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Neil A. Campbell has written 33 work(s)
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Cover for 9780805318036 Cover for 9780805319309 Cover for 9780201394528 Cover for 9780201394658 Cover for 9780201503319 Cover for 9780201503326 Cover for 9780201503340 Cover for 9780201503357 Cover for 9780201503364 Cover for 9780321175892 Cover for 9780321192738 Cover for 9780321543257 Cover for 9780321560490 Cover for 9780321563576 Cover for 9780321563828 Cover for 9780321571496 Cover for 9780321585127 Cover for 9780321600196 Cover for 9780536631237 Cover for 9780805300093 Cover for 9780805318807 Cover for 9780805319408 Cover for 9780805319576 Cover for 9780805330441 Cover for 9780805365221 Cover for 9780805365665 Cover for 9780805365733 Cover for 9780805366242 Cover for 9780805366785 Cover for 9780805366846 Cover for 9780805367775 Cover for 9780805368444 Cover for 9780805371468 Cover for 9789990842005 Cover for 9789990842043 Cover for 9789990851267 Cover for 9780536614087 Cover for 9780805366341 Cover for 9780201457032 Cover for 9780201718225 Cover for 9780131934801 Cover for 9780201307023 Cover for 9780201645071 Cover for 9780201744552 Cover for 9780201753493 Cover for 9780805300130 Cover for 9780805309201 Cover for 9780805320220 Cover for 9780805329759 Cover for 9780805365115 Cover for 9780805365856 Cover for 9780805365993 Cover for 9780805366259 Cover for 9780805366266 Cover for 9780805366273 Cover for 9780805368192 Cover for 9780805371604 Cover for 9789990842050 Cover for 9780201677096 Cover for 9780805320329 Cover for 9780805365931 Cover for 9780321498861 Cover for 9780536634825 Cover for 9780805368420 Cover for 9780805373936 Cover for 9780805374032 Cover for 9780805374735 Cover for 9780805374957 Cover for 9780321132482 Cover for 9780130625922 Cover for 9780131150621 Cover for 9780131150751 Cover for 9780131150768 Cover for 9780131150775 Cover for 9780132509251 Cover for 9780131150652 Cover for 9780536731562 Cover for 9780805371871 Cover for 9780131904286 Cover for 9780321332943 Cover for 9780321332790 Cover for 9780805371710 Cover for 9780131943285 Cover for 9780805374780 Cover for 9780131933552 Cover for 9780132380249 Cover for 9780805368413 Cover for 9780805374766 Cover for 9780321512444 Cover for 9780131356917 Cover for 9780321522931
cover image for 9780805318036
Product Description: Book by Campbell, Neil A.


9780805318036 | Addison-Wesley, June 1, 1990, cover price $30.40 | About this edition: Book by Campbell, Neil A.

cover image for 9780805319309
Product Description: The new edition of this introductory text first published in 1987 features strengthening of some themes e.g. the process of science, science and society, evolution as well as new illustrations and pedagogical improvements. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.


9780805319309 | 3 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 1, 1993), cover price $104.00 | About this edition: The new edition of this introductory text first published in 1987 features strengthening of some themes e.
9789990866070 | 3 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 1, 1993), cover price $0.02

cover image for 9780321600196


9780321560490 | 8 pck har/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, August 4, 2008), cover price $215.47
9780321571496, titled "Biology: Includes Biology Cd-rom" | 8 pck mac edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, June 8, 2008), cover price $215.80
9780321585127 | 8 pck har/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, May 4, 2008), cover price $224.20
9780321563828 | 8 pck har/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, March 7, 2008), cover price $240.20
9780321563576 | 8 pck har/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, February 27, 2008), cover price $215.47
31 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780805366341 | 6 signed edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 1, 2001), cover price $86.00
9780536614087 | Prentice Hall, August 1, 2000, cover price $99.40

cover image for 9780201718225


9780201718225 | 5 pck edition (Addison-Wesley, April 1, 2000), cover price $20.80
9780201700183 | 5 pck edition (Addison-Wesley, August 1, 1999), cover price $20.00

