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Rachel Ashwell has written 10 work(s)
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9780847844944 | Rizzoli Intl Pubns, April 14, 2015, cover price $45.00
9780060523930 | Harper Design Intl, December 1, 2004, cover price $34.95 | About this edition: Provides an inexpensive approach to casual elegance, showing how to give one's home unique charm--for both everyday and special occasions--through the use of materials acquired in a local antique mall or flea market.
9780060523947 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, January 27, 2015), cover price $24.99
9780062030856 | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $10.99
9781782490432, titled "Rachel Ashwell Couture Prairie And Flea Market Treasures: And Flea Market Treasures" | Cico Books, September 1, 2013, cover price $35.00
9781906525743 | Cico Books, September 1, 2009, cover price $35.00
9780256248661, titled "Production/Operations Management: With Standard Cd-Rom Package" | 6th bk&cdr edition (Richard d Irwin, July 1, 1998), cover price $99.05 | also contains Production/Operations Management: With Standard Cd-Rom Package
9781908170804 | Cico Books, August 1, 2012, cover price $21.95
9780139519550, titled "Webster''s New World Student Writing Handbook" | 2nd edition (Macmillan General Reference, August 1, 1992), cover price $16.00 | also contains Webster''s New World Student Writing Handbook | About this edition: A reference book for writing includes guidance for resumes, letters, college and job applications, creative and technical writing, and formal and informal writing
9780060393199 | 1 edition (Regan Books, May 1, 2000), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Showcases the author's decorating style with photographs and text describing her renovation of a 1920's cottage.
9780060987688 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, June 26, 2012), cover price $24.99
9780062030849 | Harpercollins, October 5, 2010, cover price $10.99
9781907563591 | Cico Books, October 31, 2011, cover price $35.00
9780201566062, titled "Essential Mathematics" | Prentice Hall, January 27, 1992, cover price $113.20 | also contains Essential Mathematics
9780060392086 | 1 edition (Regan Books, May 1, 1998), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Describes what to look for at flea markets and garage sales, offers advice for cleaning and repairing purchases, and presents decorating ideas
9780062267443, titled "Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide" | Harper Design Intl, July 2, 2013, cover price $24.99
9780062030511, titled "Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide" | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $16.99
9780060982041 | 1 edition (Harpercollins, June 1, 1996), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: A guide to creating a unique style of home decorating that combines old-fashioned aesthetic appeal with modern practicality explains how to use fabric and paint to create effects, the art of flea-market shopping, and more
9780062007315 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, March 29, 2011), cover price $24.99
9780062030832 | Harpercollins, October 5, 2010, cover price $10.99
9780060394011 | 1 edition (Regan Books, October 1, 2001), cover price $27.95 | About this edition: Suggests ways to use secondhand and found items to create personalized gifts, offering inspirational, theme-based, decorative, and presentation ideas.
9780756761059 | Diane Pub Co, October 1, 2003, cover price $28.00 | About this edition: Rachel Ashwell‘s newest book, The Shabby Chic Gift of Giving, shows how to apply the elegant, practical ‘Shabby Chic‘ style to the art of gift giving.
9780062030863 | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $14.99
9781907030505 | Gardners Books, October 7, 2009, cover price $41.45
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