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Albert Camus has written 119 work(s)
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Cover for 9781511490504 Cover for 9781508560449 Cover for 9781508443797 Cover for 9788420684253 Cover for 9788420684246 Cover for 9788420684222 Cover for 9788420637426 Cover for 9788420684239 Cover for 9781497511033 Cover for 9788420609270 Cover for 9788420676593 Cover for 9788420676562 Cover for 9788420676579 Cover for 9788420609287 Cover for 9788420669793 Cover for 9789875666351 Cover for 9781566638739 Cover for 9788420650630 Cover for 9781566637756 Cover for 9781566638500 Cover for 9780679768166 Cover for 9781439507537 Cover for 9780679733843 Cover for 9781439505571 Cover for 9781517392949 Cover for 9789500427777 Cover for 9788420632841 Cover for 9788420632896 Cover for 9788420632858 Cover for 9788420632889
cover image for 9781511490504
Product Description: Meursault, un chico joven recibe un telegrama anunciando la muerte de su madre, a quien había decidido enviar a un asilo de ancianos puesto que, como admitirá ulteriormente, ya no tenían más nada que decirse. El joven Meursault toma un par de días de descanso de su trabajo, el autor no da una idea concreta de cual es su trabajo (solo que se encuentra en una oficina en el puerto), y asiste al funeral de su madre durante el cual no siente ni manifiesta congoja alguna y sólo le incomoda el calor implacable del verano argelino y el no poder fumar delante del fé more


9781511490504 | Createspace Independent Pub, March 27, 2015, cover price $7.38 | About this edition: Meursault, un chico joven recibe un telegrama anunciando la muerte de su madre, a quien había decidido enviar a un asilo de ancianos puesto que, como admitirá ulteriormente, ya no tenían más nada que decirse.

cover image for 9781508560449
Product Description: El protagonista, el señor Meursault, comete un desafortunado crimen, jamás se manifestará contra su ajusticiamiento ni mostrará sentimiento alguno de injusticia, arrepentimiento o lástima. La pasividad y el escepticismo frente a todo y todos recorre el comportamiento del protagonista: un sentido apático de la existencia y aún de la propia more


9781508560449 | Createspace Independent Pub, February 20, 2015, cover price $8.00 | About this edition: El protagonista, el señor Meursault, comete un desafortunado crimen, jamás se manifestará contra su ajusticiamiento ni mostrará sentimiento alguno de injusticia, arrepentimiento o lástima.

cover image for 9781508443797
Product Description: A story is a door to life. It is a flash, a movie, when told by a master. A wonderfully dynamic story “The Adulterous Woman” by the Nobel prize winner, writer-existentialist Albert Camus, will open for you a door into someone’s life that could be as well more
By Albert Camus (creator)


9781508443797 | Mul edition (Createspace Independent Pub, February 10, 2015), cover price $11.99 | About this edition: A story is a door to life.

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9788420684253, titled "Crónicas argelinas 1939-1958 / Algerian Chronicles" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2014, cover price $16.95

cover image for 9788420684246
Product Description: BOOKS IN SPANISH


9788420684246, titled "Crónicas (1944-1953) / Chronicles (1944-1953)" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2014), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: BOOKS IN SPANISH

cover image for 9788420684222
Product Description: New product. Never used!


9788420684222, titled "El revés y el derecho & Discurso de Suecia / The Wrong Side and the Right Side & Sweden Speech" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2014), cover price $15.75 | About this edition: New product.

cover image for 9788420684239
Product Description: New product. Never used!


9788420684239 | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2014), cover price $15.95 | About this edition: New product.
9788420637426 | Poc tra edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2002), cover price $12.95

cover image for 9781497511033
La aparicion casi simultanea, en 1942, de El mito de Sisifo y El extranjero revelo al publico el talento literario, la sensibilidad etica y la capacidad de reflexion teorica de Albert Camus (1913-1960), para quien narrativa, teatro, ensayo y periodismo fueron medios alternativos para indagar sobre la complejidad, la ambiguedad y la riqueza de la condicion humana, asi como para plantear y debatir los grandes problemas morales del hombre moderno. El mito de Sisifo se compone de cuatro capitulos y un apendice (La esperanza y lo absurdo en la obra de Franz Kafka) que estudian, desde enfoques cercanos al existencialismo, esa sensibilidad absurda tan presente en gran parte del siglo XX.


