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Martyn Bond has written 7 work(s)
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9780415571197, titled "The Council of Europe: Structure, History and Issues in European Politics" | Routledge, January 12, 2012, cover price $140.00
9780415709576, titled "The Council of Europe: Structure, History and Issues in European Politics" | Routledge, September 20, 2013, cover price $54.95
9789287169013 | Council of Europe, November 1, 2010, cover price $12.00
9789287168368 | Council of Europe, June 30, 2010, cover price $12.00
Product Description: How closely does the European media cover what their elected representatives do in the European Parliament? The way Parliaments are reported on in print and broadcast media leads some to worrying conclusions about public attitudes to elected democratic more
9781903403228 | Federal Trust for Education &, April 1, 2004, cover price $115.00 | About this edition: How closely does the European media cover what their elected representatives do in the European Parliament?
9781903403105 | Kogan Page Ltd, January 1, 2003, cover price $35.00
9781903403082 | Federal Trust for Education &, January 1, 2002, cover price $115.00
9781903403112 | Kogan Page Ltd, June 1, 2001, cover price $58.00 | About this edition: A collection of essays written during 2000, this volume presents contributions from some of the leading international commentators and practitioners in European affairs.
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