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Frank Asch has written 99 work(s)
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Cover for 9781250079596 Cover for 9780805089776 Cover for 9781442466760 Cover for 9781442466784 Cover for 9781442466487 Cover for 9781442466470 Cover for 9781442466487 Cover for 9783905999624 Cover for 9780395858363 Cover for 9780671664565 Cover for 9780153002854 Cover for 9780671664572 Cover for 9780606362931 Cover for 9780808536888 Cover for 9781442005136 Cover for 9780819310774 Cover for 9780448403199 Cover for 9780836808803 Cover for 9780606362900 Cover for 9780395865309 Cover for 9781442466708 Cover for 9781442466630 Cover for 9781563832796 Cover for 9781442466623 Cover for 9780606362894 Cover for 9781435249479 Cover for 9780819310873 Cover for 9780373245192 Cover for 9780448401034 Cover for 9781563832802 Cover for 9780836808780 Cover for 9780606362924 Cover for 9781771385473 Cover for 9780689853104 Cover for 9780689822445 Cover for 9780606254991 Cover for 9780606357661 Cover for 9780689835193 Cover for 9780606186254 Cover for 9780833524522 Cover for 9780590454889 Cover for 9780590454872 Cover for 9780606065788 Cover for 9780606357685 Cover for 9780785735588 Cover for 9781442494299 Cover for 9780689835162 Cover for 9780689846526 Cover for 9781481436243 Cover for 9781481436250 Cover for 9780689846557 Cover for 9780689846564 Cover for 9781481436274 Cover for 9781553374862 Cover for 9781771381178 Cover for 9781442494046 Cover for 9780590339650 Cover for 9780671664558 Cover for 9780689835445 Cover for 9780813606989 Cover for 9781416903079 Cover for 9780689835438 Cover for 9780606006583 Cover for 9780613632935 Cover for 9780808566564 Cover for 9781442007130 Cover for 9781442494060 Cover for 9781442494091
cover image for 9781250079596
By Ed Young (illustrator)


9781250079596 | Square Fish, August 23, 2016, cover price $8.99

School and Library:

9780805089776 | Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, May 11, 2010, cover price $16.99

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9781442466760 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, June 14, 2016), cover price $7.99

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School and Library:

9781442466784 | Aladdin Paperbacks, April 19, 2016, cover price $16.99

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9781442466487 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 22, 2016), cover price $7.99 | also contains Moonbear's Sunrise

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9781442466470 | Aladdin Paperbacks, March 4, 2014, cover price $16.99


9781442466487 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 22, 2016), cover price $7.99 | also contains Moonbear's Sunrise

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9783905999624 | Nieves, November 24, 2015, cover price $25.00

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A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.


9780395858363, titled "Bruculinu, America: Remembrances of Sicilian-American Brooklyn, Told in Stories and Recipes" | Chapters Pub Ltd, April 1, 1998, cover price $24.00 | also contains Bruculinu, America: Remembrances of Sicilian-American Brooklyn, Told in Stories and Recipes
9780671664565 | Aladdin Paperbacks, October 1, 1988, cover price $13.00 | About this edition: A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.


9780153002854 | Big edition (Harcourt School, June 1, 1993), cover price $73.25
9780671664572 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 1, 1984), cover price $6.99 | About this edition: A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.


9780606362931 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, April 14, 2015), cover price $17.20
9781442005136 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, April 9, 2009), cover price $14.99
9780808536888 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $17.20 | About this edition: A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.

cover image for 9780606362900
Ben paints a picture of his mother, with a little help from his animal friends


9780819310774 | Dutton Childrens Books, April 1, 1982, cover price $5.95 | About this edition: Ben paints a picture of his mother, with a little help from his animal friends


9780448403199 | Reprint edition (Price Stern Sloan, February 1, 1992), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: Ben paints a picture of his mother, with a little help from his animal friends


9780836808803 | Reissue edition (Gareth Stevens Pub, November 1, 1992), cover price $18.60 | About this edition: Ben paints a picture of his mother, with a little help from Owl, Rabbit, Alligator, Elephant, Lion, and Giraffe


9780606362900 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, October 31, 2015), cover price $17.20

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9781442466708 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 10, 2015), cover price $6.99
9780395865309, titled "Cal 98 Tasha Tudors Engagement" | Houghton Mifflin School, August 1, 1997, cover price $15.95 | also contains Cal 98 Tasha Tudors Engagement, Sand Cake, Sand Cake

