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Stephen Eric Bronner has written 26 work(s)
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Cover for 9780300162516 Cover for 9780300223842 Cover for 9780231158220 Cover for 9780231158237 Cover for 9780415904643 Cover for 9780415904650 Cover for 9781623567002 Cover for 9780231153829 Cover for 9780231153836 Cover for 9780199730070 Cover for 9781531803964 Cover for 9780226075679 Cover for 9780816632848 Cover for 9780813124469 Cover for 9780231126090 Cover for 9780415915328 Cover for 9780415948982 Cover for 9780415915335 Cover for 9780415948999 Cover for 9780813123684 Cover for 9780813191485 Cover for 9780813123677 Cover for 9780742541986 Cover for 9780742541993 Cover for 9780231126083 Cover for 9780271017174 Cover for 9780231065139 Cover for 9780271016856 Cover for 9780271025056 Cover for 9780195169560 Cover for 9780415932622 Cover for 9780415932639 Cover for 9780631187387 Cover for 9780415932615 Cover for 9780415932608 Cover for 9780415901000 Cover for 9780415901017 Cover for 9780813367767 Cover for 9780312218041 Cover for 9780847693863 Cover for 9780847693870 Cover for 9781573925747 Cover for 9780531113059 Cover for 9780877545118 Cover for 9780861043484
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9780300162516 | Yale Univ Pr, July 29, 2014, cover price $40.00


9780300223842 | Yale Univ Pr, September 13, 2016, cover price $25.00

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9780231158220 | Columbia Univ Pr, July 30, 2012, cover price $90.00


9780231158237 | Columbia Univ Pr, August 5, 2014, cover price $30.00

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This book presents an analysis of the course of radicalism in the twentieth century and uses it to interpret the political events of the present. Bronner argues that neither political theorists nor political activists have paid enough attention to history in their attempt to look clearly at the future of socialism. The book examines the various "turning points" of 20th century socialist history considering why events transpired as they did, and what their place is in the struggle of the Labour movement for democracy and economic justice. There are chapters on the First World War, the emergence of the Labour movement, the lead-up to the Second World War, when socialism was challenged by Fascism, and the post-war years when the socialist agenda was stifled by the Cold War and given new meaning by the national liberation movements of the Third World. The book looks at the radicalism of the 1960s, with its flourishing of new social movements, and at the present promise of a new world order with the tumultuous changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This book should be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and academics in politics, political theory, history and sociology.


9780415904643 | Routledge, January 1, 1992, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: This book presents an analysis of the course of radicalism in the twentieth century and uses it to interpret the political events of the present.


9781623567002 | 2 edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, July 31, 2014), cover price $24.95
9780415904650 | Routledge, December 1, 1991, cover price $46.95

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Published more than twenty years ago, Stephen Eric Bronner's bold defense of socialism remains a seminal text for our time. Treating socialism as an ethic, reinterpreting its core categories, and critically confronting its early foundations, Bronner's work offers a reinvigorated "class ideal" and a new perspective for progressive politics in the twentieth century.Socialism Unbound is an extraordinary work of political history that revisits the pivotal figures of the labor movement: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Karl Kautsky, Vladimir Lenin, and Rosa Luxemburg. Examining their contributions as well as their flaws, Bronner shows how critical innovation gave way to dogma. New practical problems have arisen, and this volume engages with the relationship between class and social movements, institutional accountability and democratic participation, economic justice and market imperatives, and internationalism and identity. With a foreword by Dick Howard and a new introduction by the author, Bronner's classic study remains indispensable for scholars and activists alike.


9780231153829 | 2 edition (Columbia Univ Pr, September 23, 2011), cover price $105.00


9780231153836 | 2 edition (Columbia Univ Pr, September 23, 2011), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Published more than twenty years ago, Stephen Eric Bronner's bold defense of socialism remains a seminal text for our time.

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Product Description: Critical Theory emerged in the 1920s from the work of the Frankfurt School, the circle of German-Jewish academics who sought to diagnose - and, if at all possible, cure - the ills of society, particularly fascism and capitalism. In this book, Stephen Eric Bronner provides sketches of leading representatives of the critical tradition (such as George Lukács and Ernst Bloch, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse and Jurgen Habermas) as well as many of its seminal texts and empirical more


9780199730070 | Oxford Univ Pr, March 18, 2011, cover price $11.95

CD/Spoken Word:

9781531803964 | Mp3 una edition (Audible Studios on Brilliance audio, August 16, 2016), cover price $9.99 | About this edition: Critical Theory emerged in the 1920s from the work of the Frankfurt School, the circle of German-Jewish academics who sought to diagnose - and, if at all possible, cure - the ills of society, particularly fascism and capitalism.

