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Joel D. Aberbach has written 6 work(s)
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9781138679320 | Routledge, August 19, 2016, cover price $150.00
9781138679337 | Reprint edition (Routledge, August 19, 2016), cover price $49.95
9780195173932 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, October 27, 2005, cover price $75.00
9780195309157 | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand, January 26, 2006, cover price $39.99
Product Description: Most people think of governmental bureaucracy as a dull subject. Yet for thirty years the American federal executive has been awash in political controversy. From George Wallace's attacks on "pointy headed bureaucrats," to Richard Nixon's "responsiveness program," to the efforts of Al Gore and Bill Clinton to "reinvent government," the people who administer the American state have stood uncomfortably in the spotlight, caught in a web of more
9780815700623 | Brookings Inst Pr, March 1, 2000, cover price $46.95 | About this edition: Most people think of governmental bureaucracy as a dull subject.
9780815700616 | Brookings Inst Pr, February 1, 2000, cover price $22.95
9781563243257 | M E Sharpe Inc, April 1, 1997, cover price $175.00
9781563243264 | M E Sharpe Inc, April 1, 1997, cover price $52.95
Product Description: Congressional oversight activity has increased dramatically since the early 1970s. Congressional committees now spend more of their time holding hearings to review the activities of federal agencies, and committee staff members are busy collecting information about what goes on during program more
9780815700609 | Brookings Inst Pr, February 1, 1990, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: Congressional oversight activity has increased dramatically since the early 1970s.
9780815700593 | Brookings Inst Pr, February 1, 1991, cover price $22.95 | About this edition: Congressional oversight activity has increased dramatically since the early 1970s.
In uneasy partnership at the helm of the modern state stand elected party politicians and professional bureaucrats. This book is the first comprehensive comparison of these two powerful elites. In seven countries--the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and the Netherlands--researchers questioned 700 bureaucrats and 6OO politicians in an effort to understand how their aims, attitudes, and ambitions differ within cultural settings. One of the authors' most significant findings is that the worlds of these two elites overlap much more in the United States than in Europe. But throughout the West bureaucrats and politicians each wear special blinders and each have special virtues. In a well-ordered polity, the authors conclude, politicians articulate society's dreams and bureaucrats bring them gingerly to earth.
9780674086258 | Harvard Univ Pr, October 21, 1981, cover price $29.50 | About this edition: In uneasy partnership at the helm of the modern state stand elected party politicians and professional bureaucrats.
9780674086272 | Reprint edition (Harvard Univ Pr, January 1, 1983), cover price $35.00
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