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David L. Bartlett has written 21 work(s)
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9780664259655 | Westminster John Knox Pr, December 31, 2014, cover price $25.00
9780664259648 | Westminster John Knox Pr, October 27, 2014, cover price $25.00
9780664239633 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 10, 2013, cover price $35.00
Product Description: With the twelve-volume series Feasting on the Word, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive and well-respected resources for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes will cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable more
9780664239602 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 6, 2013, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: With the twelve-volume series Feasting on the Word, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive and well-respected resources for preaching on the market today.
Product Description: With this new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' more
9780664239596 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 3, 2013, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: With this new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today.
9780664239541 | Westminster John Knox Pr, June 19, 2013, cover price $35.00
9780664237134 | Westminster John Knox Pr, May 3, 2011, cover price $510.00
9780664231071 | Westminster John Knox Pr, April 12, 2011, cover price $45.00
9789350250518, titled "Surgical Oncology: Fundamentals, Evidence-Based Approaches and New Technologies" | 1 har/psc edition (Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub, April 7, 2011), cover price $204.00
9780664231064, titled "Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary Year A" | Westminster John Knox Pr, January 27, 2011, cover price $45.00
9780664231057 | Westminster John Knox Pr, October 12, 2010, cover price $45.00
9780664231040 | Westminster John Knox Pr, July 13, 2010, cover price $45.00
9780664239572, titled "Feasting on the Word, Year A: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary" | Reprint edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, August 26, 2013), cover price $35.00
9780664231033, titled "Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary: Year C" | Westminster John Knox Pr, April 12, 2010, cover price $45.00
9780664237165, titled "Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary: Year C" | Westminster John Knox Pr, December 17, 2010, cover price $170.00
9780664231019 | Westminster John Knox Pr, October 12, 2009, cover price $45.00
9780664231002 | Westminster John Knox Pr, July 29, 2009, cover price $45.00
9780664239657, titled "Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary: Year C" | Reprint edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, September 10, 2013), cover price $35.00
9780664239626 | Westminster John Knox Pr, August 29, 2013, cover price $35.00
9780664239565 | Westminster John Knox Pr, June 19, 2013, cover price $35.00
9780664231026, titled "Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C" | Westminster John Knox Pr, January 27, 2010, cover price $45.00
9780664230999 | Westminster John Knox Pr, March 30, 2009, cover price $45.00
9780664239640 | Reprint edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, September 10, 2013), cover price $35.00
9780664239619 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 6, 2013, cover price $35.00
9780664239589 | Reprint edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, September 3, 2013), cover price $35.00
9780664239558 | Reprint edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, June 19, 2013), cover price $35.00
9780664230982 | Westminster John Knox Pr, January 27, 2009, cover price $45.00
9780664230975 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 11, 2008, cover price $45.00
9780664230968 | Westminster John Knox Pr, June 11, 2008, cover price $45.00
9781556355721 | Wipf & Stock Pub, August 1, 2007, cover price $18.00
9780827204928 | Chalice Pr, September 1, 2003, cover price $21.99 | About this edition: This collection of sixteen sermons focuses on four themes of youth and young adulthood: identity, vocation, crisis, and hospitality.
9781579105556 | Wipf & Stock Pub, February 23, 2001, cover price $24.00
9780472107940 | Univ of Michigan Pr, February 1, 1997, cover price $90.00
9780827204515 | Chalice Pr, October 1, 1987, cover price $9.99
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