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Martin C. Albl has written 5 work(s)
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Cover for 9789004114173 Cover for 9781599820606 Cover for 9781589830929 Cover for 9781599826325
cover image for 9789004114173
Product Description: This work argues that many early Christian quotations of the Old Testament derive not from scriptural manuscripts, but rather from authoritative written testimonia collections developed to support basic Christian beliefs. Combining recent patristic studies (notably on Justin and Barnabas) and evidence from Qumran with detailed examination of quotations in the New Testament, the book builds a fresh case for a neglected scholarly more


9789004114173 | Brill Academic Pub, June 1, 1999, cover price $226.00 | About this edition: This work argues that many early Christian quotations of the Old Testament derive not from scriptural manuscripts, but rather from authoritative written testimonia collections developed to support basic Christian beliefs.

cover image for 9781599820606


9781599820606 | Student edition (St Marys Pr, January 11, 2011), cover price $27.95

cover image for 9781589830929
Product Description: This volume provides the first translation into any modern language of Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa’s Testimonies against the Jews, a late fourth-century C.E. example of the scriptural testimonia genre. In this genre early Christians compiled biblical quotations, arranged under topical headings and accompanied by interpretive remarks, that functioned as “testimonies” in support of basic Christian beliefs and more
By Martin C. Albl (trans)


9781589830929 | Society of Biblical Literature, November 30, 2004, cover price $23.95 | About this edition: This volume provides the first translation into any modern language of Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa’s Testimonies against the Jews, a late fourth-century C.

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