9781497511033, titled "El Mito De S¡sifo / The Myth Of Sisyphus" | Createspace Independent Pub, March 20, 2014, cover price $8.20
9788420609270, titled "El mito de Sísifo / The Myth of Sisyphus" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2013), cover price $16.95 | About this edition: La aparicion casi simultanea, en 1942, de El mito de Sisifo y El extranjero revelo al publico el talento literario, la sensibilidad etica y la capacidad de reflexion teorica de Albert Camus (1913-1960), para quien narrativa, teatro, ensayo y periodismo fueron medios alternativos para indagar sobre la complejidad, la ambiguedad y la riqueza de la condicion humana, asi como para plantear y debatir los grandes problemas morales del hombre moderno.

cover image for 9788420676593
Product Description: Las numerosas referencias que pueden encontrarse en los ensayos de Albert Camus (1913-1960) a


9788420676593 | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, July 30, 2013), cover price $19.95 | About this edition: Las numerosas referencias que pueden encontrarse en los ensayos de Albert Camus (1913-1960) a

cover image for 9788420676562
Product Description: Como testigo moral de la Europa destruida por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las obras de creacion y las reflexiones teoricas de Albert Camus (1913-1960) constituyen el anverso y el reverso de una unica indagacion en torno a la complejidad y la ambiguedad de la condicion more


9788420676562 | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2013), cover price $22.95 | About this edition: Como testigo moral de la Europa destruida por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las obras de creacion y las reflexiones teoricas de Albert Camus (1913-1960) constituyen el anverso y el reverso de una unica indagacion en torno a la complejidad y la ambiguedad de la condicion humana.

cover image for 9788420676579
Product Description: Rare book: Price in USD


9788420676579, titled "Calígula / Caligula: Obra en cuatro actos / Work in Four Acts" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2013), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Rare book: Price in USD

cover image for 9788420609287
Product Description: Drama estrenado en 1949, "Los justos" desarrolla, en el ámbito histórico de la Rusia zarista, algunos de los temas que obsesionaron a Albert Camus (1913-1960) a lo largo de su vida y que atraviesan como hilo conductor toda su more


9788420609287 | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2012), cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Drama estrenado en 1949, "Los justos" desarrolla, en el ámbito histórico de la Rusia zarista, algunos de los temas que obsesionaron a Albert Camus (1913-1960) a lo largo de su vida y que atraviesan como hilo conductor toda su obra.

cover image for 9788420669793
Product Description: La obra literaria, periodistica y filosofica de Albert Camus (1913-1960) sirvio de orientacion etica y de estimulo intelectual a la generacion europea llegada a la madurez tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial y marcada por los horrores y sufrimientos de la more


9788420669793, titled "La caída / The Fall" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, May 1, 2012), cover price $13.95 | About this edition: La obra literaria, periodistica y filosofica de Albert Camus (1913-1960) sirvio de orientacion etica y de estimulo intelectual a la generacion europea llegada a la madurez tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial y marcada por los horrores y sufrimientos de la contienda.

cover image for 9789875666351
Product Description: Albert Camus (1912-1960) fue un gran novelista dramaturgo y ensayista frances. Estudio en Africa del Norte y trabajo en distintas actividades hasta llegar al periodismo. Dirigio durante la Resistencia el periodico Combat y fue asesor literario de la editorial more


9789875666351 | Italian edition edition (Random House Mondadori, February 1, 2011), cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Albert Camus (1912-1960) fue un gran novelista dramaturgo y ensayista frances.

cover image for 9781566638739
Product Description: From 1935 until his death, Albert Camus kept a series of notebooks to sketch out ideas for future works, record snatches of conversations and excerpts from books he was reading, and jot down his reflections on death and the horror of war, his feelings about women and loneliness and art, and his appreciations for the Algerian sun and more


9781566638739 | Italian edition edition (Ivan R Dee, October 30, 2010), cover price $18.95 | About this edition: From 1935 until his death, Albert Camus kept a series of notebooks to sketch out ideas for future works, record snatches of conversations and excerpts from books he was reading, and jot down his reflections on death and the horror of war, his feelings about women and loneliness and art, and his appreciations for the Algerian sun and sea.

