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Akintunde E. Akinade has written 4 work(s)
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9781137441188 | Palgrave Macmillan, July 10, 2014, cover price $100.00
Product Description: In the twenty-first century, no one can ignore the complex paradigms connected with the precarious relationship between Christians and Muslims all over the globe. Since the seventh century, Christians and Muslims have interacted with one another in a variety of more
9781433104749 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, December 28, 2012, cover price $78.95 | About this edition: In the twenty-first century, no one can ignore the complex paradigms connected with the precarious relationship between Christians and Muslims all over the globe.
Product Description: This work provides an overview of Nigerian Christianity. it covers issues such as Pentecostalism, Charismatism, gender dynamics, Muslim-Christian relations, and the arts and performance in Christian traditions as they are transforming contemporary Nigerian more
9789788422228 | Malthouse Pr, January 31, 2010, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: This work provides an overview of Nigerian Christianity.
9781570750847 | Orbis Books, November 1, 1996, cover price $25.00
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