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Caroline Campbell has written 7 work(s)
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9780807160978, titled "Political Belief in France, 1927-1945: Gender, Empire, and Fascism in the Croix De Feu and Parti Social Français" | Louisiana State Univ Pr, December 9, 2015, cover price $48.00
9781907372407 | Paul Holberton Pub, November 19, 2012, cover price $50.00
Product Description: This is a second edition of a hugely successful practical resource in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry – ideal for undergraduate dental students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF and similar exams.Focuses on clinical problem-solving in orthodonticss and paediatric dentistry ― two closely-related topics that are usually separated into different more
9780702044694 | 2 pck pap/ edition (Churchill Livingstone, April 1, 2011), cover price $73.95 | About this edition: This is a second edition of a hugely successful practical resource in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry – ideal for undergraduate dental students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF and similar exams.
9781907372117 | Paul Holberton Pub, December 1, 2010, cover price $40.00
Product Description: This is a second edition of a hugely successful practical resource in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry – ideal for undergraduate dental students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF and similar exams.Focuses on clinical problem-solving in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry ― two closely-related topics that are usually separated into different more
9780702031243 | 2 edition (Churchill Livingstone, November 5, 2010), cover price $86.95 | About this edition: This is a second edition of a hugely successful practical resource in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry – ideal for undergraduate dental students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF and similar exams.
Product Description: Accompanying an exhibition at The Courtauld Gallery, this catalogue explores one of the most important and historically neglected art forms of Renaissance Florence: cassoni – pairs of chests that were lavishly decorated with precious metals and elaborate paintings and were often the most expensive of a whole suite of decorative objects commissioned to celebrate marriage alliances between powerful more
9781903470916 | Paul Holberton Pub, April 30, 2009, cover price $50.00 | About this edition: Accompanying an exhibition at The Courtauld Gallery, this catalogue explores one of the most important and historically neglected art forms of Renaissance Florence: cassoni – pairs of chests that were lavishly decorated with precious metals and elaborate paintings and were often the most expensive of a whole suite of decorative objects commissioned to celebrate marriage alliances between powerful families.
9781857594874, titled "The Courtauld Gallery Masterpieces: Masterpieces" | Scala Books, January 1, 2008, cover price $24.95
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