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Rachel Ashwell has written 10 work(s)
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Cover for 9780847844944 Cover for 9780060523930 Cover for 9780060523947 Cover for 9781782490432 Cover for 9780256248661 Cover for 9781906525743 Cover for 9780139519550 Cover for 9781908170804 Cover for 9780060393199 Cover for 9780060987688 Cover for 9780062030849 Cover for 9781907563591 Cover for 9780060392086 Cover for 9780062267443 Cover for 9780060982041 Cover for 9780062007315 Cover for 9780060394011 Cover for 9780062030863
cover image for 9780060523947
Provides an inexpensive approach to casual elegance, showing how to give one's home unique charm--for both everyday and special occasions--through the use of materials acquired in a local antique mall or flea market.


9780060523930 | Harper Design Intl, December 1, 2004, cover price $34.95 | About this edition: Provides an inexpensive approach to casual elegance, showing how to give one's home unique charm--for both everyday and special occasions--through the use of materials acquired in a local antique mall or flea market.


9780060523947 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, January 27, 2015), cover price $24.99


9780062030856 | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $10.99

cover image for 9781782490432


9781782490432, titled "Rachel Ashwell Couture Prairie And Flea Market Treasures: And Flea Market Treasures" | Cico Books, September 1, 2013, cover price $35.00

cover image for 9781908170804
A reference book for writing includes guidance for resumes, letters, college and job applications, creative and technical writing, and formal and informal writing
By Rachel Ashwell and Amy Neunsinger (photographer)


9781906525743 | Cico Books, September 1, 2009, cover price $35.00
9780256248661, titled "Production/Operations Management: With Standard Cd-Rom Package" | 6th bk&cdr edition (Richard d Irwin, July 1, 1998), cover price $99.05 | also contains Production/Operations Management: With Standard Cd-Rom Package


9781908170804 | Cico Books, August 1, 2012, cover price $21.95
9780139519550, titled "Webster''s New World Student Writing Handbook" | 2nd edition (Macmillan General Reference, August 1, 1992), cover price $16.00 | also contains Webster''s New World Student Writing Handbook | About this edition: A reference book for writing includes guidance for resumes, letters, college and job applications, creative and technical writing, and formal and informal writing

cover image for 9780060987688
Showcases the author's decorating style with photographs and text describing her renovation of a 1920's cottage.


9780060393199 | 1 edition (Regan Books, May 1, 2000), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Showcases the author's decorating style with photographs and text describing her renovation of a 1920's cottage.


9780060987688 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, June 26, 2012), cover price $24.99


9780062030849 | Harpercollins, October 5, 2010, cover price $10.99

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9781907563591 | Cico Books, October 31, 2011, cover price $35.00


9780201566062, titled "Essential Mathematics" | Prentice Hall, January 27, 1992, cover price $113.20 | also contains Essential Mathematics

cover image for 9780062267443
Describes what to look for at flea markets and garage sales, offers advice for cleaning and repairing purchases, and presents decorating ideas


9780060392086 | 1 edition (Regan Books, May 1, 1998), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Describes what to look for at flea markets and garage sales, offers advice for cleaning and repairing purchases, and presents decorating ideas


9780062267443, titled "Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide" | Harper Design Intl, July 2, 2013, cover price $24.99


9780062030511, titled "Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide" | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $16.99

cover image for 9780062007315
A guide to creating a unique style of home decorating that combines old-fashioned aesthetic appeal with modern practicality explains how to use fabric and paint to create effects, the art of flea-market shopping, and more
By Rachel Ashwell and Glynis Costin (contributor)


9780060982041 | 1 edition (Harpercollins, June 1, 1996), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: A guide to creating a unique style of home decorating that combines old-fashioned aesthetic appeal with modern practicality explains how to use fabric and paint to create effects, the art of flea-market shopping, and more


9780062007315 | Reprint edition (Harper Design Intl, March 29, 2011), cover price $24.99


9780062030832 | Harpercollins, October 5, 2010, cover price $10.99

cover image for 9780062030863
Suggests ways to use secondhand and found items to create personalized gifts, offering inspirational, theme-based, decorative, and presentation ideas.


9780060394011 | 1 edition (Regan Books, October 1, 2001), cover price $27.95 | About this edition: Suggests ways to use secondhand and found items to create personalized gifts, offering inspirational, theme-based, decorative, and presentation ideas.


9780756761059 | Diane Pub Co, October 1, 2003, cover price $28.00 | About this edition: Rachel Ashwell‘s newest book, The Shabby Chic Gift of Giving, shows how to apply the elegant, practical ‘Shabby Chic‘ style to the art of gift giving.


9780062030863 | Harpercollins, October 12, 2010, cover price $14.99

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