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Book by Bronner, Stephen Eric


9780816632831 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, April 1, 1999, cover price $37.95


9780226075679 | Univ of Chicago Pr, September 15, 2009, cover price $24.00 | also contains Camus: Portrait of a Moralist
9780816632848 | Univ of Minnesota Pr, March 1, 1999, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Book by Bronner, Stephen Eric

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Product Description: In Peace Out of Reach, Stephen Eric Bronner offers an intriguing analysis and eyewitness account of the political and ideological conflicts plaguing the Middle East. Sharply critical of the United States' policies in Afghanistan and Iraq and concerned about our nation's declining credibility throughout the world, Bronner examines the unexplored possibilities and recurrent roadblocks in the struggle for more


9780813124469 | Univ Pr of Kentucky, June 29, 2007, cover price $30.00 | About this edition: In Peace Out of Reach, Stephen Eric Bronner offers an intriguing analysis and eyewitness account of the political and ideological conflicts plaguing the Middle East.

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Product Description: This book tackles an obvious yet profound problem of modern political life: the disorientation of intellectuals and activists on the left. As the study of political history and theory has been usurped by cultural criticism, a confusion over the origins and objectives of progressive politics has been the more


9780231126090 | Columbia Univ Pr, May 1, 2006, cover price $30.00 | About this edition: This book tackles an obvious yet profound problem of modern political life: the disorientation of intellectuals and activists on the left.

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9780415948982 | 2 edition (Routledge, January 1, 2006), cover price $170.00
9780415915328 | Routledge, November 1, 1996, cover price $145.00


9780415948999 | 2 edition (Routledge, January 1, 2006), cover price $56.95
9780415915335 | Routledge, December 1, 1996, cover price $53.95

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Product Description: The online publication Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture was launched in response to the atmosphere of triumphant conservatism and militarism that pervades American political culture in the aftermath of 9/11. Aiming to revitalize the moribund political left, several world-renowned intellectual figures congregated to form the journal's core group of editors and more
By Stephen Eric Bronner (editor) and Michael J. Thompson (editor)


9780813123684 | Univ Pr of Kentucky, January 13, 2005, cover price $60.00 | About this edition: The online publication Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture was launched in response to the atmosphere of triumphant conservatism and militarism that pervades American political culture in the aftermath of 9/11.


9780813191485 | Univ Pr of Kentucky, January 13, 2005, cover price $30.00

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Product Description: Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, clouds of ash blackened the skies over New York City, Washington, D.C., and rural Pennsylvania. In the wake of the destruction, the United States seemingly entered a new era marked by radical changes in the nation's discourse and in the policies of the Bush more


9780813123677 | Univ Pr of Kentucky, October 7, 2005, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, clouds of ash blackened the skies over New York City, Washington, D.

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Product Description: Global society has been analyzed in any number of ways: books dealing with its economic and cultural implications flood the market. But Planetary Politics highlights something unique. It explores globalization with an eye on the transformation of politics into a planetary more


9780742541986 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, January 28, 2005, cover price $97.00 | About this edition: Global society has been analyzed in any number of ways: books dealing with its economic and cultural implications flood the market.


9780742541993 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, January 28, 2005, cover price $34.00 | About this edition: Global society has been analyzed in any number of ways: books dealing with its economic and cultural implications flood the market.

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Product Description: This book tackles an obvious yet profound problem of modern political life: the disorientation of intellectuals and activists on the left. As the study of political history and theory has been usurped by cultural criticism, a confusion over the origins and objectives of progressive politics has been the more


9780231126083 | Columbia Univ Pr, September 1, 2004, cover price $90.00 | About this edition: This book tackles an obvious yet profound problem of modern political life: the disorientation of intellectuals and activists on the left.

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Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) was Polish, Jewish, and a woman in an international socialist movement dominated by Germans, gentiles, and men. For Luxemburg, there was no real socialism without democracy and no real democracy without socialism. In this biography Stephen Eric Bronner establishes Luxemburg's legacy to contemporary socialist theory and practice.


9780271017174 | Pennsylvania State Univ Pr, June 1, 1997, cover price $50.01 | About this edition: Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) was Polish, Jewish, and a woman in an international socialist movement dominated by Germans, gentiles, and men.