cover image for 9788420650630
Product Description: El reves y el derecho & Discurso de Suecia


9788420650630, titled "El reves y el derecho & Discurso de Suecia / The Reverse and the Right & Sweden Speech: Discurso De Suecia / Sweden Speech" | Poc edition (Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2010), cover price $12.95 | About this edition: El reves y el derecho & Discurso de Suecia

cover image for 9781566638500
Withheld from publication in France for twenty-nine years after his death, and now in English for the first time, Camus's final journals give us our rawest and most intimate glimpse yet into one of the most important voices of French letters and twentieth-century literature. The first two volumes of his Notebooks began as simple instruments of his work; this final volume, recorded over the last nine years of his life, take on the characteristics of a more personal diary. Fearing that his memory was beginning to fail him, Camus noted here his reactions to the polemics stirred by The Rebel, his feelings about the Algerian War, his sojourns in Greece and Italy, thinly veiled observations on his wife and lovers, heartaches over his family, and anxiety over the Nobel Prize that he was awarded in 1957. As in the earlier Notebooks, we see here also the birth of some of Camus's greatest works: The Fall, Exile and the Kingdom, and his unfinished masterpiece, The First Man. His gorgeous travel descriptions, his political observations, and his philosophical musings are the most appealing features of these recorded thoughts. Notebooks 1951-1959 completes one of the most important set of literary "working papers" of the past century. Ryan Bloom's sensitive translation was shortlisted for the French-American Foundation and Florence Gould Foundation translation prize for nonfiction.


9781566637756 | Ivan R Dee, June 1, 2008, cover price $27.50 | About this edition: Withheld from publication in France for twenty-nine years after his death, and now in English for the first time, Camus's final journals give us our rawest and most intimate glimpse yet into one of the most important voices of French letters and twentieth-century literature.


9781566638500, titled "Notebooks: 1951-1959" | Rep tra edition (Ivan R Dee, August 20, 2010), cover price $18.95

cover image for 9781439507537
Traces the story of Jacques Cormery, a young man who rises above the losses and misfortunes of his childhood in Algeria


9780679768166 | Reprint edition (Vintage Books, August 1, 1996), cover price $16.00 | About this edition: Traces the story of Jacques Cormery, a young man who rises above the losses and misfortunes of his childhood in Algeria


9781439507537 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, October 1, 2008), cover price $23.95 | also contains The First Man

cover image for 9781439505571
Product Description: By one of the most profoundly influential thinkers of our century, The Rebel is a classic essay on revolution. For Albert Camus, the urge to revolt is one of the "essential dimensions" of human nature, manifested in man's timeless Promethean struggle against the conditions of his existence, as well as the popular uprisings against established orders throughout more


9780679733843 | Reissue edition (Vintage Books, November 1, 1991), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: The author traces the ways in which the theories of philosophers such as Rousseau, Hegel and Marx have been misused.


9781439505571 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, June 26, 2008), cover price $21.95 | About this edition: By one of the most profoundly influential thinkers of our century, The Rebel is a classic essay on revolution.

cover image for 9781517392949
Product Description: Extranjero en su tierra, extranjero de sí mismo, Meursault vive una angustiosa situación. Íntimamente ajeno al alcance moral de sus actos, llega a asesinar, a la prisión, al patíbulo, y no hay para él, en este inevitable proceso, ni rebeldía ni more


9781517392949 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 18, 2015, cover price $10.00 | About this edition: Extranjero en su tierra, extranjero de sí mismo, Meursault vive una angustiosa situación.
9789500427777 | Emece, September 30, 2007, cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Guia moral e intelectual de la generacion llegada a la madurez entre las ruinas, la frustacion y la desesperanza de la Europa de la postguerra, Albert Camus 1913-1960 salto a la fama con la publicacion, en 1942.

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9788420632841, titled "Obras / Works: El malentendido & Los justos & El estado de sitio & La peste & Carta a un amigo aleman & Crónicas 1944-1948" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $55.95

cover image for 9788420632858
Product Description: Rare book: Price in USD


9788420632858 | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $60.95 | About this edition: Rare book: Price in USD

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9788420632889, titled "Obras / Works: Diarios de viaje & Carnets, 2 & La caída & Crónicas argelinas 1939-1958" | Alianza Editorial Sa, June 30, 2007, cover price $55.95

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