cover image for 9780805371604


9780131934801, titled "Biology: Concepts & Connections" | 5th edition (Prentice Hall, January 1, 2005), cover price $150.50
9789990009910 | 4th edition (Addison-Wesley, January 1, 2004), cover price $0.02 | also contains Biology: Concepts and Connections
9780805368192, titled "Biology: Concepts & Connections" | Cdr edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 1, 2004), cover price $118.99
9780805300130, titled "Biology: Concepts & Connections" | 4th edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, June 1, 2003), cover price $103.96
9789990015225 | 4th edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2002), cover price $0.02 | also contains Biology: Concepts and Connections
17 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780805365931, titled "Biology: Concepts & Connections" | 3 sol edition (Addison-Wesley, July 1, 1999), cover price $25.20
9780805320329, titled "Biology Concepts & Connections" | 2 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, June 1, 1999), cover price $87.00
9780201677096, titled "Biology Concepts and Connections" | Custom edition (Addison-Wesley, January 1, 1999), cover price $102.00

cover image for 9780321498861
Essential Biology is a brief non-majors biology book that combines clear writing, real-world applications, vivid art, and powerful media to teach readers the important concepts of biology and give them an appreciation for how biology relates to their everyday lives. In the Second Edition, best-selling authors Neil Campbell and Jane Reece are joined by Eric Simon, who uses his experience teaching non-majors biology to keep the book both accessible and up to date. To help readers become informed citizens, the new edition features even more human applications and up-to-date information on important issues like DNA technology, cloning, and global warming. KEY TOPICS The book covers four major biological topics Ð cells, genetics, evolution/diversity, and ecology Ð and uses evolution as an overarching theme to tie all 20 chapters together. For college instructors, students, or anyone interested in biology.


9789990831450 | Hardcover with CD edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 1, 2001), cover price $0.02


9780805368420 | 3 pck edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, September 22, 2006), cover price $126.67
9780805374957 | 2 pap/cdr edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2003), cover price $95.53 | About this edition: Essential Biology is a brief non-majors biology book that combines clear writing, real-world applications, vivid art, and powerful media to teach readers the important concepts of biology and give them an appreciation for how biology relates to their everyday lives.
9780805374735 | 2 pap/cdr edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2003), cover price $105.60 | About this edition: Essential Biology is a brief non-majors biology book that combines clear writing, real-world applications, vivid art, and powerful media to teach readers the important concepts of biology and give them an appreciation for how biology relates to their everyday lives.
9780805374032 | Stg edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 31, 2001), cover price $43.60
9780536634825 | Custom edition (Pearson Custom Pub, August 7, 2001), cover price $121.20
2 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780805370959 | 6 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2002), cover price $20.00

cover image for 9780321132482
Product Description: This #1 best-selling text in introductory biology combines the guiding principles of scientific accuracy, currency, and the power of text-art integration for teaching and learning biology. Biology: Concepts & Connections, Sixth Edition continues to be the most accurate, current, and pedagogically effective non-majors text on the more


9780321132482 | Hardcover with CD edition (Prentice Hall, January 1, 2003), cover price $116.67 | About this edition: This #1 best-selling text in introductory biology combines the guiding principles of scientific accuracy, currency, and the power of text-art integration for teaching and learning biology.

cover image for 9780132509251
In Biology, Exploring Life, the authors talked with many students and teachers about how a book and other materials could help students learn biology better. Resulting from a pilot program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the result was a unique 3 part program combining a shorter textbook, interactive activities, and interesting, creative labs.


9789990847871 | Pearson Prentice Hall, July 1, 2004, cover price $0.02
9780131150775 | Pck edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, August 1, 2003), cover price $113.60
9780131150751 | Pck edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, August 1, 2003), cover price $124.95 | About this edition: In Biology, Exploring Life, the authors talked with many students and teachers about how a book and other materials could help students learn biology better.
9780131150621 | Cdr edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, July 31, 2003), cover price $42.60
9780130625922 | Student edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, June 1, 2003), cover price $105.04
5 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9789990866131 | Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2003, cover price $0.02

cover image for 9780131150652
Product Description: Only Biology: Exploring Life integrates textbook, Web, and labs into a dynamic and balanced program that brings concepts to life. Covering the general high school biology curriculum, this concise edition focuses on a few key concepts per chapter and reinforces each with an interactive online activity--more than 250 activities throughout the Student Edition! The dynamic lab program allows students to explore the integrated labs in print with the accompanying Lab Manual or more


9780131150652 | Workbook edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, July 30, 2003), cover price $12.75 | About this edition: Only Biology: Exploring Life integrates textbook, Web, and labs into a dynamic and balanced program that brings concepts to life.

cover image for 9780805371871
Product Description: Book by Campbell, Neil A., Reece, Jane B.


