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Rosetta Marantz Cohen has written 4 work(s)
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Product Description: Much of school reform is misguided because it is insufficiently concerned with the quality of the teaching force and the working conditions of teachers. Authors Cohen and Scheer offer a common sense approach and logical recommendations to this subject of national more
9780810846869 | Rowman & Littlefield Education, June 1, 2003, cover price $40.00 | About this edition: Much of school reform is misguided because it is insufficiently concerned with the quality of the teaching force and the working conditions of teachers.
Product Description: This volume presents a complex portrait of the American teacher through a fascinating range of "story" narratives, including fictional short stories, poetry, diaries, letters, ethnographies, and autobiographies. Through these stories, the volume traces the evolution of the teacher and the profession over the course of two centuries -- from the late 1700s to the late more
9780805826906 | Routledge, June 1, 1997, cover price $150.00 | About this edition: This volume presents a complex portrait of the American teacher through a fascinating range of "story" narratives, including fictional short stories, poetry, diaries, letters, ethnographies, and autobiographies.
9780805822502 | Routledge, March 1, 1997, cover price $70.95 | About this edition: This volume presents a complex portrait of the American teacher through a fascinating range of "story" narratives, including fictional short stories, poetry, diaries, letters, ethnographies, and autobiographies.
Product Description: Using a combination of participant observation and interviews with teachers, parents and students, Rosetta Marantz Cohen explores a high school's efforts in the United States to implement broad-based curricular change. The book vividly illustrates the impact of change on an often resistant more
9780803962545 | Corwin Pr, September 12, 1995, cover price $56.95 | About this edition: Using a combination of participant observation and interviews with teachers, parents and students, Rosetta Marantz Cohen explores a high school's efforts in the United States to implement broad-based curricular change.
9780803962552 | Corwin Pr, September 12, 1995, cover price $27.95 | About this edition: Achieving school reform is a long, arduous process.
Product Description: Book by Cohen, Rosetta Marantz
9780807730966 | Teachers College Pr, June 1, 1991, cover price $33.00 | About this edition: Book by Cohen, Rosetta Marantz
9780807730959 | Teachers College Pr, June 1, 1991, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Book by Cohen, Rosetta Marantz
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