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Emil Beck has written 5 work(s)
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Cover for 9783709192054 Cover for 9783709122839 Cover for 9781841261911 Cover for 9781463403416 Cover for 9781463403423 Cover for 9783540515340
cover image for 9781841261911
By Berndt Barth (editor) and Emil Beck (editor)


9781841261911 | 1 edition (Meyer & Meyer Verlag, September 30, 2006), cover price $24.95

cover image for 9781463403416
Excitement of Triune truth is matched by excitement of telling about God's eternal evangelizing of me. God's pursuit makes the common, such as the following, become a base for exciting, uncommon studies and results. Medora Junction, between small town and campus, promised changes. Shared moments of people-watching with Dad from the drug store door step, spoke of grandeur in persons. Defeated faces of two African American corporals, haunted my social concerns. Mom's rocking chair rhythm of gospel singing, rocked gospels into me. Boyhood railroad adventures helped recognize adventure in theological insight. Value of professional skill was seen in Dad behind the drug store prescription screen. A summer evening walk through Medora heard feet moving to varying rhythms of gospel singing. Church bells told of the sound of God's welcoming grace. Such common experiences support uncommon, disciplined, entertaining and exciting scholarship of professors, who presented theology of the familial, in-history, personal, relational God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Their mutuality unified the workings with the natural order that provided for my coming to be, gave saving words and promises of Jesus Christ and, through the Spirit, sustained me in the present and the future-these three in perfect concert evangelized me. An exciting story to tell.


9781463403416 | Authorhouse, June 23, 2011, cover price $24.95


9781463403423 | Authorhouse, June 23, 2011, cover price $14.03 | About this edition: Excitement of Triune truth is matched by excitement of telling about God's eternal evangelizing of me.

cover image for 9783540515340
By Emil Beck (editor)


9783540515340 | Springer Verlag, November 21, 1989, cover price $69.99

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