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Tracey Bashkoff has written 3 work(s)
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cover image for 9780892073931
Product Description: Exploring the origins and early days of the Guggenheim Museum--when it was first known as the Museum of Non-Objective Painting--this volume reveals for the first time the Guggenheim's complex architectural history, drawing on extensive correspondence between Founding Director Hilla Rebay and artist Rudolf Bauer (whose work the Guggenheim collected exhaustively) to reveal the leading role Bauer played in envisioning the collection and the more


9780892073931 | Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, August 31, 2009, cover price $45.00 | About this edition: Exploring the origins and early days of the Guggenheim Museum--when it was first known as the Museum of Non-Objective Painting--this volume reveals for the first time the Guggenheim's complex architectural history, drawing on extensive correspondence between Founding Director Hilla Rebay and artist Rudolf Bauer (whose work the Guggenheim collected exhaustively) to reveal the leading role Bauer played in envisioning the collection and the museum.

cover image for 9780810969285
Product Description: A photographic series of life size, black-and-white portraits of historical figures taken in wax museums, isolated against black backgrounds, and dramatically lit. The book includes an interview with the artist, Sugimoto and texts by a team of art historians.


9780810969285 | Guggenheim Museum Pubns, November 1, 2000, cover price $40.00 | About this edition: A photographic series of life size, black-and-white portraits of historical figures taken in wax museums, isolated against black backgrounds, and dramatically lit.

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