9789990063516 | Prentice Hall, January 8, 2004, cover price $0.02


9780805371871 | 7 workbook edition (Pearson, February 16, 2005), cover price $21.25 | About this edition: Book by Campbell, Neil A.
9780536731562 | Pearson, January 8, 2004, cover price $19.96 | About this edition: Book by Campbell, Neil A.

cover image for 9780131904286


9780131904286 | Pck har/pa edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, January 31, 2004), cover price $113.60

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9780321332943 | Pck edition (Addison-Wesley, December 29, 2004), cover price $189.60

cover image for 9780805371710


9780805371710 | 7 student edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 30, 2005), cover price $55.01

cover image for 9780131943285


9780131943285 | 7 pck stu edition (Pearson, March 1, 2005), cover price $133.29
9789990076882 | 7 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, March 1, 2005), cover price $0.02


9780132509244 | Pck edition (Pearson Prentice Hall, June 1, 2005), cover price $111.45

cover image for 9780805374780


9780805374780 | 2 cdr edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, March 31, 2006), cover price $104.99

cover image for 9780132380249
Hailed for its clear writing, scientific accuracy, and real-world examples, Essential Biology with Physiology is a brief non-majors biology text that focuses on the core concepts readers need to make scientifically informed decisions throughout their lives. The book covers four major topics—cells, genetics, evolution/diversity, and ecology—followed by nine chapters on animal and plant physiology. Human applications and the most up-to-date information on important issues show readers how biology relates to their own lives. New Process of Science sections within the text draw readers into the material and provide real-world examples of how the scientific method is applied.  Biology Today CELLS: Essential Chemistry for Biology, The Molecules of Life, A Tour of the Cell, The Working Cell, Cellular Respiration: Obtaining Energy from Food, Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food. GENETICS: Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells, Patterns of Inheritance, The Structure and Function of DNA, How Genes are Controlled, DNA Technology. EVOLUTION AND DIVERSITY: How Populations Evolve, How Biological Diversity Evolves, The Evolution of Microbial Life, Plants, Fungi, and the Move onto Land, The Evolution of Animals. ECOLOGY: The Ecology of Organisms and Populations, Communities and Ecosystems, Human Impact on the Environment. ANIMAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function, Nutrition and Digestion, Circulation and Respiration , The Body's Defenses, Hormones, Reproduction and Development, Nervous, Sensory, and Motor Systems. PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: The Life of a Flowering Plant, The Working Plant.  For all readers interested in a biology text that focuses on the core concepts readers need to make scientifically informed decisions throughout their lives.


9789990193077 | 2 student edition (Pearson, January 30, 2007), cover price $105.75 | also contains Essential Biology With Physiology
9789990185102 | 2 student edition (Pearson, January 30, 2007), cover price $105.75 | also contains Essential Biology With Physiology
9789990203462 | 2 student edition (Pearson, January 30, 2007), cover price $105.75 | also contains Essential Biology With Physiology
9780131933552 | 2 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, August 31, 2004), cover price $82.63 | About this edition: Hailed for its clear writing, scientific accuracy, and real-world examples, Essential Biology with Physiology is a brief non-majors biology text that focuses on the core concepts readers need to make scientifically informed decisions throughout their lives.
9789990127461 | 2 edition (Addison-Wesley, August 31, 2004), cover price $0.02
1 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)


9780321486493 | Gardners Books, November 3, 2006, cover price $9.25
9780805368413 | 2 pck edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, September 29, 2006), cover price $133.33
9780805374766 | Pck edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, July 1, 2003), cover price $113.80


9789990225846, titled "Biology: Concepts and Connections, Media Update" | 5th edition (Addison-Wesley, March 30, 2007), cover price $0.02
9780321512444 | 5 pck har/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, March 9, 2007), cover price $184.00

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9780321522931 | 3 stu wkb edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 14, 2007), cover price $25.80

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