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M. B. Brozon has written 14 work(s)
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9789706888648 | Ediciones Sm, June 30, 2009, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: RETRACTILADO ORIGINAL, EXCELENTE, DE MÉXICO CON AMOR MISMO DÃÂA SI RECIBO SU PEDIDO POR LA MAÑANA EN DÃÂAS HÃÂBILES
Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and the gifts she brings--at least sometimes--but when she tells him the traditional tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and her gifts, but when she tells him a tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.
9789706885586 | Ediciones Sm, June 30, 2005, cover price $4.79 | About this edition: Emilio enjoys his grandmother's visits and the gifts she brings--at least sometimes--but when she tells him the traditional tale about a fried egg, marking off the steps on his fingers, he wishes she would come up with something more original, like the version he imagines for himself.
9789687791364 | 8 edition (Ediciones Sm, June 30, 1997), cover price $7.95
9789706885418 | 8 reprint edition (Ediciones Sm, June 30, 2004), cover price $12.95
9789706883483 | Ediciones Sm, June 30, 2004, cover price $7.95
9789707850323 | Ediciones Sm, August 30, 2006, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: BOOKS IN SPANISH
Product Description: Una noche de 2010, tres amigos se reunen para invocar al espiritu del celebre creador de Dracula. Con velas encendidas y cierto escepticismo, aquello que parecia un ridiculo ritual pronto se convierte en una experiencia insolita: dos de ellos son arrojados del presente para aterrizar en el ano 1913, en el preambulo de uno de los episodios mas tristes y sanguinarios de la historia de Mexico: la Decena more
9786074801170 | Ediciones B Mexico, October 1, 2011, cover price $20.95 | About this edition: Una noche de 2010, tres amigos se reunen para invocar al espiritu del celebre creador de Dracula.
Product Description: Daniela es guapa, cool y medio frivola. Una manana despierta y lo ultimo que recuerda es su fiesta de fin de curso. Pero todo es rarisimo: su familia es distinta, la llaman por otro nombre y, cuando se ve en el espejo, se lleva una sorpresa de more
9786074802337 | Ediciones B, December 30, 2013, cover price $25.95 | About this edition: Daniela es guapa, cool y medio frivola.
Product Description: La perspectiva simultánea de filosofÃÂa y literatura, permite valorar qué grado de conocimiento hay en la ficción, cómo se construyen subjetividad y texto, mundo y lenguaje. Muestra las posibilidades, teóricas y prácticas, de la relación interna entre diferentes espacios argumentativos, entre actividades que poseen una vertiente creativa y, a la vez, una importante faceta more
9788437504087 | Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, December 31, 1994, cover price $13.99 | About this edition: La perspectiva simultánea de filosofÃÂa y literatura, permite valorar qué grado de conocimiento hay en la ficción, cómo se construyen subjetividad y texto, mundo y lenguaje.
9789706883445 | Ediciones Sm, July 30, 2004, cover price $2.79
9789700918518 | Carvajal Education, August 1, 2008, cover price $10.95
9789706883834 | Ediciones Sm, September 30, 2003, cover price $2.79
9789685389433 | Ediciones El Naranjo Sa De Cv, November 30, 2006, cover price $15.95
9788481095036 | Galaxia Gutenberg, June 30, 2005, cover price $30.95
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