9780271025056 | Pennsylvania State Univ Pr, July 19, 2004, cover price $25.95
9780271016856 | Reprint edition (Pennsylvania State Univ Pr, May 1, 1997), cover price $21.95 | About this edition: A paperback reissue of the biography of the Polish socialist Rosa Luxemburg.
9780231065139 | Reissue edition (Columbia Univ Pr, May 1, 1987), cover price $25.00

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Bronner (poiltical science, Rutgers U.) ranges across many fields, from philosophy and aesthetics to politics and anthropology, to reconstruct the radical aims of critical theory and evaluate its successes, its failings, and its legacy. He also provides interpretations of critical theory's most important representatives, including Lukßcs, Benjamin, Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm, and Habermas. Paper edition (unseen), $22.95. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.


9780415932622 | 2 edition (Routledge, April 1, 2002), cover price $170.00
9780631187370 | Blackwell Pub, April 1, 1994, cover price $57.95 | About this edition: Bronner (poiltical science, Rutgers U.


9780415932639 | 2 edition (Routledge, August 1, 2002), cover price $47.95
9780631187387 | Blackwell Pub, May 16, 1994, cover price $70.95

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Product Description: Jean-Paul Sartre originally made the term engagement a part of the existentialist vocabulary following WWII. It imples the responsibility of intervening in social or political conflicts in the hope of fostering freedom. Imagining the Possible opens different windows upon this particular more


9780415932615 | Routledge, May 1, 2002, cover price $53.95 | About this edition: Jean-Paul Sartre originally made the term engagement a part of the existentialist vocabulary following WWII.

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Product Description: Jean-Paul Sartre originally made the term engagement a part of the existentialist vocabulary following WWII. It imples the responsibility of intervening in social or political conflicts in the hope of fostering freedom. Imagining the Possible opens different windows upon this particular more


9780415932608 | Routledge, February 1, 2002, cover price $170.00 | About this edition: Jean-Paul Sartre originally made the term engagement a part of the existentialist vocabulary following WWII.

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In this book, the author presents a critical re-examination of socialist thought, from Marx to the American New Left. The book is organized around major thinkers and turning points in the history of socialism, including separate chapters on Kautsky, Bernstein and Lenin. The book centres on the question of how Marxism can contribute to the extension of socialist democracy and issues of theory and practice, class and social movements, organizations and policy, and nationalism and internationalism are included in the discussion. Bronner seeks to comprehend the socialist project in terms of a new political theory predicated on ethical principles and positive aims. Thus, his book functions not only as a critical framework for a historical tradition of socialism, but also as a foundation for a new approach to socialism which speaks to the needs of the modern era.


9780415901000 | Routledge, July 1, 1990, cover price $59.95 | also contains Tragedy and the Idea of Modernity | About this edition: In this book, the author presents a critical re-examination of socialist thought, from Marx to the American New Left.


9780813367767 | Westview Pr, January 4, 2001, cover price $39.00
9780415901017 | Routledge, July 1, 1990, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: In this book, the author presents a critical re-examination of socialist thought, from Marx to the American New Left.

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An examination of the infamous antiSemitic tract 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' describes the history of the antiSemitism ideology and its connection to past and present political attacks on Judaism.


9780312218041 | 1 edition (Palgrave Macmillan, April 1, 2000), cover price $49.95 | About this edition: An examination of the infamous anti-Semitic tract 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' describes the history of anti-Semitic ideology and its connection to past and present political attacks on Judaism.

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9780847693863 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, May 1, 1999, cover price $106.00


9780847693870 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, May 1, 1999, cover price $44.00

Product Description: Vienna, 1889-1914, the jewel in the crown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a major cultural capital at the high period of European modernism. In this collection the contradictions of Vienna are explored in sixteen especially written articles which strike a unique balance between popular and lesser-known topics reflecting the mix of Vienna more


9780391039872 | Prometheus Books, March 1, 1997, cover price $49.95 | also contains Humana Festival 2014: The Complete Plays | About this edition: Vienna, 1889-1914, the jewel in the crown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a major cultural capital at the high period of European modernism.
9781573925747 | Humanity Books, March 1, 1997, cover price $59.99

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A biography of the Algerian-born, French existential novelist, dramatist, and essayist


9780531113059 | Franklin Watts, October 1, 1996, cover price $24.00 | About this edition: A biography of the Algerian-born, French existential novelist, dramatist, and essayist

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A biography of the French political leader who was premier of France from 1936-1937.


9780877545118 | Chelsea House Pub, March 1, 1987, cover price $21.95 | About this edition: A biography of the French political leader who was premier of France from 1936-1937.

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