Board, February 1, 1983), cover price $7.95 | About this edition: A survey of the government and private sources of financial aid for adult college students includes a step-by-step explanation of the process of applying for aid
9780874471687 | College Board, March 1, 1984, cover price $30.00
9780874473155 | 9 edition (Macmillan Pub Co, October 1, 1988), cover price $12.95 | About this edition: This systematic planning guide to paying for college discusses changes in the federal aid programs and eligibility requirements, estimating financial need, how to apply for aid, college expenses nationwide, and financial aid opportunities
9780874473476 | College Board, June 1, 1989, cover price $49.95
9780874473360 | 27 sub edition (College Board, October 1, 1989), cover price $17.95
9780874476590 | 3 revised edition (College Board, September 1, 2001), cover price $195.00
9780874473575 | College Board, July 1, 1990, cover price $89.95 | About this edition: Provides information on enrollment, course offerings, test scores, and postgraduate plans for more than twenty-five thousand high schools
9780874474084 | 29th edition (College Board, January 1, 1991), cover price $18.95
9780874474794 | 31st edition (College Board, August 1, 1993), cover price $20.00 | About this edition: Presents information on enrollment, fields of study, admission requirements, expenses, and student activities at two- and four-year colleges
9780874474886 | College Board, April 1, 1994, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: A preparation guide for the new SAT II includes full-length subject tests, formerly called achievement tests, with answer keys and samples of the new writing test
9780874474909 | 32 edition (College Board, August 1, 1994), cover price $20.00 | About this edition: Presents information on enrollment, fields of study, admission requirements, expenses, and student activities at two- and four-year colleges
9780874475128 | College Board, August 1, 1995, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: Describes each CLEP test and gives sample questions, study resources, and hints on preparing for the exams
9780874475999 | Package edition (College Board, August 1, 1998), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Presents test-taking strategies and practice tests for the SAT II Subject tests
9789990050479 | College Board, June 1, 1999, cover price $0.02
9789993569749 | College Board, June 1, 1999, cover price $0.02
A survey of 2,800 college funding programs furnishes current information on awards for every degree level, with entries arranged by category, gender, minority status, field of study, and career interest, and provides tips and techniques for financial aid, avoiding scams, and more. Original. 50,000 first printing.
9780874476279 | Pap/cdr edition (College Board, December 1, 1999), cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Offers a listing of scholarship, internship, and loan programs based on such categories as minority status, field of study, and religious affiliation.
9780874476460 | 21 edition (Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 2000), cover price $21.95 | About this edition: Offers college funding alternatives by explaining the financial aid system and describing the aid opportunities at 2700 two- and four-year colleges.
Updated and redesigned, an essential guide provides a wealth of information on accredited colleges throughout the U.S., covering admission policies, campus life, special academic programs, majors, internet addresses, and more, accompanied by the College Explorer college search CD-ROM. Original. 90,000 first printing.
9780874476446 | 38th bk&cd edition (Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 2000), cover price $26.95 | About this edition: Presents information on enrollment, fields of study, admission requirements, expenses, and student activities at two- and four-year colleges
9780874476491 | Pap/cdr edition (College Board, August 1, 2000), cover price $26.95 | About this edition: Describes admission requirements, size, international student enrollment, financial aid opportunities, costs, degrees, and student services for more than two thousand two- and four-year colleges, focusing on undergraduate fields of study.
9780874476439 | College Board, August 1, 2000, cover price $18.00 | About this edition: Offers advice about taking multiple choice and essay CLEP examinations; describes each subject on the test, including English, foreign languages, and history; and aids in the interpretation of scores.
9780874476514 | Bk&cd-rom edition (College Board, August 1, 2000), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: Offers study guides for undergraduate level Regents College Examinations in nursing, arts, sciences, business, and education, and includes study resources, sample exam questions, and software tutorials.
An accessible resource presents a quick and easy way for students to find desired locations of colleges that offer the majors they are considering and includes descriptions of every major and recognized field of study, with listings of the many schools that have majors in each. Original. 40,000 first printing.
9780874476453 | College Board, August 1, 2000, cover price $22.95 | About this edition: Presents a quick and easy way for students to find desired locations of colleges that offer the majors they are considering and includes descriptions of every major and recognized field of study, with listings of the many schools that have majors in each.
A survey of more than two thousand college funding programs furnishes current information on awards for every degree level, with entries arranged by category, gender, minority status, field of study, and career interest, and provides tips and techniques for financial aid, avoiding scams, and more. Original. 70,000 first printing.
9780874476484 | Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 2000, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Offers a listing of scholarship, internship, and loan programs based on such categories as minority status, field of study, and religious affiliation.
9780874476705 | 13th rev edition (College Board, August 1, 2001), cover price $18.95
A survey of more than 2,300 college funding programs furnishes current information on awards for every degree level, with entries arranged by category, gender, minority status, field of study, and career interest, and provides tips and techniques for financial aid, avoiding scams, and more. Original. 70,000 first printing.
9780874476682 | Pap/cdr edition (College Board, August 1, 2001), cover price $25.95 | About this edition: Offers a listing of scholarship, internship, and loan programs based on such categories as minority status, field of study, and religious affiliation.
9780874476736 | Pap/cdr edition (College Board, August 1, 2001), cover price $18.95
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