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9781442466630 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 10, 2015), cover price $6.99 | also contains Popcorn
9781563832796 | Ill edition (Cq Products, August 8, 2007), cover price $6.00

School and Library:

9781442466623 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 10, 2015), cover price $16.99 | also contains Popcorn


9780606362894 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, March 10, 2015), cover price $17.20 | also contains Popcorn
9781435249479 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, April 18, 2008), cover price $17.00 | also contains Popcorn

cover image for 9780606362924
While sleeping at his grandparents' house, Baby Bear dreams that a dragon ate up all the milk and cookies in the house


9780819310873 | Parents Magazine Pr, October 1, 1982, cover price $5.95 | About this edition: While sleeping at his grandparents' house, Baby Bear dreams that a dragon ate up all the milk and cookies in the house


9781563832802 | Cq Products, August 8, 2007, cover price $6.00
9780373245192, titled "Her Healing Touch" | Harlequin Books, February 1, 2003, cover price $4.75 | also contains Her Healing Touch
9780448401034 | Reprint edition (Price Stern Sloan, April 1, 1991), cover price $2.95 | About this edition: While sleeping at his grandparents' house, Baby Bear dreams that a dragon ate up all the milk and cookies in the house


9780836808780 | Reissue edition (Gareth Stevens Pub, August 1, 1992), cover price $19.93 | About this edition: While sleeping at his grandfather's house, Baby Bear dreams that a dragon ate up all the milk and cookies in the house


9780606362924 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, March 10, 2015), cover price $17.20

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9781771385473, titled "I Can Roar!" | Board book edition (Kids Can Pr, August 1, 2015), cover price $14.95

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When Moonbear and his friend Little Bird see a kangaroo in the backyard, they think they must be dreaming, so they do things they would not do if they were awake.


9780689853104 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, September 1, 2002), cover price $6.99 | About this edition: When Moonbear and his friend Little Bird see a kangaroo in the backyard, they think they must be dreaming, so they do things they would not do if they were awake.

School and Library:

9780689822445 | Simon & Schuster, September 1, 1999, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: When Moonbear and his friend Little Bird see a kangaroo in the backyard, they think they must be dreaming, so they do things they would not do if they were awake


9780606254991 | Demco Media, December 1, 2002, cover price $15.81


9780606357661 | Turtleback Books, August 19, 2014, cover price $18.40
9780613958608 | Turtleback Books, September 1, 2002, cover price $15.80 | About this edition: When Moonbear and his friend Little Bird see a kangaroo in the backyard, they think they must be dreaming, so they do things they would not do if they were awake.

Bear tries everything he can think of to get rid of his shadow.


9780689835193, titled "Moonbear's Shadow" | Revised edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 1, 2000), cover price $6.99 | About this edition: Bear tries everything he can think of to get rid of his shadow.


9780606186254, titled "Moonbear's Shadow" | Demco Media, November 1, 2000, cover price $15.85 | About this edition: Bear tries everything he can think of to get rid of his shadow.


9780606357647, titled "Moonbear's Shadow" | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, August 19, 2014), cover price $18.40
9780833524522 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $17.20 | About this edition: Bear tries everything he can think of to get rid of his shadow.

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Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon


9780590454889 | Scholastic, May 1, 1994, cover price $5.99 | About this edition: Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon

School and Library:

9780590454872 | Scholastic, May 1, 1993, cover price $12.95 | About this edition: Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon


9780606065788 | Demco Media, May 1, 1994, cover price $13.70 | About this edition: Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon


9780606357685 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, August 19, 2014), cover price $18.40
9780785735588 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $14.15 | About this edition: Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon

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9781442494299 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, August 19, 2014), cover price $7.99

Bear envys Bird's ability to fly, and little Bird wishes he were big and strong like robust Bear, leading the pair to strike a thoroughly charming deal.


9780689835162, titled "Moonbear's Bargain" | Aladdin Paperbacks, April 1, 1999, cover price $5.99 | About this edition: Bear envys Bird's ability to fly, and little Bird wishes he were big and strong like robust Bear, leading the pair to strike a thoroughly charming deal.


