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Mark D. Chapman has written 9 work(s)
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9781137571113 | Palgrave Macmillan, November 17, 2015, cover price $109.00
9780199688067 | Oxford Univ Pr, April 27, 2014, cover price $99.00
9780232527445 | Gardners Books, July 20, 2008, cover price $21.45
9780192806932 | Oxford Univ Pr, July 27, 2006, cover price $11.95
9781902279206 | Gardners Books, October 21, 2004, cover price $20.05
Ambassadors of Christ commemorates 150 years of theological education in Cuddesdon with a collection of substantial essays. It begins with a discussion by Mark Chapman of the revival of theology and education in the early years of the nineteenth century. This is followed with an essay by Alastair Redfern on Samuel Wilberforce as a pastoral theologian, and a revision by Andrew Atherstone of Owen Chadwick's Centenary History in the light of more recent historical research, bringing the discussion up to the 1880s. For the first time, Ripon Hall, which merged with Cuddesdon in 1975, receives a thorough and detailed historical treatment by Michael Brierley. Mark Chapman then discusses the 1960s under Robert Runcie, and a final chapter by Robert Jeffery deals with the theological and churchmanship issues which emerged from the merger. Two marvellous sermons preached at College Festivals by Michael Ramsey and Owen Chadwick are also reproduced in the appendices. This special commemorative volume will appeal to past and present students as well as specialists in nineteenth and twentieth cemtury church history and all those interested in ministerial education and spiritual formation.
9780754637547 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, May 1, 2004, cover price $149.95
9780754637554 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, May 1, 2004, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: Ambassadors of Christ commemorates 150 years of theological education in Cuddesdon with a collection of substantial essays.
Product Description: Two hundred years after the publication of Schleiermacher's epoch-making "Speeches", "The Future of Liberal Theology" presents a comprehensive and critical re-assessment of the past, present and future of the liberal tradition in Christian more
9780754606864 | Ashgate Pub Ltd, April 1, 2002, cover price $114.95 | About this edition: Two hundred years after the publication of Schleiermacher's epoch-making "Speeches", "The Future of Liberal Theology" presents a comprehensive and critical re-assessment of the past, present and future of the liberal tradition in Christian theology.
9780199246427 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, January 17, 2002, cover price $165.00
9780199246823 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, January 17, 2002, cover price $61.00
9781841271859 | T&t Clark Ltd, February 1, 2002, cover price $155.00
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