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Monica Brozon has written 3 work(s)
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9789681682736 | Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, November 15, 2006, cover price $6.50

cover image for 9789706885586
Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and the gifts she brings--at least sometimes--but when she tells him the traditional tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and her gifts, but when she tells him a tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.


9789706885586 | Ediciones Sm, June 30, 2005, cover price $4.79 | About this edition: Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and the gifts she brings--at least sometimes--but when she tells him the traditional tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.

J.J.'s life changes when his family is evicted and they move in with his great-grandmother in a Mexico City apartment building, and when his mother goes to Chiapas, he joins forces with his friends to participate in a game show to make money so he can follow her.J.J.'s life changes when his evicted family moves in with his great-grandmother in a Mexico City apartment building, and when his mother goes to Chiapas, he and his friends go on a game show to make money so he can follow her.
By Carlos Beltran (illustrator) and Monica Brozon


9789703502363 | Conaculta, December 30, 2003, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: J.

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