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John L. Bowman has written 19 work(s)
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9780133999006 | 2 psc edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 18, 2015), cover price $115.09
9780133889215 | 2 lslf edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, November 6, 2014), cover price $151.00
9780321948908 | 2 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, November 1, 2014), cover price $222.00 | also contains Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach
9780131741676, titled "Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach: An Integrated Approach" | Stg sol edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, April 6, 2012), cover price $63.20
9780321948908 | 2 edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, November 1, 2014), cover price $222.00 | also contains Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach
9780321871572 | Pck har/ps edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, April 16, 2012), cover price $218.53 | About this edition: This package contains: 0131741675: Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach 0321690869: Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach Plus MasteringGenetics with eText -- Access Card Package
9780133982121 | 2 pck unbn edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, November 19, 2014), cover price $165.67
9780321948465 | 2 pap/psc edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, November 19, 2014), cover price $230.00
9780321813978 | Pck unbnd/ edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 6, 2012), cover price $155.53
9780321813985 | Unbnd edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 2, 2012), cover price $141.53 | About this edition: This edition features the exact same content as the traditional book in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
Genetic Analysis Masteringgenetics With Pearson Etext Standalone Access Card: An Integrated Approach
9780133983500 | 2 psc edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 22, 2015), cover price $115.09
9781496923073 | Author Solutions, June 25, 2014, cover price $16.95
9781496900173 | Author Solutions, April 2, 2014, cover price $16.95
9781491858684 | Author Solutions, February 10, 2014, cover price $14.95
9781491835678 | Author Solutions, December 11, 2013, cover price $16.95
9780321707109 | Psc edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 24, 2011), cover price $115.09
9780321690869 | Pck har/ps edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, January 2, 2012), cover price $218.53
9780321732507 | Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 24, 2011, cover price $211.20
9780321707093 | Psc stu edition (Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, December 7, 2011), cover price $66.67
9781462013357 | Iuniverse Inc, May 10, 2011, cover price $13.95
9780595452668 | Iuniverse Inc, July 11, 2007, cover price $19.95
9780595340569 | 2 edition (Iuniverse Inc, January 31, 2005), cover price $26.95
9780595311965 | Iuniverse Inc, March 1, 2004, cover price $24.95
How to Succeed in Commercial Real Estate is a comprehensive introductory book for those interested in commercial real estate brokerage. It was written for those wanting to enter the profession, residential real estate agents, commercial brokers or anyone interested in commercial real estate. The book provides useful practical knowledge including helpful hints, things to know and things to avoid, which are not found in textbooks or seminars. It explains the main specialty areas including office, industrial, retail and investments. Some keys to success covered by the book include understanding contracts commonly used in commercial real estate, salesmanship, time management, how to get prospects, marketing, negotiations, professionalism and commercial real estate organizations. Considerable detail is provided on the technical knowledge required including law, development, appraisal, taxation, land use, environmental, construction, investment analysis, exchanging, financing, leasing and how rent is quoted. For experienced commercial brokers the last chapter is devoted to the pros and cons of becoming independent. The book presents a time-tested formula for success in commercial real estate, which every beginner should know.
9780940352162 | Mesa House Pub, October 15, 2004, cover price $21.95
9780595285334 | 2 edition (Iuniverse Inc, July 1, 2003), cover price $22.95 | About this edition: How to Succeed in Commercial Real Estate is a comprehensive introductory book for those interested in commercial real estate brokerage.
9780595244331 | Writers Club Pr, September 1, 2002, cover price $26.95 | About this edition: How to Succeed in Commercial Real Estate is a comprehensive introductory book for those interested in commercial real estate brokerage.
9780595305308 | Iuniverse Inc, January 31, 2004, cover price $9.95
9780595225484 | Writers Club Pr, June 1, 2002, cover price $14.95
9781401024314 | Xlibris Corp, December 1, 2001, cover price $20.99
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