9780606186247, titled "Moonbear's Bargain" | Demco Media, April 1, 2000, cover price $14.26


9780606357678, titled "Moonbear's Bargain" | Turtleback Books, August 19, 2014, cover price $18.40
9780833527110, titled "Moonbear's Bargain" | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $14.55 | About this edition: Bear envys Bird's ability to fly, and little Bird wishes he were big and strong like robust Bear, leading the pair to strike a thoroughly charming deal.

cover image for 9781481436243
Molly and her brother Jake are two mice in search of the perfect home when they enter P.S. #42, but they soon discover that the school has as many dangers as wonders--including the ghost of a class pet.
By Frank Asch and John Kanzler (illustrator)


9781481436243 | Aladdin Paperbacks, June 24, 2014, cover price $13.99
9780689846526 | Aladdin Paperbacks, July 1, 2003, cover price $3.99 | About this edition: Molly and her brother Jake are two mice in search of the perfect home when they enter P.


9780606292849 | Demco Media, October 1, 2003, cover price $12.47 | About this edition: Molly and her brother Jake are two mice in search of the perfect home when they enter P.

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Product Description: It's late at night and Big Gray, the monster cat, is on the prowl. Brother and sister mice Molly and Jake are safe inside the walls of P.S. 42, building their nests. Jake should have listened to Molly's advice and stayed inside. But he wants nothing to do with the school, class pets, or even more
By Frank Asch and John Kanzler (illustrator)


9781481436250 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, June 24, 2014), cover price $13.99 | About this edition: It's late at night and Big Gray, the monster cat, is on the prowl.

School and Library:

9780689846557 | Simon & Schuster, June 1, 2003, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Molly and Jake begin to settle into their new home in Public School Forty-Two, behind the nail hole in Miss Clark's room.


9780606307222 | Demco Media, October 30, 2004, cover price $12.50 | About this edition: It's late at night and Big Gray, the monster cat, is on the prowl.

cover image for 9781481436274
After Miss Clark brings a new class pet, Dexter the gerbil, into the classroom, Dexter soon escapes from his cage and it is up to brother and sister mice, Molly and Jake, to show him how to survive on his own.
By Frank Asch and John Kanzler (illustrator)


9781481436274 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, June 24, 2014), cover price $13.99
9780689846564 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, November 1, 2004), cover price $6.99 | About this edition: After Miss Clark brings a new class pet, Dexter the gerbil, into the classroom, Dexter soon escapes from his cage and it is up to brother and sister mice, Molly and Jake, to show him how to survive on his own.


9780606326643 | Demco Media, November 30, 2004, cover price $12.47 | About this edition: After Miss Clark brings a new class pet, Dexter the gerbil, into the classroom, Dexter soon escapes from his cage and it is up to brother and sister mice, Molly and Jake, to show him how to survive on his own.

cover image for 9781771381178
While celebrating his new promotion at his favorite restaurant, Paw and Claw, Mr. Maxwell orders the 'live' mouse special and gets more than he bargained for when his dinner arrives with a little garnish--and quite an attitude!
By Devin Asch (introduced by) and Frank Asch


9781553374862 | Kids Can Pr, November 1, 2004, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: While celebrating his new promotion at his favorite restaurant, Paw and Claw, Mr.


9781771381178 | Kids Can Pr, April 1, 2014, cover price $8.95

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9781442494046 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 4, 2014), cover price $16.99

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Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present


9780671671457 | Har/cas edition (Simon & Schuster Merchandise &, October 1, 1988), cover price $7.95 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present


9781416903079 | Aladdin Paperbacks, May 17, 2005, cover price $4.99 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present.
9780689835445 | Revised edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, December 1, 1999), cover price $7.99
9780813606989 | Big spi edition (Modern Curriculum Pr, June 1, 1990), cover price $29.50
9780590339650 | Scholastic Paperbacks, June 1, 1988, cover price $2.50
9780671664558 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, August 1, 1985), cover price $5.95 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present

School and Library:

9780689835438 | Revised edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, June 1, 2000), cover price $17.99 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present


9780606006583 | Demco Media, August 1, 1985, cover price $15.81 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present


9781442007130 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, April 9, 2009), cover price $15.99
9780613632935 | Turtleback Books, July 1, 2003, cover price $17.20 | About this edition: Bear climbs a mountain to find out when the moon's birthday is so that he can buy the moon a birthday present.
9780808566564 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $15.00 | About this edition: Bear travels to the highest mountaintop to find out what to give the Moon for its birthday and discovers a delightful surprise -- the Moon has the same birthday as Bear.

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9781442494060 | Reprint edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 4, 2014), cover price $7.99

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9781442494091 | Reissue edition (Aladdin Paperbacks, March 4, 2014), cover price $7.99

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