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Laurel Cardone has written 2 work(s)
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cover image for 9781400012350
A practical guide for travelers offers advice on identifying non-essentials, strategic packing, buying luggage, what to include in a carry-on, seasonal needs, business and pleasure trips, and traveling with children. Original. 20,000 first printing.


9781400012350 | 2 expanded edition (Fodors Travel Pubns, January 1, 2003), cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Offers advice on choosing luggage, packing tricky items, creating care-free travel kits, packing carry-on bags, and arriving at one's destination wrinkle-free.

Offers advice on choosing luggage, packing tricky items, creating care-free travel kits, packing carry-on bags, and arriving at one's destination wrinkle-free


9780679035176, titled "Fodor's How to Pack: Expert Share Their Secrets" | Fodors Travel Pubns, December 1, 1997, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Offers advice on choosing luggage, packing tricky items, creating care-free travel kits, packing carry-on bags, and arriving at one's destination wrinkle-free

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